C Series Info

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Quote: The things going on in the 350 program right now... really makes one wonder how it got so bad... or shall I say good? I guess it depends on how you look at it, but people have more than made up for lost pensions on that jet, top to bottom. I’ve never seen anything remotely like it. A lot of great deals going around for those in the know. It makes me wonder, just how did they know? And how is there a Captain on that jet with a 5800ish seniority number?
Marketing doesn't want the jet to fly domestic because (as I heard) it is a premium international product. The requirements for qualification with that limit make the logistics of training what they are. It was painfully obvious to me last August how this would go down.

And not everybody on that jet is making the yuge dollars.
Just for Fun
Quote: Just for Fun
Pretty cool ad.
Any updates? I know that air Baltic a couple days ago ordered 30 more with options for 30 of the 300 model
Quote: Any updates? I know that air Baltic a couple days ago ordered 30 more with options for 30 of the 300 model
I’m sure that was welcome news up there, eh?
Looks like the AirBus agreement closes at the end of June...
Puddy Airways...all C series new airline in the works.

Quote: Puddy Airways...all C series new airline in the works.

It sounds like an airline that will increase system capacity, reduce fares, hurt profit margins of existing airlines, and shut down in a few years after they've burned through all their cash.
Quote: It sounds like an airline that will increase system capacity, reduce fares, hurt profit margins of existing airlines, and shut down in a few years after they've burned through all their cash.
David Neeleman.

Nuff said. The guy is addicted to airline startups.

So new jet flying to, sigh, secondary airports and maybe large airports at off peak times... like JFK.

Quote: It sounds like an airline that will increase system capacity, reduce fares, hurt profit margins of existing airlines, and shut down in a few years after they've burned through all their cash.
If it can make it a few years, it will probably be bought by another airline vs shut down. The market for airlines is hot right now, and probably will be for another decade.

The Cseries was built to do that type of flying.
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