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Old 08-30-2020, 07:20 AM
Bracing for Fallacies
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Originally Posted by ChazzMMichaels
I guess you think defending white supremacists is grown-up and looks good then. Ok. All the killing is being done by right-wing nut jobs by the way. But you knew that didn’t you? And who is stoking those nut jobs to act? There’s a trend you might want to think about.
That is a nasty slander based on nothing. You are a bad person for outright saying that. Now its up on the internet forever that you throw out connecting people to white supremecy like its no big deal. If you are going to slander me,like that you should either put up the citation or leave. Words have meaning.

second bolded also not true. And who is committing assaults on random innocent citizens?

3rd bolded; average citizens including *airline crew* are under threat of mobs. Being slandered as you did to me. Daily. That also affects your employment. This is a vicious wave, not one off events. If Trump wins this violence and mayhem will increase and I guarantee airports and your overnights will be mobbed.

PS I was likely to support Tulsi Gabbard. I think she would have picked an experienced VP with character. Pigeon hole that.
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Old 08-30-2020, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by block30
That is a nasty slander based on nothing. You are a bad person for outright saying that. If you are going to slander me,like that you should either put up the citation or leave. Words have meaning.

second bolded also not true. And who is committing assaults on random innocent citizens?

3rd bolded; average citizens including *airline crew* are under threat of mobs. Being slandered as you did to me. Daily. That also affects your employment. This is a vicious wave, not one off events. If Trump wins this violence and mayhem will increase and I guarantee airports and your overnights will be mobbed.

PS I was likely to support Tulsi Gabbard. I think she would have picked an experienced VP with character. Pigeon hole that.
Ok I would like to take this down a notch, so if I offended you I apologize. I did take offense to what you called a peaceful protest. White men marching at night with torches chanting nazi slogans, and then one of them kills a counter protester. My great-grandfather was a Jew in Germany and had to flee these types of creeps to survive their genocide. I can’t imagine either party in the US defending these people in any way or thinking that walking down the street calling essentially for a continuation of Jewish genocide is peaceful.
To your second point I will cite the recent murders in Kenosha in addition to the one already stated in Charlottesville. A stupid act of a 17 year old kid, but I think it’s clear that he didn’t just come up with the idea on his own. I despise any and all violence that is happening at protests, but right wing leadership and media is portraying it in a way that one thinks entire cities are under siege and then encouraging civilians to go be vigilantes. I feel like your third point is a reflection of this. I’m in one of these liberal cities and it’s just nothing like what the right is trying to portray it as. (Unless you’re senior to me and thinking of moving here, in which case it’s awful and you should definitely stay away). However I do acknowledge there are groups that are out of control and need to be held to account. They are definitely hurting the legitimate message of the majority who are peaceful.
Finally, I also think I understand where you’re coming from. I also grew up a poor white kid. But I’ve seen enough that I feel there’s a difference between what my struggles as a poor white kid were vs a poor black kid. I’ve seen it firsthand in the southern town I grew up in. I still had advantages they did not, because even if only that I wasn’t initially judged by my skin color. But it goes way deeper than that. Again I apologize for any overheating and offense. I think we all share most of our values when the politics and spin are out of the picture.
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Old 08-30-2020, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by ChazzMMichaels
Ok I would like to take this down a notch, so if I offended you I apologize. I did take offense to what you called a peaceful protest. White men marching at night with torches chanting nazi slogans, and then one of them kills a counter protester. My great-grandfather was a Jew in Germany and had to flee these types of creeps to survive their genocide. I can’t imagine either party in the US defending these people in any way or thinking that walking down the street calling essentially for a continuation of Jewish genocide is peaceful.
To your second point I will cite the recent murders in Kenosha in addition to the one already stated in Charlottesville. A stupid act of a 17 year old kid, but I think it’s clear that he didn’t just come up with the idea on his own. I despise any and all violence that is happening at protests, but right wing leadership and media is portraying it in a way that one thinks entire cities are under siege and then encouraging civilians to go be vigilantes. I feel like your third point is a reflection of this. I’m in one of these liberal cities and it’s just nothing like what the right is trying to portray it as. (Unless you’re senior to me and thinking of moving here, in which case it’s awful and you should definitely stay away). However I do acknowledge there are groups that are out of control and need to be held to account. They are definitely hurting the legitimate message of the majority who are peaceful.
Finally, I also think I understand where you’re coming from. I also grew up a poor white kid. But I’ve seen enough that I feel there’s a difference between what my struggles as a poor white kid were vs a poor black kid. I’ve seen it firsthand in the southern town I grew up in. I still had advantages they did not, because even if only that I wasn’t initially judged by my skin color. But it goes way deeper than that. Again I apologize for any overheating and offense. I think we all share most of our values when the politics and spin are out of the picture.
Who set fire on round 1 of MSP riots that burned a man to death in his pawn shop?
Who murdered David Dorn?
Who created a "state" inside a city, handed out weapons and subsequently executed 3 people?
Who was in the grey Dodge Durango when the 19 year old African-American kid protestor was murdered in Detroit?
Who killed the contract police officer in Oakland?

Who is responsible for over 18 riot related deaths since February?

Chazz, you always conveniently leave out facts.
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Old 08-30-2020, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Phins2right
Who set fire on round 1 of MSP riots that burned a man to death in his pawn shop?
Who murdered David Dorn?
Who created a "state" inside a city, handed out weapons and subsequently executed 3 people?
Who was in the grey Dodge Durango when the 19 year old African-American kid protestor was murdered in Detroit?
Who killed the contract police officer in Oakland?

Who is responsible for over 18 riot related deaths since February?

Chazz, you always conveniently leave out facts.
Criminals and murderers who I hope are found and prosecuted. I reject your insinuation that the majority of protesters support or incite this. They are criminal opportunists taking advantage of the situation. And I’ll admit there are far left factions that are in the wrong. But Dem leaders are denouncing this violence and calling for peaceful protests. Right wing leaders are misrepresenting the protests, stoking divisions and condoning civilians who go into the situation armed and make it worse. The right wing is relishing the violence that they feel they can blame on the left. We need a leader that can calm tensions instead of throwing fuel on the fire.

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Old 08-30-2020, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by TED74
An excerpt from a review of Bloom's book:

"Empathy, he argues, is “a poor moral guide” in almost all realms of life, whether it’s public policy, private charity or interpersonal relationships. “Empathy is biased, pushing us in the direction of parochialism and racism,” he writes. Offended? He’s just warming up. “It is innumerate,” he continues, “favoring the one over the many. It can spark violence; our empathy for those close to us is a powerful force for war and atrocity toward others.”It turns out that Mr. Bloom’s view is far more nuanced than the provocative declaration above. (There are moments when he fireproofs his arguments with so many qualifications that they’re hardly inflammatory by the time he’s done.) And he is by no means making the case for heartlessness. His point, rather, is that empathy is untempered by reason, emanating from the murky bayou of the gut. He prefers a kind of rational compassion — a mixture of caring and detached cost-benefit analysis. His book is a systematic attempt to show why this is so."
Haven’t read the book, but just a quick observation on this take... cost-benefit analysis requires data. However, data without context has no value. I would assert that without the ability or effort to understand another’s perspective, aka empathy, you cannot have a complete understanding of context. If that’s what is meant by caring then ok, but then it just seems like a book about semantics.

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Old 08-30-2020, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by ChazzMMichaels
To your second point I will cite the recent murders in Kenosha in addition to the one already stated in Charlottesville. A stupid act of a 17 year old kid, but I think it’s clear that he didn’t just come up with the idea on his own. I despise any and all violence that is happening at protests, but right wing leadership and media is portraying it in a way that one thinks entire cities are under siege and then encouraging civilians to go be vigilantes. I feel like your third point is a reflection of this. I’m in one of these liberal cities and it’s just nothing like what the right is trying to portray it as. (Unless you’re senior to me and thinking of moving here, in which case it’s awful and you should definitely stay away). However I do acknowledge there are groups that are out of control and need to be held to account. They are definitely hurting the legitimate message of the majority who are peaceful..
I will caveat my statement by saying that not all the facts are known at this point, but there seems to be overwhelming evidence at this point that this was self defense against a mob. I’m guessing had he been unarmed and the mob killed him you would be silent about it
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Old 08-30-2020, 09:37 AM
In the pool
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Originally Posted by Jaww
People like that aren’t worthy of the things they have been given. I’ll never get people like you. The flag is a beacon of hope and a symbol of what can and should be great for all man. It isn’t perfect but it has progressed through time to mean better things and expand on what the American dream is. Unbelievable.
I’ve seen you quote from the Hebrew Scriptures on here, so I’ll make an assumption that you are a follower of Jesus? If so, then you would claim to believe that there is only one beacon of hope, and that is Jesus and the way of his Kingdom. America is not that way. It is just another in a long list of Babylons. It is another in a long list of empires that will fall. Its greatest and most dangerous accomplishment has been to convince followers of Jesus that it can fulfill His calling through its power.
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Old 08-30-2020, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Gone Flying
I will caveat my statement by saying that not all the facts are known at this point, but there seems to be overwhelming evidence at this point that this was self defense against a mob. I’m guessing had he been unarmed and the mob killed him you would be silent about it
This accusation is the kind of divisiveness that is tearing our country apart. You are insinuating that I would condone murder if the victim was in the opposite party. I’m against all the violence, far-left or far-right. And yes it is there from both. I think there needs to be better leadership to stem the violence, on both sides. This started with me pointing out that someone was doing exactly what you’re accusing me of, ignoring violence from the other side. That 17 year old kid never should have been out there with a gun. Also the protesters shouldn’t have been out there after curfew. Which factor bears more weight? Does it matter? The partisan divide is blinding us all. I fear it may be too late to reconcile.

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Old 08-30-2020, 10:29 AM
Rerouted On Weekends
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Originally Posted by jmcharles
I’ve seen you quote from the Hebrew Scriptures on here, so I’ll make an assumption that you are a follower of Jesus? If so, then you would claim to believe that there is only one beacon of hope, and that is Jesus and the way of his Kingdom. America is not that way. It is just another in a long list of Babylons. It is another in a long list of empires that will fall. Its greatest and most dangerous accomplishment has been to convince followers of Jesus that it can fulfill His calling through its power.
What off ramp did you take on this conversation? I’ll use Buddhist, Canadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Islamic, etc proverbs/verses/etc to help prove a widely held moral point.
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Old 08-30-2020, 10:35 AM
Rerouted On Weekends
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Originally Posted by ChazzMMichaels
This accusation is the kind of divisiveness that is tearing our country apart. You are insinuating that I would condone murder if the victim was in the opposite party. I’m against all the violence, far-left or far-right. And yes it is there from both. I think there needs to be better leadership to stem the violence, on both sides. This started with me pointing out that someone was doing exactly what you’re accusing me of, ignoring violence from the other side. That 17 year old kid never should have been out there with a gun. Also the protesters shouldn’t have been out there after curfew. Which factor bears more weight? Does it matter? The partisan divide is blinding us all. I fear it may be too late to reconcile.

So, how do respectable people engage with people who wantonly disregard the rule of law? How does that conversation happen? Because if I walked up to a protest ready to listen, I’d probably get beat up or worse.

And before you all get upset, I am genuinely asking, you have my ear? Why should I risk my life to engage with protesters when they all say how much they hate me? Seems like that would be a Darwin Award.
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