Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Apply that net growth rate to DL and see how many growth jets that would take. At least we won't merge with them until they get the growth, that way the plug on AK property today will jump thousands of DL numbers.
So the arbitrator(s) would award straight relative seniority?
Quote: Obama, Romney At Odds Over Approach To Labor
I think it boils down to a difference between not being able to strike with or without cameras on the flight deck audited by management.

Well that and the absolutely worthless rules "helping" unmotivated groups that don't even have 50% willing to cast a vote become "unionized". That does nothing to help the profesion and I hope it stays out of the process.
Quote: So the arbitrator(s) would award straight relative seniority?
I seriously doubt that would happen...
Quote: They aren't all growth airplanes. 2/3 of them are replacement aircraft.
It's a net growth of 17 airplanes over the next 10 years. Better than shrinkage.
Quote: It's a net growth of 17 airplanes over the next 10 years. Better than shrinkage.
We supposedly have a net growth of 71 aircraft over the next 3.... (hopefully???)
Quote: So the arbitrator(s) would award straight relative seniority?
At least within narrowbody equivalent positions yes, its very likely they would looking at the last 3 arbitrated lists.

I would hope DALPA would fight it tooth and nail, but at the end of the day it may be the sandwich we are fed. At that point all we'd have left are massive 20-30 year fences, which would become a necessary evil.
Quote: Now that I've had nearly a year on the Maddog, there are some things I like:

- Reversers - they're awesome, sometimes I don't have to touch the brakes
- Brakes - much more powerful
- Electric paralleling - no more power interruptions

- They're all configured the same. MD-90's have too many varieties from too many countries. Where's the cargo fire warning panel? How do I test this transponder?

- Flaps 23 - Dive Dive Dive!
- It's quieter up front compared to the Bus

I'll be on the Maddog for some time, and I don't mind.
The differences on the 90 are negligible. Try moving to the 757. What kind of printer is that?! Where'd the ACARS go? What's a 757-300? Where do I plug my headset in again? What kind of Comm panel is this?
Quote: Now that I've had nearly a year on the Maddog, there are some things I like:

- Reversers - they're awesome, sometimes I don't have to touch the brakes
- Brakes - much more powerful
- Electric paralleling - no more power interruptions

- They're all configured the same. MD-90's have too many varieties from too many countries. Where's the cargo fire warning panel? How do I test this transponder?

- Flaps 23 - Dive Dive Dive!
- It's quieter up front compared to the Bus

I'll be on the Maddog for some time, and I don't mind.
The differences on the 90 are negligible. Try moving to the 757. What kind of printer is that?! Where'd the ACARS go? What's a 757-300? Where do I plug my headset in again? What kind of Comm panel is this?
Excellent point! Maybe someday I'll experience it.
Quote: The differences on the 90 are negligible. Try moving to the 757. What kind of printer is that?! Where'd the ACARS go? What's a 757-300? Where do I plug my headset in again? What kind of Comm panel is this?
The weirdest differences I ever encountered was on the 737-200. Most of the fleet was the same, but there were some we called the twisted sisters, nobody knew how to work the autopilots so most folks just handflew them until cruise and handflew back down.

correction, to make this legally defensible for APC, I'll say I didn't know how to work the autopilots on the sisters, I'm sure someone did.
You are one miserable person. How do you make it through a day?
what makes me miserable is the knowledge that so many of my coworkers are so hooked on widget-infused crack that they can't even see straight.

let's take a real look at how much C2012 will increase our productivity and reduce the number of pilots required. no, I'm not talking about DALPA's nonsensical numbers.

let's take a look at the growth of skyteam flying. heck, we don't have to go any farther than Alaska.

oh, and it's going to be virtually impossible to hire qualified replacements on a 1-for-1 basis with upcoming retirements.

so how's that growth going to happen?

johnson29, be honest now. do you believe our seniority list will grow over the next 10 years?
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