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Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?



Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Old 09-08-2013, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Al Czervik
Quite the Delta vs RJ banter on 121.5 today in the IIU area. Pretty embarrassing for both delta and RJ guys.

Not sure where IIU is but if it's between BOS & ATL I was listening for a bit. The RJ's (or guys claiming to be RJ) were acting like children. How nice it would have been to get flt#'s and reference. Black list for their "owed jobs."

Grow up.....And "Debby" isn't my mom or your wife, or my A-Line.

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Old 09-08-2013, 08:53 PM
Da Hudge
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Originally Posted by Going2Baja
Not sure where IIU is but if it's between BOS & ATL I was listening for a bit. The RJ's (or guys claiming to be RJ) were acting like children. How nice it would have been to get flt#'s and reference. Black list for their "owed jobs."

Grow up.....And "Debby" isn't my mom or your wife, or my A-Line.

I've noticed a lot more of that lately. Someone says on guard, and this very butthurt voice comes back THANKS DELTA. Someone else chimes in and a childish back and forth ensues. Yikes!
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Old 09-08-2013, 09:05 PM
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Dear Angry Pilots Wife,
For fun I like to take something from the outside world that is funny, say for instance The Honey Badger Don't Care and then take any one of the following: an airplane, ALPA, DALPA, Delta, a pilot, a Newk, a Ferd, a Scambo, or even an MD-88, and place them in a bag and SHAKE AND BAKE. Once in a while it works out.

In the particular post in question I was in the mood to pick on constructive engagement a bit. Why? I don't remember. But just know often times around here we hear the analogy that the relationship between our union and the company is much like a marriage. A little give and take.

So I decided to take that and mix it with this little gem:

And I twerked the list to show the advice (from the union) on how we as wives (pilots) should love our husbands (company) and be open to do anything to keep the love in our home strong (scope oppo... I mean bedroom opportunities).

Now your angle is a bit different, you take the list and apply it to a wife with a pilot husband coming home from work. I like it.

So let's explore a bit. Now remember, we're pilots, when we get home from work we're not only deaf in the left ear (FOs) or both (Captains) but we're also a little sensitive to just about anything.

We really just want to be cuddled and talked to like a baby.

We love that stuff.

But let's look at your rules:
Rule 1: "Have dinner ready". Duh. How else are we supposed to poison you slowly? Don't worry about dinner. Chances are, we're not getting home in time for dinner. If we're on the 88 or A320, we're not even coming home at all. And it's not poison, your cooking is the best thing we've had this entire trip... and even if it was poison, it'd still be the healthiest thing we've eaten in days... although we knowingly chose bad places because you weren't there. The freedom was overwhelming. So much so that yes, I may have stopped at Taco Bell on the way home because it's open lat. So really, this is your fault.

Rule 2: "Prepare yourself". In this step, FTB encourages us to "be a little more gay and interesting" when I saw that home ec thing tell women to just be gay, I said that's awesome I'll use that than PilotHusband's "work weary" friends. Yeah... about that.... my PilotHusband just got off a trip with 4 male Flight Attendants. I think he's had enough "gay and interesting" for one week. This step goes on to suggest that we wives should work out and diet to keep our "boobs up" and our "buttocks rounded". If that doesn't work, we are encouraged to "go under the knife". Hmmmmm. That might just work except for the fact that our son has decided that, for Halloween, he will be Luke Skywalker, Mommy will be Princess Leah, and Dad will be Jabba the Hut. "Quid Pro Quo, Agent Starling"! It's sad to think we've gotten to the place in America where men are ALSO expected to stay in shape after they get married.

Rule 3: "Give it up". In this step, FTB encourages us to "be open to new ideas or bedroom opportunities". Oh! Where to begin? We are TOTALLY open to new ideas... OH YEAH!? they just don't involve you. Ouch, ouch ouch ouch. Ouch. You're good at this.

Rule 4: "Clear away the clutter". Okay, cool... I agree. When you are gone, we party like the love child of Guns and Roses and Led Zep. Awesome. We always put things in order before you come home. I have no problem with that one. I agree.

Rule 5: "Prepare the children". In this step, we are supposed to scrub our children clean and tell them that Daddy is always right. Okay. Put them in clean jammies, spray them with Fabreeze, and ask them NOT to use their karate class num-chucks on their father. I've been hit so many times... I digress. Just be sure to set a little bit of money aside for therapy later. With each new rule I realize I'm losing.

Rule 6: "Minimize all noise". This is effing HILARIOUS! PilotHusband makes the most noise when he comes home. The noise issue is not the dryer, washer, or vacuum. Its PilotHusband talking about how he crossed the frozen North Atlantic, or how he greased on his landings, or the blare of "Hitler's Henchmen" coming from the Military Channel. 88 pilots are better than that. We come home, completely tender-ized and submissive.

Rule 7: "Some do nots". This step encourages us to NOT complain or discuss problems. I did say that. Really? I think we know that already. If something breaks, we fix it before PilotHusband returns. You realize, I could've fixed that myself with 7 trips to Home Depot over a 14 month period with guaranteed water on the floor? There's always water on the floor. Even if I was replacing a light bulb somehow someway water would end up on the floor. If we have a problem, we don't share it with PilotHusband... what would be the point in that?

Rule 8: "Make him comfortable". This step is a homage to Mad Men. Or homage to Maddogs. You know what it's like to sit in a church pew for 4 days straight? Well, more comfortable than the cushioned cockpit seat of an MD88 that just feels like after a while someone has stabbed you in the blubbery part. We should pour him a drink, take off his shoes, I wouldn't do that, chances are those are the same socks for the last 4 days and let him relax in his LazyBoy chair. YES!!! And dammit, let us buy a lazy boy to sit in even if it doesn't match the furniture in the room. And please don't put 4 pillows on it from Kohls or Home Goods. What FTB fails to recognize is PilotHusband has already had two "tall boys" on his way home, he not only took off his own shoes, but he stripped down to his man panties dude no in the breakfast room, and he is now laying on the sofa, watching the Military Channel. I go to the internet, I have my favorite porn site called www.controller.com, I dream big there. I think he's got the comfort thing perfected.

Rule 9: "Shut up and listen". FTB remind us to let him talk first. I was straight to the point, rare thing with me really. I hate to quote Alanis Morrisette, but "Isn't it ironic?". PilotHusband talks first, second, third, forth, fifth.... and last. All he does is talk about his perfect landing the relief FO was saying 10, 9, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 2, PULL!and his inept Captain (or F/O, depending on Seniority). I could say something, but what would be the point in that? He won't hear it, or remember it. Wait, who put FL230 in the altitude box? I did? Really? Just now? I answered the radio? I don't remember / Roger that Tower, we're cleared to land... Tower, I'm sorry to ask, were we cleared to land?... Tower, I can't remember...

Rule 10: "Make the evening his". We need to understand that he is coming from a world of stress and needs the sanctuary or home to decompress. Are you Effing kidding me? Stress is NOT sitting on your ass for 4 days; your only exercise being walking around an airplane. Stress is baking 36 cupcakes for the PTA bake sale, getting the dishwasher fixed, mowing the lawn before the next round of rain, dealing with bat-****-crazy in-laws, my lunatic mother, and the Homeowners Association meeting. As an 88 pilot, I'd baked those cupcakes for you before I left, fixed the damn dishwasher, took what was in the dishwasher out and put it away and then washed the stuff in the sink and then ordered a new dishwasher with a stainless steel front and haggled to $150 off sticker, mowed the lawn, pulled weeds, put down mulch, picked up the sticks, told my parents to leave you alone, told your mom that you love her but she needs to get help and canceled the HOA meeting and got you 4 dozen roses at Costco for $28. But hey, we can't all be MD-88 pilots.

Rule 11: "Make your home a place of peace and order". Hey, FTB, to truly do that would require changing the door locks and throwing all of PilotHusband's **** onto the front lawn (that I just mowed). Yes.

I have nothing but respect for you, Forgot to Bid. Here that Slowplay? Women love me. I know what you posted was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. Maybe. But still.... you didn't think I'd let it slide without an AngryPilotWife response, did you? Yes, yes I did. To all my Pilot Boys.... keep the blue side up, beware the bunny boilers, and straighten up and fly right. What if your airplane rolls constantly to the right? I mean your airplane rolls right, and yaws right, or rolls right and yaws left?

Last edited by forgot to bid; 09-08-2013 at 09:28 PM.
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Old 09-08-2013, 09:58 PM
Da Hudge
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hahaha... ftb. APW is going to have to answer to that!

A number of pictures of LGA and JFK (IDL) through the years with a pile of classic airliners:

Jon Proctor » New York City Through the Years
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Old 09-08-2013, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by forgot to bid
Dear Angry Pilots Wife,
For fun I like to take something from the outside world that is funny, say for instance The Honey Badger Don't Care and then take any one of the following: an airplane, ALPA, DALPA, Delta, a pilot, a Newk, a Ferd, a Scambo, or even an MD-88, and place them in a bag and SHAKE AND BAKE. Once in a while it works out.

In the particular post in question I was in the mood to pick on constructive engagement a bit. Why? I don't remember. But just know often times around here we hear the analogy that the relationship between our union and the company is much like a marriage. A little give and take.

So I decided to take that and mix it with this little gem:

And I twerked the list to show the advice (from the union) on how we as wives (pilots) should love our husbands (company) and be open to do anything to keep the love in our home strong (scope oppo... I mean bedroom opportunities).

Now your angle is a bit different, you take the list and apply it to a wife with a pilot husband coming home from work. I like it.

So let's explore a bit. Now remember, we're pilots, when we get home from work we're not only deaf in the left ear (FOs) or both (Captains) but we're also a little sensitive to just about anything.

We really just want to be cuddled and talked to like a baby.

We love that stuff.

But let's look at your rules:
This deserves to be carried over to the next page in its entirety. Another classic, FTB!
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Old 09-08-2013, 11:08 PM
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Please don't take my above post as a sign of encouragement. I've been looking at Angrypilotwifes' blog. Even though she doesn't look angry, she writes pretty well and with an edge, too. I suggest you not mess with her.

Call a truce.
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Old 09-09-2013, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by newKnow

Please don't take my above post as a sign of encouragement. I've been looking at Angrypilotwifes' blog. Even though she doesn't look angry, she writes pretty well and with an edge, too. I suggest you not mess with her.

Call a truce.

as with my own wife, feel free to stand there and watch me get my butt handed to me. especially since she knows how to write and I know how to scribble.

I like the Angry Pilot Wife. But I hope she now realizes that 88 pilots do it... more. we do everything every other pilot does but we do it more. Lets see if Herm makes the jump unexpectedly. there is an AE open you know.
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Old 09-09-2013, 03:52 AM
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FTB! You are truly one funny guy. Your last few posts killed me, especially the "dude no" after the man panties.
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Old 09-09-2013, 05:10 AM
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Whatsa" Bunny Boiler"?
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Old 09-09-2013, 05:21 AM
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Originally Posted by badflaps
Whatsa" Bunny Boiler"?

A movie reference from Fatal Attraction.

Basically an obsessed girlfriend, who boiled the guy's kid's rabbit.


In this scene, the (soon to be) angry Pilot's Wife finds the bunny in the kettle...

This movie kept me and many other pilots I know on the straight and narrow path for many years!

And FTB, thanks for publishing The Rules! I'm going to print those out and post them on the fridge!
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