Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: You are correct as to the "claim" I dreamed up. Its a causation problem. Mgmt is the intervening force.
C&R #3 is the classic "no bump, no flush" language. There's a long history of what that clause means in seniority integration battles. The phrase "in and of itself" referring to the single list is where the problem comes in regarding displacements that result from management moving jets to new bases.

The NWA "ninja" claim is ridiculous on its face.
How can 777s be called "replacement jets" for 747-400s that never left the fleet? Its astounding to me that the NWA members on the DRC would vote to uphold that frivolous claim.
My suspicion is that this is the first claim and they just wanted to establish some "street cred" among the former NWA pilot group so they went ahead and forced it to arbitration. Even though they know it is doomed.
Intent and causation will probably kill it too. I guess we will find out in a few months.
Quote: Heads should roll in Herndon.
Yeah.. like that's EVER gonna happen.
Quote: Sounds like a good time to start our own DAPA. 1% dues, and none of our dues to support non-DAL issues!

Yes, it's about time that we take care of DAL pilots and ONLY DAL pilots... flush the ALPA national toilet.
Quote: Cog,

We all thought they were going to end in 2006 when the Roberts award dropped dead and they kept going... then, they went after the young guys who saved their pensions, for more and more and more...

In a perfect world, we would only get another 5 years of food fights, but then again, they didn't stop when the Roberts award dropped.

We welcome you to our dysfunctional nwa family!

Don't worry, the majority of us are normal average guys with a positive outlook in life, they are now outnumbered by a lot, and they don't have the Ice Palace in MSP protecting them anymore.
It is like a marriage counselor tells a couple. When there is a disagreement within the family, you need to make every effort not to retreat to comfort of your family's side.

As these deals arise they can divide our new "marriage" or they can make it down right miserable. The choice is ours.
Quote: Airport officials: Plane circling Lansing is part of training exercise | | Lansing State Journal

Looks like our training runs on the 767 have been skurring the fine folks of LAN.

Those dang rookie pilots learning how to avoid buildings! (look at the comments and prepare to lose all hope for the future of america)
THANKS for that!!!
I have an outrageous sense of humor and some of those posts were certainly outrageous.
Quote: .

So the award is for $44 Million, but after the lawyers take their cut, there will be $28 Million left over? Just goes to prove that only real winners in these things are the lawyers.

Having lost my Defined Benefit retirement in bankruptcy as well, I can somewhat sympathize, but using my dues to mitigate someone else's losses just doesn't sit right.
It doesn't sit right with me either, and I'm surprised to see the conventional wisdom here to be "bend over here it comes." I read a lot of hard nose attitudes regarding future contract negotiations, and not giving up X to get Y. So why isn't of that type of thinking prevalent when it comes to this event? In this case ALPA was found to have erred, and the result is a loss of funds we've all paid into. Yet, the sense here appears to be that mistakes will happen; so be it, let's give them more of the money we've earned and we'll go home with less.
So, the award begs this question, will junior pilots who lost their pension while senior pilots, who controlled the mec kept theirs, have the same suit filed?
Quote: Airport officials: Plane circling Lansing is part of training exercise | | Lansing State Journal

Looks like our training runs on the 767 have been skurring the fine folks of LAN.

Those dang rookie pilots learning how to avoid buildings! (look at the comments and prepare to lose all hope for the future of america)
Hysterical! Bunch of tin-foil hat wearing morons. Where is our country headed?
Quote: It doesn't sit right with me either, and I'm surprised to see the conventional wisdom here to be "bend over here it comes." I read a lot of hard nose attitudes regarding future contract negotiations, and not giving up X to get Y. So why isn't of that type of thinking prevalent when it comes to this event? In this case ALPA was found to have erred, and the result is a loss of funds we've all paid into. Yet, the sense here appears to be that mistakes will happen; so be it, let's give them more of the money we've earned and we'll go home with less.
I wonder how long it will take to file an appeal.

Maybe the UAUA MEC should pay for this.
Quote: I wonder how long it will take to file an appeal.

Maybe the UAUA MEC should pay for this.
Unless I misread the article, the window for an appeal has passed.
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