Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: As Ferd is fond of saying...........indecision is the key to flexibility!!!

......and flexibility is the key to air power!!!
Quote: time of update: 11:45:40...
Time of update: 11:53:24...
Time of update: 11:59:35...
bids locked

indecision at work...
Quote: doh!!!!!!!!
Yes, it's amazing how sharply the mind focuses as the last minutes approach, and you realize you might actually be stuck with an item on a dream list that becomes increasingly more like a nightmare.

My AE's are a bit...convoluted. Lots and lots of % and stuff.

But it's always best to panick (a little) on the front side of the deadline .
Delta sucks. It has been 2 hrs 55 mins and no results
Quote: Yes, it's amazing how sharply the mind focuses as the last minutes approach, and you realize you might actually be stuck with an item on a dream list that becomes increasingly more like a nightmare.

My AE's are a bit...convoluted. Lots and lots of % and stuff.

But it's always best to panick (a little) on the front side of the deadline .
Yes, I have a TON of %'s on my AE. And now........we wait.
Quote: Delta sucks. It has been 2 hrs 55 mins and no results
Still nothing!!???

Quote: There is no such thing as an inacurate picture of a hottie.
Umm... unless the hottie has an adam's apple.
Quote: Still nothing!!???


Give em time!

Quote: Give em time!

Yea they better hurry because the Japanese woman, I mean IT department, goes home at 5pm.
Quote: As Ferd is fond of saying...........indecision is the key to flexibility!!!

True Dat!!
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