Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Word is that NYCM88A streched down into the 10,000s.....


Flight Attendant merger by May. Pay began immediately (Saturday, I think) When do the profit sharing checks come out?
Quote: This:

Wow, I think I lost a few points on my IQ.
Quote: Word is that NYCM88A streched down into the 10,000s.....


Oh wouldn't that by funny. Part of the reason I did not bid it!

8Yes, I know you were joking.
Quote: Oh wouldn't that by funny. Part of the reason I did not bid it!

8Yes, I know you were joking.
Oh, you know FTB and I bid it anyway! Much love for the Maddog!

Apparently the 1st iteration of the bid resulted in over 1500 training events, Crew Planning is going to have to change lots of awards.....probably no displacements off the 747-400 and 777.

Quote: What happened to the half glass full guy? Starting to see a pattern aren't you ;(
My glass is half full. I just keep many options open to keep it that way.
Quote: Teaching kids not to keep promises to pay only creates a moral hazard.

When guys like me realize we're the ONLY ONES paying our bills, we'll start moving away from places with systems we deem "unfair."

I'm nearly giddy that Hank Greenburg is suing the US government over the AIG fiasco. About time.
75 trillion in BOA derivatives just got backstopped by the FDIC.

Read that again. Its not a misprint. 75 trillion.

We're in for a nasty ride. All the more reason we need ultra strong scope on our end and a management team that can compete and win on the other end, rather than trying to perpetually outsource its own core product. This economy will be a huge game of musical chairs for our industry; there won't be room for everyone when the music stops, let alone all the fantasy orders, options and MOU's for next gen airline "growth plans". It is a zero sum game and there will be losers. Big time. We need to figure out how to win rather than just merge-downsize-outsource.
Quote: How does rerunning them change the training waterfall? Unless you mean tinkering with the actual tenative schedules with the upcoming and possibly overlapping bids that will occur within the 365 day conversion of this one (i.e. closing the other 2 DC9 bases and whatever else they intend on doing).

Other than that, how does rerunning it change anything?
Quote: They can vary backfilling and like such as.
Quote: So all our displacement are belong to them?
Exactly and precisely. If they want to cut training events down significantly, they just hold a few extra people in a few key seats and stop a massive waterfall.
Quote: Oh, you know FTB and I bid it anyway! Much love for the Maddog!

Apparently the 1st iteration of the bid resulted in over 1500 training events, Crew Planning is going to have to change lots of awards.....probably no displacements off the 747-400 and 777.

I sure as heck put in for it. And yeah if it costed that many training events, they are going to have to do some tweaking and like such as. (this is oddly deja vu-ish)
Quote: Exactly and precisely. If they want to cut training events down significantly, they just hold a few extra people in a few key seats and stop a massive waterfall.

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