June 10th

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Sounds like a bullschidt rumor / strategy. How long are the terms of newly elected Reps? The possibility of having 51% of them thrown out before their term is up is unrealistic. This sounds like the power hungry wannabes that are now outside the circle. Karma is a real biotch.
Quote: Oh the irony. Former ALPA president using his company to destroy the profession.

Let's hope that is not true.
It wouldn't be the first time.....

Pilots that form these companies should be ejected from the union, and fired from the company.
I still wanna know how the Moaksucker built a new beltway banditry whilst working so hard for his constituents!

Couldn't even mow his own lawn or drive himself anywhere either!

Right out of the box he has a DC company? Seriously?!?!?
Quote: I heard one of the original 44 "Phantom" guys is back in town and he's been talking to some of the perfumed princes up on the 4th floor.

There's a rumor that members of the previous DALPA regime have been maintaining contact with their friends in the executive suites. Primarily through the Moak Group and the old guard refugees who still hold power at ALPA National.
They are allegedly formulating a joint strategy with management to stall the current negotiations in the hope that pilots will grow frustrated with our new DALPA reps due to the lack of progress.
Then --- guess who will attempt a comeback with promises to restore the "constructive" relationship with Delta management and break the logjam.

Sounds like BS conspiracy crap to me. Our current position vs. the company's current position will stall the negotiations long enough without any help from former "insider's." I support our MEC, but if any of you think our strategy will generate an agreement anytime soon you are dreaming.
Quote: Sounds like BS conspiracy crap to me. Our current position vs. the company's current position will stall the negotiations long enough without any help from former "insider's." I support our MEC, but if any of you think our strategy will generate an agreement anytime soon you are dreaming.
Exactly what strategy should the MEC employ to generate an agreement? Just curious.
Quote: Exactly what strategy should the MEC employ to generate an agreement? Just curious.
Start out in the prone position, then roll to the supine position, then roll back over to prone position. That position(s) has always yielded results very quickly. Not favorable for us, of course, but results none the less.
Quote: Start out in the prone position, then roll to the supine position, then roll back over to prone position. That position(s) has always yielded results very quickly. Not favorable for us, of course, but results none the less.
Im a little fuzzy. Is that Superman banana from p90x. Or is it the spinner, from the PI?
Quote: Exactly what strategy should the MEC employ to generate an agreement? Just curious.
I'm not opposed to our current strategy, I just think it will take a long time to get to an acceptable agreement. I can wait.
Quote: Im a little fuzzy. Is that Superman banana from p90x. Or is it the spinner, from the PI?
Quote: Then they spend 1.7B of our money shoving it down our throats. Simply unbelievable.

I presume you meant 1.7 M (millions), not 1.7B as in Billions. Either way it was a a large sum of money to get us to vote in a POS offer
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