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gasnhaul 06-15-2023 07:04 AM

Don’t feed the troll…

Jma313 06-15-2023 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by BoomerBus (Post 3651010)
OK I have to chime in after reading all this misinformation, whining, and MEC/ALPA bashing.
These are my points, like it or not the silent majority must speak out!!!!
1. My New Hire pay was $2000.00 a month and I was happy and proud to be at FedEx. This TA raises it to 6 to 8K a month. Quit whining!
2. I know MEC leadership personally and know the did the absolute best they could and better than any of you naysayers could have done!
3. I will definitely be a YES vote and hope all you uninformed naysayers will be educated over the next month or so and also vote YES.
4. I am happy with the retirement improvements and Pay increases. I know of an Airline that got a true industry leading contract in 2000 and shortly after that went bankrupt! Is that what you want for FedEx?
5. R24 to R16. We didn’t even have R24 before 2015 contract, so be happy that we still have some form of it.
6. All this Scope talk, well it was not even an issue in the surveys that we all submitted, so why is it such a big deal to some of you now? You can’t just keep moving the goal posts during negotiations.
This may have ruffled a few feathers, that’s good you all need to wake up and realize that this TA is a light years ahead of the 2015 contract and be happy and thankful for all the hard work PM and the MEC put into it.
Now that everybody has had a few days to throw their temper tantrums, let’s now let cooler heads prevail!
If this TA gets voted down the amount of lost wages and lost retirement income for 2 years will almost be impossible to recuperate.
The Company will be laughing all the way to the bank and we will be stuck with 2021 wages and substandard Retirement from last contract for 2 more years.
Wake up people!! Take what we got and address all the minor little issues, I.e. R24, AVA, etc with the next contract.
“Bird in hand better than two in bush”, “Don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth”
The silent Majority

how many divorces are you on the hook to pay alimony for? It’s going to hurt real bad when the pilots vote this colossal piece of **** into the garbage bin. If an extra 2.5k a month in the pension is enough for you to sell out the rest of the pilot group well I guess we found just another independent contractor. I’m sure you have your schedule blocked as well. I cannot wait to see younger folks stick it to older folks for a

Tuntavern 06-15-2023 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by BoomerBus (Post 3651040)
Pinseeker you sound like a certain political party that attacks and tries to silence anyone you don’t agree with instead of having an intelligent conversation.
Because you don’t agree with me you call it drivel!!!
You point out how I might have messed up some sayings instead of the points I made about the contract, so you must agree with my points!
!!!!VOTE YES!!!!

In a nutshell, we’ve given up way too much in this contract and gained very little. Specifically, our potential jobs (and certainly our job security). And don’t even get me started on the threats to the future pilots…our kids (next generation’s) jobs, bc we’ve weakened every section of the contract for retirement (for guys who are leaving in the next 5 years)...chief among these weakened sections is section 1, scope! If you guys are good with screwing over everyone who’s not out the door in the next 5 years for an extra 30k a year, well, I guess we know your price.

For the rest of us, we see scope weakened, not strengthened. We see pay way short of our labors and efforts, we see back pay that is laughable, we see Substitution expanded not reduced…I could go on, but I’m sure you get the point…that basically our QOL will be less not more! Thus, I feel the vast majority will vote this down bc of the absurd concessions. Most understand that it’s not just the destination that’s important, but also the journey! Lastly I’d say, If you want to fixate on retirement at the expense of everything and everyone else all I can say is you will find that this pilot group will vote you and our feckless NC down in a few short days. That is all!



NotOldNotYoung 06-15-2023 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by BoomerBus (Post 3651010)
OK I have to chime in after reading all this misinformation, whining, and MEC/ALPA bashing.
These are my points, like it or not the silent majority must speak out!!!!
1. My New Hire pay was $2000.00 a month and I was happy and proud to be at FedEx. This TA raises it to 6 to 8K a month. Quit whining!

How long ago were you on new hire pay? That being said, I doubt this improvement does little to move people to vote yes or no. Would just be appropriate to pay new hires first year pay at min-BLG. Everybody else gets paid their BLG in training.

2. I know MEC leadership personally and know the did the absolute best they could and better than any of you naysayers could have done!

I agree that the character assassinations need to stop.

3. I will definitely be a YES vote and hope all you uninformed naysayers will be educated over the next month or so and also vote YES.

Not sure how this statement moves the needle to convince a possible no voter to change their opinion.

4. I am happy with the retirement improvements and Pay increases. I know of an Airline that got a true industry leading contract in 2000 and shortly after that went bankrupt! Is that what you want for FedEx?

Are we supposed to accept anything offered because FedEx could get mismanaged into bankruptcy? How does passing this TA prevent bankruptcy?

5. R24 to R16. We didn’t even have R24 before 2015 contract, so be happy that we still have some form of it.

R24 has existed before 2015. And for guys who like R24 this is not a targeted improvement to QOL. If you don’t sit R24 you might be unaffected or you might be when someone senior to you bids the line you want because R24 worked for them but R16 doesn’t.

6. All this Scope talk, well it was not even an issue in the surveys that we all submitted, so why is it such a big deal to some of you now? You can’t just keep moving the goal posts during negotiations.
This is a tough one. Scope was on nobody’s radar when we started this. However the landscape has changed and scope is a legitimate concern in light of our executive’s statements during the rollout of DRIVE. It is definitely a concern for all who have more than 3-5 years to go. Unfortunately since scope was TA’d well before we became aware of management’s new direction, I fear the only way it would reasonably get addressed is if TA 1.0 is voted down.

This may have ruffled a few feathers, that’s good you all need to wake up and realize that this TA is a light years ahead of the 2015 contract and be happy and thankful for all the hard work PM and the MEC put into it.
Now that everybody has had a few days to throw their temper tantrums, let’s now let cooler heads prevail!
If this TA gets voted down the amount of lost wages and lost retirement income for 2 years will almost be impossible to recuperate.

The Company will be laughing all the way to the bank and we will be stuck with 2021 wages and substandard Retirement from last contract for 2 more years.
Wake up people!! Take what we got and address all the minor little issues, I.e. R24, AVA, etc with the next contract.
“Bird in hand better than two in bush”, “Don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth”
The silent Majority

My responses are in bold embedded in your post. While we might lose $ over the short term, accepting pay rates below the market will cost us going forward in subsequent contracts. If we don’t address job security in light of the new direction, the company can do a lot of damage to us bin 4.5 years.

I understand if you’re close to 65 why you would accept this but I don’t think the younger crowd thinks the “minor little issues” are as minor or little since it will affect their careers. I hope we can get a ratifiable agreement soon so more guys retiring don’t get screwed. When Pat said it was unconscionable that guys were retiring under the old plan, he is right, but I don’t think that was directed at the young guys. It was directed at FedEx for dragging out the focused negotiations which cost all of those retirees.

tallpilot 06-15-2023 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by Myfingershurt (Post 3651014)
yikes. I don’t even work at fedex and this makes me disappointed.

Pretty much. Send this turd back where it came from and use the leverage we finally have before they replace us with drones.

magic rat 06-15-2023 09:58 AM

You won’t see retirement bro……

From another source:So, Section 1 - Scope…..

Let me spell this out. And again, someone please correct me if I am completely wrong, maybe I don’t understand the verbiage, and I will happily say I am wrong if can be proven otherwise, but I am pretty certain THIS TA REMOVES THE ONLY WET LEASE LIMITATION WE HAVE IN OUR CURRENT CONTRACT!

They have red-lined all parts that included “Except for the minimum two aircraft wet leasing referred to above, during the bid periods described in this paragraph, the Company shall not wet lease more than the net gain of trunk aircraft scheduled to be added and brought into service in any calendar year.”

So, currently the company can always wet-lease two aircraft, for up to four bid periods per calendar year, without penalty. Above that they ARE LIMITED BASED ON THE NET GAIN OF TRUNK AIRCRAFT BROUGHT INTO SERVICE. So, if they cancel all future orders today, they cannot just wet-lease more than two while they park/retire current trunk airplanes and don’t bring more online. THIS IS HUGE as it protects what we have defined as Domestic and International flying.

I had to listen to the FDX ALPA Podcast multiple times as I felt I had to be hearing them incorrectly, but two different committe members said at least 2x (at minute 11:30 and minute 13) that the Comapny can wet-lease as much as they want right now. THIS IS INCORRECT INFORMATION based on the language of the contract. They can do as much as they want for outside of the “domestic and international” definitions (ie. within Europe)

They removed the limitation in the TA, and the penalty system even pays LOWER if they are REDUCING TOTAL FLEET SIZE! It is spelled out in their stated example! At minute 10 of the podcast, they state the exact opposite of what is actually written in the new blue language. These are the people telling us to vote for this.

However, if this TA is signed, what is to stop the following scenario:

-The company stops hiring indefinitely…as in never again.

-The company cancels all future orders as soon as the pilot group signs this TA.

-The company continues to retire airframes with the MD11s as currently planned, then the Airbus, then the 757 and eventually park or sell the 777 and 767 fleets. It will take several years for sure, but could easily happen with 10-15 years, perhaps much, much sooner.

-They just let the attrition of pilots leaving through retirement and ill-will slowly whittle down the crew force as they need and only keep as many aircraft in the trunk fleet as the current shrinking seniority list can staff. THEY NEVER EVEN HAVE TO FURLOUGH!

-Throughout this whole process above, they just continue to increase the wet-leasing to the lowest bidder as it is “economically necessary” under section 1.b.4.

-There will be penalty payments, but someone could use a spreadsheet to plan them all out…we basically just gave them a planned map as to how to get rid of the trunk operated aircraft and exactly how much it will cost them to do so.

And just like that, the entire FDX master seniority list is completely eroded over a block of time and FedEx moves along its merry way as all its air-freight movement is all done by contract flying….so any potential gain anywhere in the contract is eventually worthless.

ASL has confirmed orders for lots of 767s….they really don’t need those in Europe….what’s to stop them from setting up “ASL America”?

The Company has already stated publicly they want to use more non-purple tails, and it can be read on page 13 of the FedEx Investors Meeting Transcript – June 29, 2022. Link to full transcript: (

Stan446 06-15-2023 11:07 AM

Ok, I'll chime in too.
These are my points like it or not.:)
1. I'm a 1996 and my new hire pay was insulting. it was $2,000/month. After I finished, line pay was $33/month. Thank god I had a military job so I could at least pay my mortgage. I had to pay for my lodging while my friends at AA/DL/UA were given rooms. I wasn't proud to be at FedEx when I got hired, it was my last choice. 1996 wasn't a boom year for hiring anywhere but I was happy to have what I figured was a stepping stone to the majors.
Things fortunately improved and FedEX is and has been a great place to work at. But after the load the pilots carried during covid, we deserve better than this TA.
2. I don't know any of the MEC or NC members but I DID have faith in them to get us the best contract in the industry.
3. I will definitely be a NO vote because I feel there are certain points, though maybe minor, that should be changed.
4. I am very disappointed in the retirement especially for out guys hitting 65 before 2027. The FAE cap should be at least 400K and there should be not be step increase up to 2027, the 338K cap should be at DOS. The company can't afford to pay only 6,500 more per year for all retirees at DOS? I know of many airlines that went bankrupt, and no, I don't want FedEx to go bankrupt but this contract isn't going to do that. The SMU is a farce and should be a big reason this is voted down. AVA changes, the change to vaca cancel and the 24ch restriction are a few more reasons.
5. OP doesn't obviously sit reserve at FedEX.
6. It is a big deal to people with a long career. And no, it wasn't a priority for the NC.
Voting the TA down is part of the process. DL did it and had better results
I'm going to drink bourbon now, let my 8 year old finish the rest of the post because I have bush to look at and a horse to feed I guess.

DLax85 06-15-2023 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by dmginc (Post 3651024)
This has to be satire.

I agree.

BoomerBus(Parody Account) <------ Just update your profile name and we will all salute you.

DLax85 06-15-2023 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by dspilot (Post 3651111)
I think NoWork/OnceWas has created a new profile....

This may be true too. He/She/They have been MIA since the actual TA was released.

Miso 06-15-2023 12:26 PM

After initially viewing the videos and reading through the TA, I found myself disappointed. There are clear concessions regarding scope, R-24, substitution, and a number of other topics. My disappointment turned to anger…“This is the thanks I get for flying through the pandemic while my friends telecommuted, for being quarantined in hotel rooms. For showing up on time and helping to make huge profits for FedEx when others were at home asleep in their beds?”

I have always thought that pilots should not be the primary negotiators in this arena. It is simply not our forte, and these are the results…With that said it obviously benefits The Company to drag this out as long as possible. There will never be full retro pay for any additional time taken to modify the agreement, and if we reject this we will be perceived as entitled and selfish. I can see the spin now: “FedEx pilots reject $400,000/year salaries.”

Hypothetically, if there is a “No” vote where does that leave us?...A negotiating committee that must be disbanded, a Union leadership we don’t trust, and a fractured pilot group still looking at many months if not years before a new agreement can be negotiated and ratified.

A 99% strike vote surely resonated, which is a primary reason we are here. However it comes down to numbers now. The time for knee jerk reactions has passed. We had an opportunity to “strike while the iron was hot,” but is it still?…I am uncertain. What I do know is that I am tired…

At a fundamental level what is the Time Value of (your) Money? Please run the numbers in your own personalized scenario…What kind of raise two years from now would be required if this TA were to be rejected in order to offset the present value of the raise, signing bonus, and compounding interest on the compensation package as it now stands? Each of us has to remove emotion from the equation and decide for themselves what is best for their own future.

I have been struggling to understand how so many on the MEC voted to send this to us. What I am left with is that this is the best that they felt they could do….Regardless of the outcome I appreciate their efforts on our behalf.

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