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Abandoning Ship At Air India


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Abandoning Ship At Air India

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Old 05-28-2011, 08:27 PM
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Default Abandoning Ship At Air India

From New York Times:

NEW DELHI — When Bob Haygooni paid a midflight visit to a cockpit at his new employer, Air India, he was shocked. The pilots, he said, had completely covered the windows with newspaper to keep out the sun.
"All you had in the cockpit was this yellowish glow, as the light permeated the newspaper," Haygooni recalled, saying it was a visibility hazard he had never seen in 30 years of flying.
But "this was a normal thing at Air India," said Haygooni, a former United Airlines pilot who flew for the Indian airline for 16 months. In April 2010, however, he decided that the paycheck was not worth his concerns over what he considered the government's haphazard approach to running its state-owned airline.
Interviews with more than a dozen experienced pilots hired in the last three years by Air India to work new international routes describe an airline with problems. But theirs are not the only complaints.
Passengers have abandoned Air India in droves, shunning the airline because of its reputation for poor customer service and late flights.
Formerly this nation's monopoly carrier, Air India has been surpassed by three commercial Indian airlines — Jet Airways, Kingfisher and IndiGo — among those that have sprung up since India deregulated the domestic industry nearly two decades ago. Air India now has less than 15 percent of India's domestic air travel market, with many empty seats on the flights that do take off.
As a result, Air India lost more than $1 billion in taxpayer money in the last fiscal year. And now there is a growing public clamor for the government to get out of the airline business.
"Instead of throwing good money after bad, the time has come to stand up and say: yes, Air India must be shut down," the newspaper The Indian Express said in an editorial this month. While few government airlines in the developing world have stellar reputations, the Center for Asia Pacific Aviation, a research group in Sydney, Australia, singled out Air India as an example of government mismanagement.
"There are other state-owned airlines in other emerging-market countries that have similar problems, but I can't think of one as bad as Air India," said Peter Harbison, the center's executive chairman.
Well-run state airlines tend to be a product of "enlightened and intelligent leadership," Harbison said.
He cited Indonesia's national carrier, Garuda, which had been a debt-strapped airline with a fleet of unsafe old planes that regulators in Europe refused to let land there. But under a businessman, Emirsyah Satar, who was named chief executive in 2005, Garuda Indonesia has been transformed into a profitable company that raised $350 million in a public offering this year.
Spokesmen for Air India defend the airline as safe and say it is working to correct its problems.
And the nation's new civil aviation minister, Vayalar Ravi, vowed in an interview Wednesday not to close or sell the airline.
"There is no question of Air India being shut or privatized," he said. He said vested interests who "want to exploit the people for their own profit" were behind suggestions that India's government give the airline up.
Still, Ravi said the airline had been mismanaged in the past — including the merging in 2007 of India's domestic and international state-run airlines.
"Nothing positive came out of the merger," he said, and Air India has bought too many planes.
But the airline does "not make any compromises with maintenance and security," Ravi said.
Air India's image was not helped by a recent 10-day pilots' strike over salaries. It ended with a government pledge to raise pay — but not before the work stoppage had caused cancellation of nearly 1,500 flights and added almost $50 million to Air India's mounting losses.
Hoping to win back customers, Air India is slashing fares and planning to expand, even though it loses money on 95 percent of its flights. Analysts say the prospect of a fare war threatens to destabilize the entire Indian airline industry and to erase the previous predictions by private carriers of profits this year.
Even some once loyal customers are giving up on Air India.
"I think all Indians should just boycott the airline," said Harjiv Singh, co-founder of Gutenberg Communications, a public relations company with offices in New York and Delhi.
Singh said he used to fly Air India's business class regularly. But now he flies Continental's direct flight to Newark, or one of a host of European carriers that stop in Europe before going on to New York.
Even inside the company, some executives are quietly calling for the end of government control. But Air India is popular with India's central government because ministers and politicians can demand routes to connect their home states with the capital, New Delhi, even if they lose money.
"I feel like a woman with 1,000 husbands," one male Air India executive complained, referring to the constant demands from government officials. As in many other emerging-market countries, India had a severe pilot shortage about five years ago, as the number of passengers and airlines grew faster than the country could churn out pilots.
Airlines here responded to the shortage by hiring expatriates, including hundreds from the United States, where — until the rules changed in 2007 — commercial pilots were forced to retire at age 60. In India, as most everywhere else, the retirement age has long been 65.
For many of those who joined Air India, the culture clash has been severe. Dozens left before their three-year contracts expired. Of the 186 foreign pilots hired since April 2007, Air India has just 36 left, the company said.
Pilots interviewed for this article expressed safety concerns about basic operations at Air India — particularly its training procedures, which many said were not adequate for teaching the hundreds of new pilots the airline needs for its expansion. Some, like Haygooni, spoke to The New York Times on the record. Others insisted that their identities not be revealed because they said the airline industry did not reward whistle-blowers.
Air India is "just so far behind the ball I don't know how they will ever catch up," said Alexander Garmendia, 64, who joined Air India in 2009 after retiring from American Airlines. He trained at Air India's headquarters in Mumbai for six weeks, but said he left in part because he was worried about safety.
Air India, with its subsidiary, Air India Express, has about 1,600 pilots and a fleet of more than 120 aircraft making more than 300 flights a day. But pilots' schedules are still made by pencil in a giant ledger.
And to accommodate high-ranking captains, last-minute schedule revisions are so frequent that some pilots call the practice "schedule by wake-up call." Several pilots interviewed recalled being asked to cover flights just hours before takeoff, even if they were not properly rested from their previous flights.
An Air India spokesman in Mumbai, K. Swaminathan, confirmed that the company's rosters were not yet computerized and that changes were often made by hand. But he denied that the scheduling system created safety issues.
So did another spokesman, Kamaljeet Rattan, in New Delhi. He said the company might have asked India's airline regulator for more dispensations in recent years, to enable pilots and the crew to fly on less rest than normally allowed. But "this doesn't mean it is unsafe," Rattan said.
Pilots interviewed noted another safety concern, saying veteran Air India captains regularly left cockpit doors unlocked — a practice most carriers around the world abandoned after the 9/11 attacks in the United States. They also said captains tended to leave the cabin during flights, leaving co-pilots alone for long periods. They said pilots' smoking in cockpits was also common.
Rattan acknowledged that such things might occur, but "to say it was a trend would be to stretch things too far."
Expatriate Air India pilots said they were most worried about an inadequate training system that they said created co-pilots with excellent book knowledge but little real-life flying experience.
"The biggest problem is if I have a heart attack, this kid isn't going to be able to get the plane on the ground," said one current Air India pilot, who has more than 25 years of commercial airline experience.
Air India was free of major accidents for a decade — until a May 2010 crash in Mangalore that killed 158 people. The captain, a Serbian, came into the landing too high and did not abort it when he should have, the Indian government's investigation report said.
The co-pilot, the report found, "failed to challenge any of the captain's errors."
Just four days later, Air India had another serious incident, when a co-pilot, while adjusting his seat, accidentally knocked the controls off their settings as the captain was heading for the bathroom. The plane dropped 7,000 feet before the captain could return to the cockpit and right it.
A government investigation concluded the co-pilot "probably had no clue how to tackle this kind of emergency."
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:55 AM
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holy crapski....
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Old 05-29-2011, 06:55 AM
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Until recently, I was Chief Instructor at a Part 141 flight school training Indian students. It was very interesting meeting them and learning a little about their culture. They were tough to work with; usually late and unprepared for their lessons. In general, they seemed to prefer always looking for a short-cut instead of focusing on doing what is necessary to meet standards.

One day the CEO called me in. He told me that some of the Indians were "terrified" to fly a stage check or End-of-Course test with me due to my high standards. I replied, they should be terrified to fly an airplane on their own right now.l These students seemed to have no fear of the possible consequences of mistakes and poor decision-making in aviation. They seemed to feel that becoming a pilot was simply a matter of someone handing them a certificate and a uniform to wear, but that no study or practice was required.

Before furlough, I flew with two Indian captains. Both were strong , professional pilots.
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Old 05-29-2011, 03:39 PM
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The same thing that has been happening in Latin America for a while now is also happening in India, their professional pilots are tired of how things are going on their local markets and they are going abroad to work, last I heard is that Air India was losing many pilots to China and the Middle East and the same brain drain has been going on in Latin America for a while now
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Old 05-29-2011, 05:49 PM
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When I was a flight instructor, I trained two indian students for multi engine commercial certificates. They were both the absolute worst, already certificated, instrument pilots I had ever flown with. Regularly 30 degrees off course and 200 to 300 off altitude, and got mad at me when I told them they would never get a sign off from me until they showed up prepared and flew well within PTS. It was absolutely miserable, and I can't imagine how much money would have to be enough to train another indian student. They didn't want to learn to be good pilots, they just wanted the pilot certificate.
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:21 PM
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Same story here, when I was instructing we had some Indian students who were much the same way. Looking for any way to get around the system, wanted the "question banks" for stage checks so they could just memorize the answers. And memorize they would...they could practically quote anything out of the book but had zero idea how to apply any of it to the real world. And I didn't meet one who could fly themselves out of a wet paper sack.

I distinctively remember one who took nearly 40 hours to do her first solo. Three different instructors had tried everything they could to cater to her, with no success. And of course, her company refused to accept that, saying only "she will make a good pilot."
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Old 06-22-2011, 08:12 AM
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I cover the windows too, unless I'm below 180. What's the problem? I also always fly right of course when below 180. Saved my ass once in Iraq.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by vagabond
From New York Times:

NEW DELHI — When Bob Haygooni paid a midflight visit to a cockpit at his new employer, Air India, he was shocked. The pilots, he said, had completely covered the windows with newspaper to keep out the sun.
"All you had in the cockpit was this yellowish glow, as the light permeated the newspaper," Haygooni recalled, saying it was a visibility hazard he had never seen in 30 years of flying.
Seriously? Shocked? Never seen that in 30 years of flying? Yeeahhh...
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Old 06-22-2011, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by IQuitEagle
Seriously? Shocked? Never seen that in 30 years of flying? Yeeahhh...
maybe he was used to the car window shades, that yellow glow coulda thrown him off
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:09 AM
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One Indian student that I had, who was a pain, I asked him one day why he wanted to become a pilot. He said to wear an expensive watch to get the women. He was asked, "Why don't you just buy the watch and skip the flight training?" His reply was that women know if they are lied to, so he needed to be a pilot to get the watch to get the women. Nice to know he wanted to become a pilot because he loves airplane.
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