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CriticalMach 07-26-2013 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1452171)
Seriously?! EVERY FA you know/work with/come in contact with at the KCM line would "create a firestorm" over that? :eek: :confused:

I came across one, mainline Delta FA. She looked at me and said "No" and continued searching for her license :mad:

Ofcourse she was 85 at least.

ShyGuy 07-26-2013 11:16 PM

Originally Posted by NERD (Post 1452430)
But you are an idiot and your opinion is worthless. You are an expert on all things aviation(let me guess, riddle, und or purdue?)whether Ntsb matters, bi lateral agreements between foreign countries(which support the hometown airline either with direct subsidies or housing, school, transportation, etc, etc to cover up the subsidies) that hangs around the pinchanickle threads bragging about how wonderful your lcc is. The only reason that your airline exists, along with JetBlue and spirit is because of pilots willing to work for less. It is easy to start a hip, fun airline with a bunch of *****s willing to work for half of our ch11 rates. AND YES, I'VE HAD A COUPLE!

Riddle? Purdue? VX JetBlue and Spirit pilots are willing to work for less? That's it? Come on, drink up a little bit and post more.

That was more like

Originally Posted by IBPilot
ohhhh but you haven't met Shy, speaking of knowing EVERYTHING

That comes at a price, my sessions are $299/hr :)

bcrosier 07-27-2013 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1452207)
Do pilots mind standing behind a young, nubile FA with a nice butt and great legs who's fishing through her bag...

I presume one of us will get back to you on that just as soon as we find one! :D

ExAF 07-28-2013 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by bcrosier (Post 1452902)
I presume one of us will get back to you on that just as soon as we find one! :D

Not saying it is true....but that there was funny!

ForeverFO 07-28-2013 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by bcrosier (Post 1452902)
I presume one of us will get back to you on that just as soon as we find one! :D

AA has some new hire FA's for the first time in what? 10 years? And yes, some fit the description. :D

There's a huge generational gap at AA. The Old Guard (pilots and FA's both) are approaching 60 or older. New hires, not counting the merger, are going to be the young crowd. To them, we are going to be old fogies, the old farts.

From a pilot perspective, when we start hiring, it'll be a good place to be as a young person in his/her 20's.

cactusmike 07-28-2013 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1452207)

Hey seem mature and a voice of reason. Do pilots mind standing behind a young, nubile FA with a nice butt and great legs who's fishing through her bag OR just the cat ranchers? Inquiring minds want to know! :D

Actually, that's always been my strategy when I run a race. Find a fast girl with a cute butt and stay behind her. Motivation.

EYBusdriver 07-29-2013 09:21 AM

Do any of you carry a camera on board? And take pictures? I'll have my little anecdote after a few replies.

ForeverFO 07-30-2013 05:05 AM

Originally Posted by EYBusdriver (Post 1453546)
Do any of you carry a camera on board? And take pictures? I'll have my little anecdote after a few replies.

I do. Go for it!

WingLeveler 07-30-2013 05:41 PM

My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool. My buddy shut down the phone quickly in hopes that the two jumpseaters didn't see it. Fortunately, the captain was only flying the first turn and not the whole trip.

DCA A321 FO 07-30-2013 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by EYBusdriver (Post 1453546)
Do any of you carry a camera on board? And take pictures? I'll have my little anecdote after a few replies.

Gotta stay awake somehow.

LNL76 07-30-2013 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by WingLeveler (Post 1454515)
My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool. My buddy shut down the phone quickly in hopes that the two jumpseaters didn't see it. Fortunately, the captain was only flying the first turn and not the whole trip.

:eek: I didn't realize Anthony Weiner was a pilot..... :D

bcrosier 07-30-2013 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by WingLeveler (Post 1454515)
My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool.

Perhaps that was part of the "great time" he had on the layover?

Brings a whole new dimension to "Tool of the Day."

mosteam3985 07-30-2013 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by WingLeveler (Post 1454515)
My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool. My buddy shut down the phone quickly in hopes that the two jumpseaters didn't see it. Fortunately, the captain was only flying the first turn and not the whole trip.



DeadHead 07-31-2013 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by WingLeveler (Post 1454515)
My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool. My buddy shut down the phone quickly in hopes that the two jumpseaters didn't see it. Fortunately, the captain was only flying the first turn and not the whole trip.

You think if you had crotch shots of yourself on your cell phone you wouldn't pass it out to fellow crew members to browse through your photo library. Methinks he wanted your buddy to see the picture. Either way nobody likes to get Anthony Weiner'd in the cockpit.

That's sounds like an interview question.....Tell me about a time your captain showed you a picture of his genitials?

Rather B Fishin 08-05-2013 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by iahflyr (Post 1457233)
I would like to see the pilot profession do away with the seniority system altogether. Pilots should be hired and promoted based on their ability and not solely on how long they have been with the company. I've flown with some captains who have no business being PIC's and I've flown with some FO's who are better than most the captains I have ever flown with.

Events such as safety violations, hard landings, or other problems should be marks on your record and a reason for the company to put a higher performing pilot ahead of you in terms of responsibility. When you get laid off from an airline, you shouldn't have to start at the bottom making crap despite your vast experience. Captains should be able to be hired off the street if their experience and ability merits it. This would eliminate a lot of the "pay your dues" philosophy. Work harder and be a better pilot and you should be promoted faster.

Almost every other professional industry in the world does it this way. Why do we need to be different?

From the UAL/CAL thread. Way to set back safety by 70 years.......:cool:

mike734 08-05-2013 09:17 AM

Mostly applies to passengers but pilots can do this also.

People who step out of the elevator, theater, airliner, crew bus/van, or any other confined space and stop, right in the path, to adjust something, greet a friend, orient themselves or any other idiotic activity. STEP OUT OF THE WAY! Please.

mike734 08-05-2013 09:19 AM

Another from this last trip. People who talk loudly in the halls of the hotel and let their doors slam. "OK! See you the morning." SLAM

LNL76 08-05-2013 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by mike734 (Post 1457530)
Mostly applies to passengers but pilots can do this also.

People who step out of the elevator, theater, airliner, crew bus/van, or any other confined space and stop, right in the path, to adjust something, greet a friend, orient themselves or any other idiotic activity. STEP OUT OF THE WAY! Please.

Love it when they do it at the bottom of a down escalator or end of a moving walkway. :rolleyes: Are you stupid?! :confused:

Panzon 08-05-2013 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by mike734 (Post 1457530)
Mostly applies to passengers but pilots can do this also.

People who step out of the elevator, theater, airliner, crew bus/van, or any other confined space and stop, right in the path, to adjust something, greet a friend, orient themselves or any other idiotic activity. STEP OUT OF THE WAY! Please.

Other variations on this theme: the group of five travelers walking abreast (slowly), right down the middle of the terminal. They're like a rolling roadblock! Or the queue in front of Starbucks or McDonalds that goes straight out from the cash registers, blocking the passengers trying to get to their gates. What's so difficult about putting a 90 degree bend in the queu, and standing along the wall instead of blocking the hallway? Or the travelers who have to stop right in the middle of the flow of traffic to look in their bags or read a text! Can't they move to the side of the hallway first?

LNL76 08-05-2013 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Panzon (Post 1457551)
Other variations on this theme: the group of five travelers walking abreast (slowly), right down the middle of the terminal. They're like a rolling roadblock! Or the queue in front of Starbucks or McDonalds that goes straight out from the cash registers, blocking the passengers trying to get to their gates. What's so difficult about putting a 90 degree bend in the queu, and standing along the wall instead of blocking the hallway? Or the travelers who have to stop right in the middle of the flow of traffic to look in their bags or read a text! Can't they move to the side of the hallway first?

Yup. Also gotta love the "parents" who let their kids walk around (more like run) freely without any supervision. I just recently heard a story of a regional FA who saved a toddler from sure death by grabbing him dangerously close to a moving prop when he walked out the door during boarding while the parents were at the podium changing seats. :eek: Sorry, but if TWO adults can't handle ONE child, put the kid on one of those kid leashes.

Red Forman 08-05-2013 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1457566)
Yup. Also gotta love the "parents" who let their kids walk around (more like run) freely without any supervision. I just recently heard a story of a regional FA who saved a toddler from sure death by grabbing him dangerously close to a moving prop when he walked out the door during boarding while the parents were at the podium changing seats. :eek: Sorry, but if TWO adults can't handle ONE child, put the kid on one of those kid leashes.

If you have to use a kid leash, you are not fit to be a parent.

frmrdashtrash 08-05-2013 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1457598)
If you have to use a kid leash, you are not fit to be a parent.

I disagree. I use a kid leash when it's just he and I out on the town. The only problem is having to explain to the dancers what the marks are around his neck.

LNL76 08-05-2013 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 1457598)
If you have to use a kid leash, you are not fit to be a parent.

Really? I'm more than fit to be a parent and did a damn fine job on the 3 (including twins) I raised and toted around town. There was a two and a half year age difference and when my oldest one (son) was in his terrible twos and playing hide and seek in stores while I had the twins in a carriage, etc. it worked wonderfully. Of course, as soon as he got out of that stage, there was no need for it. While it might seem like a bad idea to some, it's actually MORE responsible than letting an child run loose and get hurt or worse.

ForeverFO 08-05-2013 12:11 PM

Nothing wrong with a leash. Some toddlers are rambunctious, death-seeking micro-apes, without the slightest clue about danger, or how their activities can annoy others. The leash keeps them from harm.

We COULD do it native american style... wind them up like mummies, tie them to a board, then squash their foreheads with another board. That'll keep them safe. ;)

badflaps 08-05-2013 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1457620)
Really? I'm more than fit to be a parent and did a damn fine job on the 3 (including twins) I raised and toted around town. There was a two and a half year age difference and when my oldest one (son) was in his terrible twos and playing hide and seek in stores while I had the twins in a carriage, etc. it worked wonderfully. Of course, as soon as he got out of that stage, there was no need for it. While it might seem like a bad idea to some, it's actually MORE responsible than letting an child run loose and get hurt or worse.

I'm sure you are a wonderful mother...Repeat after me: Airline Pilot Forum, Airline Pilot Forum......

LNL76 08-05-2013 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by badflaps (Post 1457636)
I'm sure you are a wonderful mother...Repeat after me: Airline Pilot Forum, Airline Pilot Forum......

Now that you mention it, I most certainly am. My son who was on a leash for a short bit of time graduated Summa Cum Laude from a private college, will get his Master's degree in 1 year (took enough courses in his senior year to achieve that), was on 3/4 academic scholarship his entire time there and is a child EVERY parent wishes for. He has turned into a fine, outstanding young man who never gave me even a minute of trouble. My twins were a little more challenging but have also turned out to be every parent's dream.

LNL76 08-05-2013 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by ForeverFO (Post 1457628)
Nothing wrong with a leash. Some toddlers are rambunctious, death-seeking micro-apes, without the slightest clue about danger, or how their activities can annoy others. The leash keeps them from harm.

I'm glad you "get" it. Thank you. :)

scambo1 08-05-2013 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1457644)
I'm glad you "get" it. Thank you. :)

Repeat after him...airline pilot forum, airline pilot forum.

LNL76 08-05-2013 12:35 PM

This forum is open to anyone, not just pilots. There's always the ignore function if my posts annoy anyone. Hugs...... :)

javaguy141 08-05-2013 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1457649)
This forum is open to anyone, not just pilots. There's always the ignore function if my posts annoy anyone. Hugs...... :)

And this is why when I am offered a "Full Business Class" I beg for the empty two rows at the back of the aircraft.

AZFlyer 08-05-2013 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by mike734 (Post 1457530)
Mostly applies to passengers but pilots can do this also.

People who step out of the elevator, theater, airliner, crew bus/van, or any other confined space and stop, right in the path, to adjust something, greet a friend, orient themselves or any other idiotic activity. STEP OUT OF THE WAY! Please.

On a related note, I awarded a mental TOTD award to the TSA agent that couldn't be bothered to allow myself and the other occupants of the arriving terminal train to exit the train before forcing is his way on board. There is even a PA announcement before each train arrives asking people to let everyone exit before you board (which I had previously felt to be unnecessary as doing such a thing should be a common courtesy...)

So this little TSA manlet with a douche bag chin-strap beard tries to board immediately as the doors open only to have myself and another guy who were ready to exit not give him any leeway. He looked pretty clumsy passing through the ringer. As he squeezed by I somewhat loudly (and rhetorically) asked him why he couldn't wait till we exited before entering the train. He just kept shuffling onward and shook his head mumbling under his breath. I already despise the TSA enough as it is...fuel for the fire.

LNL76 08-05-2013 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by javaguy141 (Post 1457651)
And this is why when I am offered a "Full Business Class" I beg for the empty two rows at the back of the aircraft.

Not sure what your point is, but whatever floats your boat I suppose.

mosteam3985 08-05-2013 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by LNL76 (Post 1457566)
Yup. Also gotta love the "parents" who let their kids walk around (more like run) freely without any supervision. I just recently heard a story of a regional FA who saved a toddler from sure death by grabbing him dangerously close to a moving prop when he walked out the door during boarding while the parents were at the podium changing seats. :eek: Sorry, but if TWO adults can't handle ONE child, put the kid on one of those kid leashes.

Shocking! LNL shares a heroic FA story! :D

In all seriousness though, when we were kids we got told to sit in the wagon/stroller/whatever and stay quiet. We were too scared of dad to ever cross him more than once....

ShyGuy 08-05-2013 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by badflaps (Post 1457636)
I'm sure you are a wonderful mother...Repeat after me: Airline Pilot Forum, Airline Pilot Forum......

Just because you repeat something twice doesn't mean it is correct. Despite the name of this forum (Airline Pilot forums) there are many sections and non-airline pilots. Corporate, non-aviation, training, instructing, fractional, etc. A flight attendant is free to post here, and the different opinions make it a good place.

DeadHead 08-06-2013 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by AZFlyer (Post 1457652)
On a related note, I awarded a mental TOTD award to the TSA agent that couldn't be bothered to allow myself and the other occupants of the arriving terminal train to exit the train before forcing is his way on board. There is even a PA announcement before each train arrives asking people to let everyone exit before you board (which I had previously felt to be unnecessary as doing such a thing should be a common courtesy...)

So this little TSA manlet with a douche bag chin-strap beard tries to board immediately as the doors open only to have myself and another guy who were ready to exit not give him any leeway. He looked pretty clumsy passing through the ringer. As he squeezed by I somewhat loudly (and rhetorically) asked him why he couldn't wait till we exited before entering the train. He just kept shuffling onward and shook his head mumbling under his breath. I already despise the TSA enough as it is...fuel for the fire.


What is with certain people trying get on a train or elevator without letting the other people get off first?
It's always comical to watch them step into the flow of people attempting to disembark trying to zig zag their way through the crowd.

DeadHead 08-06-2013 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by ShyGuy (Post 1457922)
Just because you repeat something twice doesn't mean it is correct.

Does that line of thinking also apply to creating threads and/or posts that disparage a certain handsome NTSB spokeswoman?

lolwut 08-06-2013 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by ShyGuy (Post 1457922)
Just because you repeat something twice doesn't mean it is correct. Despite the name of this forum (Airline Pilot forums) there are many sections and non-airline pilots. Corporate, non-aviation, training, instructing, fractional, etc. A flight attendant is free to post here, and the different opinions make it a good place.

I agree. APC needs more FAs.

badflaps 08-06-2013 08:05 AM

Mmmm.. How does "Flychickchatter" sound?

Mephesto 08-06-2013 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by WingLeveler (Post 1454515)
My buddy recently flew with a captain who, upon finding out where my friend was laying over, tells him about the great time he had the last time he had a layover in that city. The captain then hands his phone to my buddy so he can see all of the cool pictures he took. My friend apparently scrolled too far and found the picture of the captain's tool. My buddy shut down the phone quickly in hopes that the two jumpseaters didn't see it. Fortunately, the captain was only flying the first turn and not the whole trip.,or.&...UHbohzy16xM%3A

Royer 08-07-2013 04:15 AM

This couple: Rockford Dad & Mommy!

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