Budweiser Is Watered Down

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Budweiser Is Watered Down
Black Crown is disgusting but as a beer connoisseur most cheap domestics are garbage to me.
Just remember, Yuengling is America's oldest brewery. And he brought the recipes straight from the motherland.
Quote: Budweiser and all the similar American beers are "beer-inspired beverages", in much the same way that wine coolers are inspired by wine..
I must agree, a couple of the German exchange officers I worked with would bring crates of real beer from the German BX at Holloman. I haven't had as they would say "a beer like substance" since...
When did you post this? 1985? That used to be true. I just went to Germany a couple months ago and the selection is limited. Pils, Weiss, Dunkel, Lager. America has the most variety and flavor. Have you never looked past the the $6 six pack at the store? Why do people use just Budweiser to represent American beer and compare it against a different countries beer. Someone who tells me American beer tastes watered down doesn't know what they are talking about and has not tried that many different styles from that many different breweries. Go get yourself an IPA, which was invented in America. See if that tastes watered down.
Quote: When did you post this? 1985? That used to be true. I just went to Germany a couple months ago and the selection is limited. Pils, Weiss, Dunkel, Lager. America has the most variety and flavor. Have you never looked past the the $6 six pack at the store? Why do people use just Budweiser to represent American beer and compare it against a different countries beer. Someone who tells me American beer tastes watered down doesn't know what they are talking about and has not tried that many different styles from that many different breweries. Go get yourself an IPA, which was invented in America. See if that tastes watered down.
True dat.....

However, the US beer industry is growing like any other.... we were fed junk crap like Bud and Miller with advertising to make it cool.

In typical marketing methods, Bud/Miller/Coors is now regular domestic. And these flavored water manufactures now produce Blue Moon... pretending to be a micro brew style...

So in restaurants you can buy domestic swill called Bud, or Domestic Premium (Sam Adams) or Imports... just another marketing scam to get you to buy a Premium 'product'..... in grocery store.. $5 for a 6 pack of Bud or $10 for Sierra Nevada or whatever Premium or 'micro' brew you like....

The Germans and Belgians have always just made quality beer... for a long time. they have their national brands (no not St. Pauli or Becks )

Bud is for 'professional' painters to pick up at 10am at 7-11.
Quote: Just remember, Yuengling is America's oldest brewery. And he brought the recipes straight from the motherland.
I've been known to pick up a 12 pack of their Black and Tan, on sale for $9.99, when times are tight! One of my daughters has a horse that has sweating issues, ie. he doesn't sweat. Her vet told her to give him one beer per day, poured over his grain, that would help him sweat.

I happened to be there that day so I went to the store and bought him the $9.99 Black and Tan. Now he won't leave me alone! Every time he see's me coming, he gets all excited, for more beer of course!

I won't give him my good stuff, I don't want him getting drunk and tearing up the barn, I save that for the dogs! They won't leave me alone either, they do love the Torpedo IPA! I pour most of it into a glass for me, but save a sip for them and put it in their bowls, then let them lick every last drop from the bottle as I hold it upside down.

Was it Ben Franklin who said something like, "Beer is proof that the good Lord loves us, and wants us to be happy!"

Animals want to be happy too!
Quote: Black Crown is disgusting but as a beer connoisseur most cheap domestics are garbage to me.

I tried it it's actually not THAT bad. Not my first choice, but it was the best of several poor options that day and will do in a pinch.

and this....

Bud was ok back in my high school days sitting out in the sticks in my pickup knocking back a sixer with friends. That was many moons ago. I wonder how watered down it was then? Who cares, right?

Cheers; Uncle Ed...
Quote: Go get yourself an IPA, which was invented in America.
Got a reference for that?
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