Is This A SWA Pilot?

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I asked about the types. According to him, you have to already have the type to get hired on with WN.
He got the DC-9 when he was with another airline and paid for the rest in order to get jobs...[/quote]


DC-9 could be an entry-level realm turbine job

Lots of folks get the 73 type, especially ex-military.

The 75/76 is a common type so that counts as one.

But both an A320 and a 75/76 type with no operating experience? That's unusual, but the guy could in theory have used VA education benefits to get several types. It's common to get the 73 type (and ATP) upon departing the military.

Quote: He did say he flew Lears at one point, wouldn't that be listed?
If he flew as PIC, he would need the type and it would be listed on his record. But it's entirely possibly that if he flew as SIC that he would not have the type, it's not required per the FARs (although insurance may require it).

Quote: Or what about military planes? Are they listed?
Only if...

1) The military airplane has an FAA type. Fighters don't as far as I know. Mil planes that are modified civilian birds (KC-135, P-3, C-40, etc) will fall under the type for the base civilian model. A few tactical mil cargo birds will have their own type, especially newer models, if the manufacturer built them to comply with civilian requirements and bothered to get the type (C-17, C-130 IIRC).

2) The mil pilot actually went to the trouble of apply to the FAA for the types...they don't have to do this to fly in the military in most cases so it's usually just a "been-there, done-that" kind of thing, although there may be civilian jobs flying things like old C-130s.

I would guess that his type rating collection is more plausible if he was a reserve or air national guard pilot, in which case he would be pursuing military and civilian careers in parallel.

Again, I say go meet the guy in public. If you click in person, the second date should be to buy a ticket on one his flights (he can probably provide a buddy pass). There's no legit reason that after meeting you he should be too concerned...once he sees that you're who you say you are.
First, I didn't request him, he friended me and since we had a mutual friend in 2008, I accepted figuring I knew him. He didn't resurface until a few months ago when I posted something about being single, as most people on FB think I am still married since I never said otherwise.

Secondly, I'm 35.
And I've never shopped at any of those stores. Not frumpy either but that doesn't matter. We will all be old and fat someday anyway! It's just not a race I'm wanting to win, right now.

Mark my words, all of this stuff is very true.
I do have a nice footprint in the Internet tho, as I do SEO and Content writing in addition to my day job and being a single mom of a preschooler.

But none of that is here nor there.
Maybe I will meet him for lunch somewhere very public, but he has given me lots of excuses. He's in school, he's on a trip, he's at reserve weekend, bla bla bla.

I love the feedback and everyone's take on this though! Keep it coming
Quote: Maybe I will meet him for lunch somewhere very public, but he has given me lots of excuses. He's in school, he's on a trip, he's at reserve weekend, bla bla bla.

If he can't make the time to meet, then he's either a fraud, married, or a player (with better short-term options than you).

My gut feel: He's a player or maybe married.
Quote: Secondly, I'm 35.
And I've never shopped at any of those stores. Not frumpy either but that doesn't matter.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Seems like Fashion can’t seem to get the bait down below the mackerel level to get to the true trophy fish.
Quote: Seems like Fashion can’t seem to get the bait down below the mackerel level to get to the true trophy fish.
I have no idea what that means...lolololol
I don't like mackerel.
Quote: Are you telling me to get a hobby? I'm confused...

It looks like 1450 people care about this....or else this post wouldn't be so popular...hmmm??

Anyway, I am intrigued by it.
Not to mention, this guy is super **hot** so I want it to be true.
Just bang him and be done with it.
Quote: Just bang him and be done with it.
Practical advice....
The most relevant post of this thread^^^^
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