I wish my dad worked at America?

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I hope this does not turn into minority bashing but I wonder how her resume got to the top of the list while others seem to never get called? Is the system broken or is the current interview process the best way?
Oh hello! You know she probably worked her a-- off. She probably studied hard, got good grades and flew fine. She probably passed sh*t on the first try. On top of it she had a good mentor at a legacy and was able to network the heck out of it. Set a goal, make it happen.

Mad props to her and her dad.
Quote: https://gma.yahoo.com/american-airlines-dad-pilot-daughter-duo-flight-144230823--abc-news-travel.html
I hope this does not turn into minority bashing but I wonder how her resume got to the top of the list while others seem to never get called? Is the system broken or is the current interview process the best way?
Do you really wonder how her resume got to the top of the list or is that a rhetorical question?

I know a few children of legacy captains still waiting for a call while wasting away in the regionals as 8k+ captains. They are all males. Don't know if its a coincidence or if they have crap in their resume/history or if they don't have degrees, etc.
Where's the FaceBiter? I want him to chime in on this one!
He hasn't been around recently.
Plenty of low time guys getting the call and plenty of high time women still at the regionals. Every class picture I've seen at American looks like the typical cross section of the pilot population...80% white males, 10% women, 10% minorities.
Woman make up 2% of ATP pilots

Yet 10% of new hire classes
Maybe she got extra points for knowing the name of the company is American not America.
Quote: Maybe she got extra points for knowing the name of the company is American not America.
Now I have to clean up the beer that was ejected out my nose onto my coffee table...:-)
I'm not gonna comment on this story, as it is pretty cool that she got to fly with the old man, BUT it's always funny to hear people deny the fact that affirmative action exists. Is that why she was hired? Dunno, but quotas are mandatory and this is fact, so please stop denying the truth.
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