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BeatNavy 03-22-2019 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Busdriver4369 (Post 2787504)
I guess you didn't read the part about him raping her?

No. That was the FO. Guess you didn’t bother to read it. Love when people like you comment on stuff you have no idea about. Especially after I said I read the lawsuit.

Here you go. You can too.

Busdriver4369 03-22-2019 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by BeatNavy (Post 2787509)
No. That was the FO. Guess you didn’t bother to read it. Love when people like you comment on stuff you have no idea about. Especially after I said I read the lawsuit.

Here you go. You can too.

Silly me, I misread. He only "assaulted and battered Plaintiff DOE # 2 and drugged her, with the intent of sexually assaulting and raping her" but later left. My bad!

BeatNavy 03-22-2019 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Busdriver4369 (Post 2787521)
Silly me, I misread. He only "assaulted and battered Plaintiff DOE # 2 and drugged her, with the intent of sexually assaulting and raping her" but later left. My bad!

Hope you follow up with your post when the facts come out. I’ll give you a hint. This is a civil suit. Not a criminal suit. No criminal charges were filed. An investigation already happened. And at least one of the FAs were fired for getting caught in lies about it.

I’ll just paint a picture for you. 3 FAs allegedly get drugged and raped. They wake up on time, hit the crew van, go do all their preflight stuff, and think they are good to work the flight after being that out of it from these date rape drugs. Then they decide to go get checked out only after they get off work instead of right after it happened.

How about this scenario: they got in trouble for being hungover/drunk while working a flight they shouldn’t have been working, and out of self-preservation came up with a new version of how the events unfolded. Is that possible? Or should we crucify the pilots on the internet and in the media based on some unsubstantiated lawsuit before any facts have come out?

There’s a reason there are no criminal charges. There’s a reason the pilots got investigated and cleared by a company that is very HR and lawyer driven, yet the “victims” got caught up in lies. Were any date rape drugs found in their system? A civil suit seeking only monetary compensation needing 51% of the jurors in a #MeToo era....this is a money grab for at least one unemployed former FA who got caught making bad choices and lying about it.

PasserOGas 03-22-2019 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by BeatNavy (Post 2787538)
Hope you follow up with your post when the facts come out. I’ll give you a hint. This is a civil suit. Not a criminal suit. No criminal charges were filed. An investigation already happened. And at least one of the FAs were fired for getting caught in lies about it.

I’ll just paint a picture for you. 3 FAs allegedly get drugged and raped. They wake up on time, hit the crew van, go do all their preflight stuff, and think they are good to work the flight after being that out of it from these date rape drugs. Then they decide to go get checked out only after they get off work instead of right after it happened.

How about this scenario: they got in trouble for being hungover/drunk while working a flight they shouldn’t have been working, and out of self-preservation came up with a new version of how the events unfolded. Is that possible? Or should we crucify the pilots on the internet and in the media based on some unsubstantiated lawsuit before any facts have come out?

There’s a reason there are no criminal charges. There’s a reason the pilots got investigated and cleared by a company that is very HR and lawyer driven, yet the “victims” got caught up in lies. Were any date rape drugs found in their system? A civil suit seeking only monetary compensation needing 51% of the jurors in a #MeToo era....this is a money grab for at least one unemployed former FA who got caught making bad choices and lying about it.

The only thing the Captain did was have beers on the beach as far as I can tell. They all agree he wasn't present for the "assault". Even IF the beer was drugged it doesn't appear that he knew about it.

Just think about this, I am going to rufee someone. Why would I pick 3 women who know each other, work with me, and know my name? Wouldn't I just drug a stranger? The whole thing just smells funny to me. Could it be true? Sure. There seems to be zero evidence except these women with monetary motives who were already caught lying about it.

Also, do this CA and FO hang out socially outside of work? If not what are the odds the CA was involved even IF it were true. If the FAs get caught lying I would be suing them for defamation.

hilltopflyer 03-22-2019 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by BeatNavy (Post 2787538)
Hope you follow up with your post when the facts come out. I’ll give you a hint. This is a civil suit. Not a criminal suit. No criminal charges were filed. An investigation already happened. And at least one of the FAs were fired for getting caught in lies about it.

I’ll just paint a picture for you. 3 FAs allegedly get drugged and raped. They wake up on time, hit the crew van, go do all their preflight stuff, and think they are good to work the flight after being that out of it from these date rape drugs. Then they decide to go get checked out only after they get off work instead of right after it happened.

How about this scenario: they got in trouble for being hungover/drunk while working a flight they shouldn’t have been working, and out of self-preservation came up with a new version of how the events unfolded. Is that possible? Or should we crucify the pilots on the internet and in the media based on some unsubstantiated lawsuit before any facts have come out?

There’s a reason there are no criminal charges. There’s a reason the pilots got investigated and cleared by a company that is very HR and lawyer driven, yet the “victims” got caught up in lies. Were any date rape drugs found in their system? A civil suit seeking only monetary compensation needing 51% of the jurors in a #MeToo era....this is a money grab for at least one unemployed former FA who got caught making bad choices and lying about it.

Usually you need 9/3 majority to win or else they declare mistrial. Or they have to lose 9/3 to not be able to sue again.

HighFlight 03-22-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Busdriver4369 (Post 2787521)
Silly me, I misread. He only "assaulted and battered Plaintiff DOE # 2 and drugged her, with the intent of sexually assaulting and raping her" but later left. My bad!

Not sure how long you’ve been in aviation (or life, for that matter), but...

Does it make sense for the FAs to have been allegedly drugged and raped, then they go to work the next day as if nothing happened, on the same plane with the same alleged rapists?

NO. No way in hell, in fact.

They would have called the company, refused to fly with the SOBs who did this to them, and it would have created quite the scene overall, with the pilots being pulled off the flight and investigated.

But instead, they worked the flight, and told someone about it later? Does this pass the common sense test with you in any way?

b82rez 03-22-2019 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by HighFlight (Post 2787621)
Not sure how long you’ve been in aviation (or life, for that matter), but...

Does it make sense for the FAs to have been allegedly drugged and raped, then they go to work the next day as if nothing happened, on the same plane with the same alleged rapists?

NO. No way in hell, in fact.

They would have called the company, refused to fly with the SOBs who did this to them, and it would have created quite the scene overall, with the pilots being pulled off the flight and investigated.

But instead, they worked the flight, and told someone about it later? Does this pass the common sense test with you in any way?

What makes you think they were working together?

hilltopflyer 03-22-2019 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by b82rez (Post 2787678)
What makes you think they were working together?

Why do you think they aren’t?

HighFlight 03-22-2019 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by b82rez (Post 2787678)
What makes you think they were working together?

They may or may not have been on the same plane together, sorry for projecting that they were.

Either way, would YOU get on a plane and just work after being “raped”? I know i wouldn’t. I also would not have waited until arriving back home to tell someone about it.

GuppyPuppy 03-22-2019 02:26 PM



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