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de727ups 06-10-2008 07:46 PM

Someone said mod...

Fred wasn't moderated and Kalymnos didn't post here?

Did I miss something?

CE750 06-10-2008 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by de727ups (Post 401956)
Someone said mod...

Fred wasn't moderated and Kalymnos didn't post here?

Did I miss something?

check your pm

Lifizgud 06-11-2008 04:57 AM

Right said, Fred!:D

Spaceman Spliff 06-11-2008 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by WhizWheel (Post 401813)
Sorry but Matthews is the BO of the left. he may be tough but he's just as biased as BO

True. Anyone who thinks that Chirs Matthews does not lean fairly hard to the left must have forgotten his classic quote from this past February:

I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg." -Chris Matthews

CE750 06-11-2008 07:50 AM

I think you're hard pressed to find ANYONE who doesn't think Chris is a democrat (he after all made his career early on in the party)... he is however, pro-life, pro-union, anti-corporate greed and pro-gun ownership.. my kind of Democrat and why I like him. He's a good Catholic, and that's worth something for me in the Media.

mattisawesome 06-11-2008 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by FredtheGnome (Post 401924)
I hate to chime in on a politically charged thread on an airline post, but I think there is an opportunity to learn something here that might cool down the political rhetoric and lemming-like behavior.

For the O'Reilly comment: To put thinks in context, at the time Abu Ghraib was the center of the media. I believe BO was trying to make the point that atrocities during war time were A. not new, B. have been worse than what Abu Ghraib demonstrated, and C. have never generated the media circus that Abu Ghraib did. There are people who believe that George Bush should be put before a war tribunal because of Abu Ghraib, which is truly absurd.

History lesson time. Olberman is correct is saying that at Malmandy the SS executed 84 American soldiers. The incident was one of many atrocities committed by Germans to be prosecuted after the war. Therefore, it was well documented. However, Olberman's fervor to play high and mighty and say "Gotcha" to BO shows what an idiot he is. Approximately two to three weeks after the incident Dec 1944, there is evidence that American troops may have reciprocated the act of Malmandy at the nearby village of Chenogne as retribution. Sort of like, "Remember the Alamo". Reports and trials on that incident are far less documented mostly because "History is written by the winners" as the cliche goes.

Much like the Chris Matthews clip with Kevin James, we need to avoid just jumping in and parrotting someone else's agenda filled talking points. Jumping in and cheering Olberman for "proving" BO is against American troops is more idiotic than Kevin James shouting and stammering prior to his (rather humorous) history lesson by Chris Matthews. I'd bet 90% of the people who thought Kevin James was an idiot for not knowing Chamberlain's actions, would also not be able to answer the question. 99.9% do not know about Chenogne and only know about Malmandy due to Olberman.

In the grand scheme of things, nobody cares about Chenogne and very few even care about Malmandy. In a war that killed about 40-50 million people, events like that pale in comparison. War is an ugly thing, but our desire to sterilize it in Iraq hindered the effectiveness of it. Had our country been united prior to going in, it would have been over by now. It is embarrassing that our President needed to "sell" the invasion to the american people. There were hundreds of reasons to invade. Citing WMD's and needing to "liberate and bring democracy" to the Iraqi people were two tag lines to get Democrats on board.

People on both sides would benefit by doing more research and getting educated. If we had an educated and interested citizenry when it came to our politics and government affairs... there might be about a dozen incumbants in Washington. Taxes would be practically negligible and the national debt would be smaller than Bill Gates bank account and paid off regularly. Laws would make sense and regulations be appropriate. We certainly wouldn't be electing the Ted Stevens (R) and Maxine Waters (D) of the world. We certainly would have better choices for president than Obama, Clinton, McCain... Bush, Kerry... Bush, Gore.

Now, can somebody find me a ladder so that I can climb down off this soapbox?

Give me a ladder so I can climb up there with you. I am a conservative and I certainly don't agree with the democratic leadership in DC. What I find, increasingly, however is that alot of actual democrats I work with and interact with agree with me on a lot of stuff. And no offense because I am a republican but we deserved to lose power in 2006 because of our abysmal handling of government spending and other programs. Republicans are supposed to be the party of smaller government and lower taxes. However, all they did was increase spending, create a new drug entitlement program and increase the size of government. There are alot of democrats I know who agree with everything I just said but won't vote for republicans because of this. Who can blame them? Hell, I don't want to vote republican any more because they've abandoned me ideologically. These commentators attacking each other is silly because the real problem are most of the 535 morons in the house and senate.

PicklePausePull 06-11-2008 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by CE750 (Post 402216)
I think you're hard pressed to find ANYONE who doesn't think Chris is a democrat (he after all made his career early on in the party)... he is however, pro-life, pro-union, anti-corporate greed and pro-gun ownership.. my kind of Democrat and why I like him. He's a good Catholic, and that's worth something for me in the Media.

How can you be a "good Catholic" and support a party who has abortion as a plank in its platform, which the Church has forthrightly declared an abomination and evil? The Church has also declared that other social issues cannot be placed on an even footing with abortion.

CE750 06-11-2008 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by PicklePausePull (Post 402341)
How can you be a "good Catholic" and support a party who has abortion as a plank in its platform, which the Church has forthrightly declared an abomination and evil? The Church has also declared that other social issues cannot be placed on an even footing with abortion.

This is where you're wrong.. I don't support the Democrats any more than the Republicans as a party.. I support issues. There is no party that represents me.. I don't agree with the radical feminism, or cultural liberalism of the Democrats... but I do agree with their social welfare and union friendly policies.. I am a registered independent and if I have to chose between McCain and Obama, I'll have to pick the lesser of evils, as both are evil in many ways.

Pat Buchanan was the last presidential candidate that represented my views closely and he was railroaded out of politics by the pro-Israel lobby and the pro-gay wing of the republican party after his 1992 convention speech.

Spaceman Spliff 06-11-2008 11:20 AM

Why do we as a country continue to cling to a two-party political system? I think there would be much better representation and much more cooperation between lawmakers if there were more parties to choose from.

de727ups 06-11-2008 11:52 AM

Political and religious discussion.


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