US Airways Window Closed Today

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I think there is good works in the near future for Airways. Company is making a little bit of money, and things seem to be looking up. Time will tell, no need to rush anything. I just wish that the two groups could actually sit and work things out instead of acting like Congress. It will be fine I am sure of it, and I still want to be a part of it.
got this email from them today;

Dear Joe,

We appreciate your interest in the Pilot - First Officer EMB190 position for requisition 131311 in Philadelphia.

We received a considerable number of applications in response to this requisition and filled the position before having the opportunity to review your application. As a result, you were not selected for this position.

Thank you for applying and we encourage you to visit for future opportunities that may be of interest to you.

Kind regards,

Recruitment and Selection

My question is does this mean they really didn't get around to looking at my stuff? Should I apply again when the window opens?
Quote: got this email from them today;

Dear Joe,

We appreciate your interest in the Pilot - First Officer EMB190 position for requisition 131311 in Philadelphia.

We received a considerable number of applications in response to this requisition and filled the position before having the opportunity to review your application. As a result, you were not selected for this position.

Thank you for applying and we encourage you to visit for future opportunities that may be of interest to you.

Kind regards,

Recruitment and Selection

My question is does this mean they really didn't get around to looking at my stuff? Should I apply again when the window opens?
I got the same one... It is a different message than others. So hopeully this is just a "we didn't get to your app" message... Hoping so....
My question is does this mean they really didn't get around to looking at my stuff? Should I apply again when the window opens?
I'll chime in. I got the same email today... but it was strange to read that part after a got a random phone call (in December) from a recruiting guy asking me to "finish my application... take it to the next level..." story. As bizarre as that sounds it really happened...

Well I suppose this would be a generic email sent to all of us suckers who applied... for a second time... Lol
Well I suppose this would be a generic email sent to all of us suckers who applied... for a second time... Lol
You should see the generic e-mail they send to guys who interviewed and then were told "no thanks". It essentially said you were not chosen to fly a plane for us, but by all means we would be happy to interview you for another position. Seriously??? I haven't worked my butt off and gone to school to go drive a tug around the CLT ramp for USAir. I realize I was getting bad news at that moment and don't want to be too negative about it here on APC, but I really think HR should consider who the audience is that they are writing to. Is that too much to ask? Ok, rant over.
I received the same email. What a kick in the nuts to apply and then be told they did not even look at your application. I would have rather they just said after reviewing all applications you were not selected to interview instead of being told they didn't even get to my app. That just seems so unprofessional. Is it just me or do others agree?
Quote: I received the same email. What a kick in the nuts to apply and then be told they did not even look at your application. I would have rather they just said after reviewing all applications you were not selected to interview instead of being told they didn't even get to my app. That just seems so unprofessional. Is it just me or do others agree?
No, i'd rather anyone be honest with me than lie..
[QUOTE=squall line;1143407]

You should see the generic e-mail they send to guys who interviewed and then were told "no thanks". It essentially said you were not chosen to fly a plane for us, but by all means we would be happy to interview you for another position. Seriously??? I haven't worked my butt off and gone to school to go drive a tug around the CLT ramp for USAir. I realize I was getting bad news at that moment and don't want to be too negative about it here on APC, but I really think HR should consider who the audience is that they are writing to. Is that too much to ask? Ok, rant over.
I got the same email. I actually thought the same thing, "What, am I suppose to drive a tug or baggage cart. Not that there's anything wrong with that. They told me in the interview that they were hiring 250 pilots this year. My feeling is that there is something more than meets the eye (i.e. halt hiring due to possible/imminent American merger)
Quote: Inferiority complex? Nice try, but I'm not the one following a union, led by guys with the worst case of little man syndrome I've ever seen.

We're not looking down our noses. That's a look of awe for people so stupid they pull the pin on the grenade and forget to throw.
That is the funniest quote I have seen in a while...
According to HR during February interviews....spring classes are full and the next class would be late summer or early fall when they plan to ramp up hiring for retirements.
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