US Airways Calls

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No email, app still says "under review"...... No Mil or 121 time here, Part 135/91 Corporate only.
Got the email. No military, all 121 time.

This is the 3rd time I've received this email...maybe my luck with the lottery will change with lucky #3.
I've got two links, the application invitation and keep warm links, with the keep warm as of today.
Quote: Coincidentally, I've noticed seemingly more military folks (specifically, mil only as myself) being hired at Airways. To everyone that's received the email today, do you have mil time?
Well, scratch that theory...

Airways is like that girl I wanted to date in high school... Just when I was about to lose interest, she'd shoot me a smile and a hello.
Quote: I've got two links, the application invitation and keep warm links, with the keep warm as of today.

I hadn't received the email, so I checked the status on the application site. I didn't have the "keep warm" link either. 10 minutes later (just now), the email came in. Rechecked the application site and the "keep warm" is there now (on the March application). BTW...all military and just started terminal leave today.
Quote: I don't think this is a mass email.... I didn't get one. I even checked junk folder! That sound you hear is the noise my hope makes leaving the room....
Don't feel bad. I'm almost thinking you're better off. Since this has begun I've had a "view the directions" call. I have the "application invitation" call. Now the email and the added "keep warm"...not holding my breath. I'm thinking I'd rather have gotten nothing than getting my hopes up because I keep getting these teasers.

BTW I'm mil (currently flying in the reserves) and working for a 121 cargo operator.

Meh, who knows

With all the variations in directions on the app which one is closer per say to getting a call? View directions? Keep warm? What a confusing process ha!
Quote: With all the variations in directions on the app which one is closer per say to getting a call? View directions? Keep warm? What a confusing process ha!

(in other words I don't think there's a correct answer. Seems some have had multiples of all of the above and never called while others never had any of the above and did get called, while still others had...ah, never mind)
Quote: I hadn't received the email, so I checked the status on the application site. I didn't have the "keep warm" link either. 10 minutes later (just now), the email came in. Rechecked the application site and the "keep warm" is there now (on the March application). BTW...all military and just started terminal leave today.

No email here yet... two apps on file and current Feb and May ish I think off hand. It seems the emails are coming in over the period of the afternoon.... we shall see.

121, 135, 91 and military IP time (well, helicopters, so kinda

Good luck!
Quote: Yes...

(in other words I don't think there's a correct answer. Seems some have had multiples of all of the above and never called while others never had any of the above and did get called, while still others had...ah, never mind)
It's a huge lottery. The ONLY sure thing in the Airways application process, just like in lottery: you can't win if you don't play.

You won't get hired if you don't apply, that's the ONLY constant that I know of with Airways hiring.
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