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rightside02 11-04-2013 02:24 PM

Attention Current JetBlue Pilots
Crash pad roomy had 50 hours in type and he just quit to go to US air, have another buddy who is 100 hours in on the 190 and he just got offered a class at United . He said when he interviewed a few weeks ago there was lots of JetBlue guys there interviewing with him.

I wanted to ask that on the pilot conference call when RM said oh yeah we predicted 42 people to leave and we only have lost 43 ..... How do you predict who is gonna leave , it's impossible to know, not counting people who have recall rights. How can they predict which new hires will leave to an exact number ? Sure you can guess but to say they lost 43 when they predicted 43 !?!?! I call a little BS on that one.

Kellwolf 11-04-2013 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by rightside02 (Post 1513303)
Crash pad roomy had 50 hours in type and he just quit to go to US air, have another buddy who is 100 hours in on the 190 and he just got offered a class at United . He said when he interviewed a few weeks ago there was lots of JetBlue guys there interviewing with him.

I wanted to ask that on the pilot conference call when RM said oh yeah we predicted 42 people to leave and we only have lost 43 ..... How do you predict who is gonna leave , it's impossible to know, not counting people who have recall rights. How can they predict which new hires will leave to an exact number ? Sure you can guess but to say they lost 43 when they predicted 43 !?!?! I call a little BS on that one.

And if they "predicted"it, why have the quarterly bids not reflected those numbers?

P-3Bubba 11-04-2013 06:22 PM

There's no question they're not estimating the departure numbers correctly. I think that the attrition is going to be closely related to the 2014 PEA. The bulk of the pilot group is qualified to be hired anywhere. RM knows that. I think there's still an air of arrogance, at the upper levels of decision making, as to why pilots would EVER leave jetblue. They're going to see people leave even if there is a double digit % raise in 2014.

R57 relay 11-04-2013 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by P-3Bubba (Post 1512912)
That is where the seasoned grumpy veterans of UsAir sit today. They're disgruntled, worn and tired.


Hey sport, let me give you some advice. If you weren't a "crewmember" at jb in 2008 then you certainly don't have a clue about US Airways. Worry about your own little party. Okay?

pilotpayne 11-05-2013 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by P-3Bubba (Post 1513464)
There's no question they're not estimating the departure numbers correctly. I think that the attrition is going to be closely related to the 2014 PEA. The bulk of the pilot group is qualified to be hired anywhere. RM knows that. I think there's still an air of arrogance, at the upper levels of decision making, as to why pilots would EVER leave jetblue. They're going to see people leave even if there is a double digit % raise in 2014.

And that part will get someone fired.

Climbto450 11-05-2013 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by rightside02 (Post 1513303)
Crash pad roomy had 50 hours in type and he just quit to go to US air, have another buddy who is 100 hours in on the 190 and he just got offered a class at United . He said when he interviewed a few weeks ago there was lots of JetBlue guys there interviewing with him.

I wanted to ask that on the pilot conference call when RM said oh yeah we predicted 42 people to leave and we only have lost 43 ..... How do you predict who is gonna leave , it's impossible to know, not counting people who have recall rights. How can they predict which new hires will leave to an exact number ? Sure you can guess but to say they lost 43 when they predicted 43 !?!?! I call a little BS on that one.

PRIA requests / recall rights are the only way to know (short term anyway). Anything else is speculative at best. JB will wait until people leave and then adjust accordingly. I personally would bet that we will see A whole bunch leave, however mostly FOs and young junior captains (under 40).JMHO

GuppyPuppy 11-05-2013 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by pilotpayne (Post 1513637)
And that part will get someone fired.

Hopefully Skinner.


alvrb211 11-05-2013 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by benzoate (Post 1512925)
JetBlue Key Pilot Historical Points
Pre-2004 Events
 Promises of keeping JetBlue pay scales within 5% of Southwest Airlines.
 Our stock options will make us millionaires based on planned growth rates, this is part of our retirement, and makes up for lower wages.
 JetBlue will grow its infrastructure to support planned growth by at least 12 months. For example, increase the capability of System Operations before increasing the size of the fleet or network.
 Expect upgrade within a year of date of hire.
2004 Events
 Jan – May ’04 – JetBlue leadership is discussing in general terms how it plans to formulate the E190 pay tables
 Sep ’04 – JetBlue offers new employment agreement to all pilots to incorporate existing policies into the PEA prior to the first pilot classes’ evergreen renewal. The new contract included:
o First E190 pay tables.
o Expanded dispute resolution process.
o Changes “Shall” to “May” in paragraph 3A.
o Increased per diem to $2.00 per day.
 Sep ’04 – JetBlue rescinds offered new employment agreement after pilots respond negatively to the rewrite.
o Host series of road shows to determine why pilots are displeased with new contract.
 Oct ’04 – Issued amendment to PEA incorporating the following key items:
o Same E190 pay tables as in original offering.
o Increased per diem to $2.00.
o Eliminated transcon meal voucher program.
o Promised a review of E190 pay tables one (1) year after the aircraft begins service so JetBlue could better understand the economics of the aircraft.
o Amendment did not change dispute resolution, merger and acquisition provisions, or paragraph 3A language.
2005 Events
 E190 began service Nov 7, 2005.
 JetBlue announced loss for the year.
2006 Events
 Jan ’06 – JetBlue formally announces Return-to-Profitability campaign.
o Cost cutting is primarily focused on reducing full-time equivalent employee numbers, but healthcare costs increase and changes to benefits like buddy passes occur designed to help return company to a profitable path.
o JetBlue chooses not to hedge after the summer of ’06 until management reinstates a hedging program in late ’07; impacts annual financial performance negatively due to oil increasing in price through ‘08.
 Jul ’06 - JetBlue announced creation of the Pilot Compensation Group (referred as PCG I). PCG I’s charter was to perform an analysis of our compensation package and to make a recommendation to honor the promise of reviewing / adjusting the E190 pay table one (1) year after the aircraft began service.
o Promised the pilots would receive the results near-simultaneous with the Executive Crew (what senior execs called themselves before changing their name to ELT) in the interest of transparency.
o Expected to receive the PCG I’s recommendations within 60 days of beginning its work.
 Aug ’06 – PCG I began its work.
o Conducted a series of road shows to gather pilot feedback on compensation needs.
o Conducted a Company-Proprietary (i.e. secret from the pilots) analysis of JetBlue pilot total compensation package.
 Late Aug ’06 – Dave Bushy announces departure from JetBlue.
 Sep ’06 – Leadership publicly acknowledged they were close to releasing the results of the PCG I review during a Pocket Session on Sep 27, 2007.
o Vinnie Stabile quote, “You’ll have the results in weeks, not months.”
 Sep ’06 – Scott Green replaces Dave Bushy as VP Flight Operations
o Craig Hoskins announced as new System Chief Pilot.
o JFK Chief Pilot Office undergoes radical restructure as it eliminates more than 50% of the Assistant Chief Pilots.
 Oct – Nov ’06 – Complete silence regarding the PCG’s recommendations.
o Speculation ruled the day as to what was occurring behind the scenes.
o Many pilots questioned when we would receive the findings through the Chief Pilot’s Office, but no one really knew the status.
 Dec 19, 2006 – VP Flight Operations, Scott Green, briefs pilots on results of PCG I.
o First time pilots receive results of study and company’s response to the study.
o The actual work of the PCG pilots was not presented and was considered confidential. These pilots were prohibited from sharing their work due to non-disclosure agreements, contrary to what they believed was going to occur.
o Compensation Methodology – W-2 review creating “blended rate” versus industry published rates (no CBA incentive pay included)
 Blended rate utilized an 86-hour month for A320 and an 83-hour month for E190 pilots
 See 2006 Pilot Pay Comparison (attached)
o No discussion of benefits
o Pay raises for E190 CA and FO.
o Lowered first year First Officer pay rates.
 Grandfathered existing first year First Officers.
o No other benefit changes for every other pilot.
2007 Events
 Jan – Dec ’07 – JetBlue ultimately loses 10+% of its seniority list due to pilots leaving JetBlue for other employers (recall, hired by other Part 121 operators or left industry).
o JetBlue liberalizes hiring requirements.
o First time offering conditional employment offers prior to Phase I / II process being completed.
o Hired some pilots during open house events at OSC.
o Extreme difficulty filling E190 First Officer new hire classes.
o Recruiting Department changed how it assigned pilots to new hire classes. This decision ultimately creates first major contractual dispute JetBlue faces when many E190 First Officers claim the seniority provisions of their PEA were violated by the aircraft assignment process.
 Jan – Mar ’07 – Flight Operations, Chief Pilots Office and Pilot Values Committee executed PCG II in response to pilot displeasure with the results of PCG I.
o Performed new compensation analysis
o Utilized data purchased from Air Conference.
o Issued “2007 Annual Compensation and Benefits Report”
 Compensation Methodology - Analyzed pilot W-2s
 Excluded the following from the analysis:
o Check Airmen
o Those who changed position during the year (upgrade or moved from reserve to lineholder)
o Lineholders with yearly credit less than 840 hours
o Reserve pilots with less than 900 hours
o Management pilots
o Those not “active” for the entire year (long-term disability, leave of absence, etc) in 2004, 2005, & 2006
 Benefits Methodology – Benchmark JetBlue benefits versus other airline benefits plans
 Data obtained from industry consultant Air Conference
 Data was not validated against actual airline CBAs (determine during PCRB project in Feb ’08). Information was presented assuming it is accurate.
 Data was deidentified as per Guidelines for Membership with Air Conference
 Jan – Mar ’07 – PCG II discussion continued.
o PCG II promised annual compensation and benefits reviews.
 Jan – Mar ’07 – PCG II discussion continued.
o PCG II results:
 Annual compensation review process formalized
 Issued second pay raise for E190 pilots.
 Increased First Officer first year pay rates 26.67%
 Issued pay raise for 12-year (none on property) A320 Captains and First Officers.
 First update to merger and acquisition language protections from original PEA offering of preferential interviews.
 Increases made to retirement plan:
 5% 401(k) match
 5% non-discretionary profit sharing contribution. Any profit sharing in excess of 5% will be paid to pilot as compensation and subject to applicable federal, state and local taxes.
 This was planned to be offered to pilots but Legal Department pointed out this would violate ERISA and the increase was subsequently offered to all Crewmembers.
o The role of the PVC morphed during PCG II as committee members were asked how the pilot corps would respond to compensation improvement suggestions.
 JetBlue never updated the charter of the PVC until mid-09. The PVC was created by JetBlue and the corporation has the responsibility to clearly identify the role, responsibility and authority of the committee so all parties understand the committee’s scope of authority.
 The PVC lacked internal structure to handle its new role, and this issue haunts the committee today.
 Jan – Oct ’07 – Transitions Flight Scheduling Guide into the Flight Scheduling Manual
o Created Long Call Reserve
o Launched new FLiCA features without advance communication or incorporating rules into the Flight Scheduling Manual
o Promised leg-by-leg pay protection
 Flight Operations / Chief Pilot Office manual interpretation changes the policy during 2008 after multiple manager changes creating what is referred to as “averaging”.
 Pay protects by leg to the point of disruption.
 Determines remaining scheduled block from point of disruption, subtracts actual block flown to determine pay protection.
o Any over-block after disruption dilutes pay protection due the pilot. Essentially over-block goes unremunerated unless pilot breaks scheduled value of original pairing.
 Source of multiple complaints due to interpretation not matching what was communicated during introduction of 2007 FSM.
 Feb 14, 2007 – Valentine’s Day Massacre
o Management promised to fix IROP abilities multiple times in response to pilot / Crewmember feedback after every IROP preceding the operational meltdown.
o Event placed Crewmembers at risk due to customer response to JetBlue’s lack of operational control.
 Apr ’07 – John Ross replaces Scott Green as VP Flight Operations
 May ’07 - David Neeleman replaced by Dave Barger as CEO.
o Board held David accountable for Feb ’07 event.
 Sep – Nov ’07 – Reserve Working Group works to help improve Crew Services’ execution of reserve protocols.
o Required changes to the Long Call process sit on Flight Operation’s desk until incorporated into the FSM as a Temporary Revision in Aug ’08.
o Flight Operations never transmitted communication campaign of needed changes to the FSM. This lack of communication is causal to significant conflict between reserve pilots and Crew Services.
 Jun – Nov ’07 – Internal conflict in PVC interferes with the committee’s ability to perform its duties.
o The committee writes its first set of by-laws in response to the lessons learned solving the internal conflict.
 Committee majority believes by-laws should be controlled by committee and should not include recall procedures.
 Nov ’07 – PVC works with Flight Operations to take “ownership” of next compensation review.
2008 Events
 Jan ’08 – First all Values Committee summit occurs in OSC
o Summits initially scheduled quarterly, ultimately three occur in 2008.
o The summit schedule goes to a semi-annual schedule.
 Jan ’08 – Discussions occur again of who runs compensation review between Flight Operations and PVC.
o Pilot Compensation Review Board (PCRB) is created during these discussions.
o PCRB Mission (see below) is jointly created between line pilots and management representatives on first day of initiative, Jan 30th.
o PVC solicits and chooses line pilot participants. Resistance is presented by some members of leadership of the PVC including pro-union pilots on board, but PVC’s resolve ensures the proper pilots participate regardless of their individual union views.
 Feb – Mar ’08 – PCRB begins.
o Pilots request data used to create the 2007 Compensation and Benefits Report
 Benefits Department never produces a complete set of data
o Pilots express concerns the PCRB will negotiate on its behalf. The PCRB and PVC is committed to not negotiating and holds itself to this standard throughout the PCRB process.
o PCRB pilots collect all CBA’s and many SPD’s of the peer set established in 2007.
o PCRB pilots expressed concern of not having dedicated legal and benefits expert support.
 Asks PVC to work with JetBlue to gain these resources.
 PVC hires, JetBlue pays for, Ron Natalie to review the PEA focusing on M&A sections of the agreement. This review occurs between Jun – Aug.
 Review shared with all pilots because the PVC mandates this.
o PCRB works to ensure all levels of leadership understand its mission when they uncovered different opinions of the mission existed throughout the leadership structure.
o PCRB pilots analyze the data and issue their findings on the deadline date of Mar 31st to the pilot corps and JetBlue leadership (see attached PCRB Final Report)
o April 1st – PCRB Presentation to the Executive Crew (EC)
 The PCRB was given one (1) hour to present its findings and host a Q&A session with the EC.
 See attached PCRB Final Report Outbrief.
 Leadership gives Vinnie Stabile and John Ross the responsibility to address the PCRB Final Report.
 The EC gives a May 31st deadline for a management response to be issued.
 Mar ’08 – PVC determines required changes to the FSM to address Long Call fixes are still sitting on Flight Operations’ desk
o PVC gets Flight Operations to agree to issue Temporary Revision so the published manual matches how Crew Services is scheduling pilots for reserve duty.
o Intent is to educate pilots of the finished project completed by the RWG.
 Apr – May ’08 – Flight Operations works to respond to the PCRB Final Report
o First official meetings including the PVC and PCRB SMEs are scheduled the second Tuesday of May.
 Two PVC members and one PCRB SME attend as observers and advisors on the work of the PCRB.
 Meetings are scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday for the remainder of May.
o Unknown what works was ongoing in April, but no official PCRB response meetings were held.
o Vinnie and John meet with EC on May 31st and the EC sends them back to do more research.
 June 26th is established as the new deadline for management to respond.
 Jun ‘08
o PVC works to address why FSM Temporary Revisions were not published in a timely fashion. Flight Ops told PVC they were in FAA’s hands when in fact they were not submitted.
o Jun 24th, 2008, PVC meets with John Ross and Craig Hoskins to address lack of TRs being issued to fix FSM.
o Jun 25th, PVC is briefed on JetBlue’s response to the PCRB Final Report.
 Changes to the response occur as late as 3:00 PM.
o Jun 26th – Flight Operations issues the PCRB Action Plan.
 Changes made to PEA to address the 5-day renewal window weakness.
 Requires JetBlue to demonstrate “cause” per Section 14 of the PEA not to renew a pilot’s PEA.
 Merger and acquisitions changes made to better define process and improve pilot protections.
 Established $2,000,000 trust fund if Transactional Event (TE) occurs
 Pilots may act individually or collectively
o Leadership did not help facilitate the creation of a plan for the pilots to act collectively in the event a TE occurs.
 PTO changed to credit toward earning premium pay, but PTS is changed to only be paid at a pilot’s Regular Rate of pay (i.e., no Premium Pay for the hours a pilot calls in sick).
 Issued pay raises to E190 pay rates and adjustments to years 2 – 7 for A320 Captains and years 4 – 12 for A320 First Officers (very few in this group).
o Created Permanent Working Committees.
 Sep ’08 – PEA Amendment issued instituting changes offered by Flight Operations
 Nov ’08 - JBPA petitions NMB to conduct representational vote.
o JBPA is established to bring a CBA to JetBlue’s pilots
o The founders initially approached JetBlue leadership to establish in-house union collaboratively like SWA and SWAPA
o Major issues for pilots were retirement shortcomings, job protection weaknesses, unilateral FSM changes, lack of legal representation and benefit deficiencies

It's pathetic that some Pilots are blind to ALL of this!


Snarge 11-05-2013 04:57 PM

Not sure if its pathetic or rather ignorance is bliss.... wait... that is the same isn't it?

CaptCoolHand 11-05-2013 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by pilotpayne (Post 1513637)
And that part will get someone fired.

Unlikely... Today's skrew up, tomorrow's new vp of fltops!

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