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UALBusDrvr 08-07-2009 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by crewdog58 (Post 657020)
I got an email from assignments (I started this process on 1 May). As I expected, from what I heard here, I've been out of flying too long to be offered a cockpit. UAV's are still an option but there is a waiting list. They could get me an AOC staff job now or I could wait until Spring/Summer for a UAV slot. I'm worried this program could be terminated by then. Wasn't it only authorized until the end of 2009? I'm going to call him tomorrow and see what kind of guarantee there is I could get a spot that far out. If not, maybe I could do a year in an AOC in the desert with a guarantee of a UAV on return? Anyone hear of anyone doing something similar or see any obvious flaws in my thinking? :)

I asked the same question about the hazards of accepting a 2010 training slot and the potential for program termination. Two assignment officers in the Bomber shop assured me that once you've cleared all the hoops and have accepted an assignment they will honor their commitment even if the program ends. They reiterated that the application window runs to the end of the year, but assignment RNLT dates can and will be made well into 2010.

cficpilot 08-07-2009 01:13 PM

I am returning to active duty on 10 August 2009. My EAD state: voluntarily ordered to extended active duty in accordance with Title.... for the period from 10 Aug 09 to 9 Aug 12 unless sooner relieved. Officer will revert to retired status on 10 Aug 12. I am guessing the "unless sooner relieved" is the just in case clause for many things, don't need me, get in trouble etc etc.
I feel your pain on getting answers from the recall ops folks. I had problems at times but beleive they are really trying there best in most cases. They seem like a small shop, I to had to keep bugging them and process my own AO, which did not take very long. Once my AO was approved I was proactive on e-mails to get my report date set. I retired less than a year and require no formal training, it can all be done in house. I applied in mid Mar. I never spoke to my assignment guy, and only talked via e-mail to recall ops or when I could get through at times on the phone. All in all start to finish was just shy of 5 months.
If you have a signed SOI then you are over the big hurdle of getting back on active duty. The best advice is try to be patient, it was difficult at times. The biggest thing is this process is new to so many folks.
I am not trying to stick up for any group just trying to tell some be patient, plan on several months and don't beleive the "60 days" on the FAQ sheet or the orginal message. They did not have their first board until April. Good luck to everyone
Best advice to get through to AFPC, call first thing in the morning. E-mail them via the ops recall website so if you do get someone on the phone they can view your e-mail. If you e-mail directly to a person only that person can view your e-mail. If you call the AF 1-800 hotline they can give you an update on your general status, awaiting board, etc. Good luck and feel free to PM is you have any questions.

cficpilot 08-07-2009 01:54 PM

Adding to C17 reply:
1. Thus, if they were to try and send you somewhere...after your first assignment, you would have the option to separate.
*** Once you meet your commitment you would be a free agent, agree with C17

1) Is there a place to go and try to see what assignments are possible? (For example, if I wanted staff at a particular base, where could I see what staff positions were available) Same thing goes if I wanted to try an AETC tour; where can I go to see if that base and plane were even an option?
*** Agree with C17 put down what you want to do and where you want to go. They will then offer you what they have and hope they are pretty close.
*** I don't think so. There is a list at the beginning of this thread showing where they really want folks, but if you come to them with a specific request I think they'll try to make it happen for you. Put it all on your 125 (dream sheet) and cover letter, then expect a call from an assignment officer to discuss your options...

2) Just so I understand the message 100%, at any point thru the process, up and until you sign your orders, you can pull it? So you can put your assignment preferences request, and if they don't give you something you want, there is no obligation? That is my understanding as it stands and the only way I apply.
*** Assignment Officer makes a rec. to the board. Board approves your package and you get an offer in the form of a Statement of Intent, this is your offer to accept or reject it. (see earlier posts this thread for samples) If you like it you sign it and return it. I think C17 is right you have up to report date, however its pretty official when you sign that SOI so before you accept/reject the SOI I would make sure that is what I want want to do. Up to that point you have nothing to lose. My SOI stated is must be signed and returned within 7 days not 14 days.
*** Yes, I believe you can pull out up to the final minute you ultimately report for duty. But before you ever get to that point, you will work with an assignment officer and will negotiate a job and base. That will be what they end up offering you, and you have two weeks to agree or turn it down. I hear you will have to wait a year before applying again.

Bottom line--there doesn't seem to be a down side to at least putting in for some dream assignments and seeing what they say--other than having to let your guard/reserve unit know that you may be leaving them! Agree you have nothing to lose but time by delaying putting in your package. Once again good luck.

crewdog58 08-14-2009 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by UALBusDrvr (Post 657925)
I asked the same question about the hazards of accepting a 2010 training slot and the potential for program termination. Two assignment officers in the Bomber shop assured me that once you've cleared all the hoops and have accepted an assignment they will honor their commitment even if the program ends. They reiterated that the application window runs to the end of the year, but assignment RNLT dates can and will be made well into 2010.

Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better. I told my assignments officer I would volunteer for a 365-day TDY to an AOC in the CENTCOM AOR if that would get me a guaranteed UAV assignment on my return ... maybe I tipped my hand too soon. He's looking into that. They aren't quite sure of the process since he says I'm the first RRRP guy to be volunteering for one of those. He also says I need to have 2nd and 3rd options if that falls through. I've been out of the cockpit too long for a flying job, so besides an AOC or TACC job, what else have they been offering guys like me?

I agree, the communications channels leave a whole lot to be desired, but I keep telling myself these folks at AFPC probably had this whole recall program dropped in their laps this year and told to manage without additional manpower despite already being chronically undermanned. There's probably not a lot of incentive for process improvement if the program is going to end in a few months either.

RotorHeadEd 08-14-2009 10:18 AM

365's and 2010

Got a call from the ALO assigmnents officer today. He said they needed to send me a new SOI that included a statement about a 365 day deployment so no you can not get one if you don't agree to it.

As far as the program continuing into 2010, if you have your package in you can be offered RNLT date into at least 2010. He was offering me some into 2010 but I took the earliest available in Nov.

crewdog58 08-14-2009 02:37 PM

RotorHeadEd - What kind of assignment are they offering you?

RotorHeadEd 08-15-2009 03:50 AM

ALO 19th ASOS Ft. Campbell I asked for it :D

crewdog58 08-15-2009 07:44 AM

Cool. So what kind of background do you need for a job like that?

Timekiller 08-15-2009 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by crewdog58 (Post 662714)
Cool. So what kind of background do you need for a job like that?

I've turned my RRORP package in June 26th. Thought I was completely unloved by AFPC until finding this forum. From what is posted here I may be opening my Christmas present before hearing from my AO.

How does the AO contact us? Has everyone just get emails or do they call?

crewdog58 08-15-2009 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by Timekiller (Post 662745)
I've turned my RRORP package in June 26th. Thought I was completely unloved by AFPC until finding this forum. From what is posted here I may be opening my Christmas present before hearing from my AO.

How does the AO contact us? Has everyone just get emails or do they call?

My contact has been only by email. He called me once but unfortunately I missed the call and haven't been able to re-connect by phone. E-mail seems to be what he prefers. I got two emails on Friday which ended with with "more to follow." My package was turned in on 1 May.

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