Logging AF time

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Copy all... I was unaware of the different rules, thanks for the heads up.
Sell what you have. You are not going to fool anybody about flight time. They know what time level different types of pilots should have.

A military pilot has a lot to offer, but thousands of hours may not be it.

Discipline- A tract record of meeting training objectives.
Good Attitude-
CRM trained and experienced.
Ability to deal with technology, etc

You may not have lots of time, but you may have done some interesting and demanding ops in your time. Disaster relief that required you to adapt and work with different types of people. You get the picture.
Quote: That's exactly how I've logged my fighter/trainer time.
That sounds logical, Adlerdriver I see you fly the purple tail which is where I'd like to get eventually. Any real heartburn with this way? I just figure I did sign for it in UPT for solo's and I was the PIC and final authority, i.e. if the engine caught on fire, I would handle it, then subsequently utilize the SOF ect. And, if I ****ed it away for some reason, the SOF and IP might get a bit of heat depending on the situation, but ultimately I think I would've had to answer the mail for it. It's only 30 hours or so, but who knows, that might be the 30 I need to hit 1000 PIC before your next window closes. Hours are pretty short right know unfortunatly.

Quote: That sounds logical, Adlerdriver I see you fly the purple tail which is where I'd like to get eventually. Any real heartburn with this way? I just figure I did sign for it in UPT for solo's and I was the PIC and final authority, i.e. if the engine caught on fire, I would handle it, then subsequently utilize the SOF ect. And, if I ****ed it away for some reason, the SOF and IP might get a bit of heat depending on the situation, but ultimately I think I would've had to answer the mail for it. It's only 30 hours or so, but who knows, that might be the 30 I need to hit 1000 PIC before your next window closes. Hours are pretty short right know unfortunatly.

The only hard-fast thing I can tell you is Fedex only wants PIC time where you were the A/C - signing for the aircraft.

The UPT solo time is a grey area. I hear your rationale for using it and it makes sense. You just weren't a pilot yet and those hours fall under "student time" not "primary" (at least in my flight records). My gut says you're probably on pretty firm ground. My first major airline wanted only military time logged after getting the wings - so, I've just gone with that ever since.

Maybe there's someone who got hired at Fedex using their solo UPT time, who could put your mind at ease. I just tended to be very conservative with the PIC time. If you need it, then you gotta do what you gotta do.

I've given this advice before - so here's my .02 again. Don't waste your time putting your military time into a civilian logbook. There is no point. You've got great documentation of all your military flight time in your flight records. All you need to do is attach a cover sheet detailing how you arrived at your totals (i.e. subtracting D-models w/ IP, etc.) and an easy to read total of all required times. Of course, civilian times you're using need to be in a logbook (ATP ride, etc.)

I've done this with three airlines and never had a problem. You have enough to deal with accomplishing meaningful prep for your interviews.
A bit off topic but I'm curious how competitive a military heavy guy is with around 1500 hours total and just a few hundred PIC? It seems most airlines are looking for several thousand to be competitive or even meet the minimums. Example: Spirit's posting has a min of 4000 hours TT. Do you think they would even look at a military guy that had half that? Getting hours has been difficult at times. Unless deployed, we're looking at maybe 20 hours a month. Thanks for any input.
Quote: A bit off topic but I'm curious how competitive a military heavy guy is with around 1500 hours total and just a few hundred PIC? It seems most airlines are looking for several thousand to be competitive or even meet the minimums. Example: Spirit's posting has a min of 4000 hours TT. Do you think they would even look at a military guy that had half that? Getting hours has been difficult at times. Unless deployed, we're looking at maybe 20 hours a month. Thanks for any input.
Not real competitive at this point, I'm sorry to say. You're a little low in the PIC category. 1000 PIC turbine is pretty common for major airlines/cargo. Some are higher.
Generally speaking, mins are just that..... minimums. If you don't meet them, you don't get an interview.

Sounds like you need to deploy - often. I always thought you heavy guys flew a lot more than that. 20 hours/month is a good month in fighters.
The BRAC and resulting transition to a new airplane has slowed me down, especially with PIC time. I actually just got back from the box and will be heading back out in a few months. 20 hours a month is at home base only.
Hey everyone, i've asked this ques before, and have gotten a few mixed reviews....so if you have some good sources/intel, please answer this one for me...

1200 pic turbine
1100 of it was in the T-6 Texan II
100 was C17

Will FedEx accept the single engine turbine pic? I know they lump the aircraft into their "tactical" category, according to their FAQs. Thx.
Quote: Hey everyone, i've asked this ques before, and have gotten a few mixed reviews....so if you have some good sources/intel, please answer this one for me...

1200 pic turbine
1100 of it was in the T-6 Texan II
100 was C17

Will FedEx accept the single engine turbine pic? I know they lump the aircraft into their "tactical" category, according to their FAQs. Thx.


I emailed pilotcredentials.com, the hiring section for FEDEX. T-6 time DOES NOT count toward fulfilling, "a minimum of 1000 hours total fixed-wing pilot-in-command in multi-engine turbo prop A/C or jet A/C or combination thereof." It WILL however count toward, "1500 hours total fixed-wing time as pilot-in-command (PIC)."
I knew the tweet was good for something other than noise........ better git flyin' that C-17.
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