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cl601pilot 03-09-2010 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by mshunter (Post 775577)
Oh wow. Someone jump up and help this guy. Talk about paying your due's. Someone get me this guy as my CFI. If we all thought like this, aviation would be, well, what it has become today.

So what is wrong with getting something for yourself in exchange for giving instruction. Like Mini said there is a lot that you can do in that 50 miles. There is a lot of different experiences that you can avail the student to. For instrument students it gives them a little more time to think and plan between the departure procedure and the approach.

As for me being what is wrong with aviation today. That kind of sounds like a personal insult. Was that what it was meant to be?

mshunter 03-09-2010 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by minitour (Post 775601)
I don't necessarily disagree with the 50nm/touch and go thing. Lots of time for maneuvers, pilotage, landings at another airport, getting comfy with ATC/towered (or non-towered) airport ops, etc.

Lots of positives to that.


I don't disagree with it either. But using a students checkbook to pad your logbook is just wrong. I am not here to rope people for money. I am here to teach, learn, and make a pay check. It just burns my butt when people are just in the coockpit with a student to get their hours.

Oldog 03-23-2010 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by cl601pilot (Post 775554)
I met one of these guys today up in Bishop (KBIH). He is Korean, part of the KAL training program. He is up to 450 TT. He was put in an Ameriflight BE-99 at 250 hours. Somebody explain to me how that works. He doesn't even have enough time to be 135 VFR.

You misunderstood. Over the years, AMF has had a number of foreign national CAPTAINS who met the 135 IFR PIC qualifications before they were hired. The person you met was an FO who DID meet applicable legal requirements for that position.

cl601pilot 03-24-2010 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Oldog (Post 783019)
You misunderstood. Over the years, AMF has had a number of foreign national CAPTAINS who met the 135 IFR PIC qualifications before they were hired. The person you met was an FO who DID meet applicable legal requirements for that position.

I got the impression that he was flying by himself. We were there all day and never saw any other pilots with him. We didn't see him leave though as we left before he did.

ImperialxRat 03-25-2010 03:19 PM

He wasn't flying by himself. The foreign guys who come in and sit SIC are doing it through a pay-for-training program. They have their jobs lined up in their home country once they reach a certain hourly requirement. (For KAL the students need to get 1000 hours TT)

In the case of KAL they pay for the students training and give a per-diem and living allowance, which the student then has to repay once flying the line for KAL. The students are on a 10 year contract.

Ameriflight and a lot of 135 operators participate in this program, and in our ops specs it allows for us to have FOs in all our aircraft.

Monguse 04-29-2010 03:25 PM

500 hours minimum
100 hours cross country and 25 hours of that has to be night cross country

Radials Rule 05-04-2010 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by Joepa84 (Post 742156)

I am actually really surprised that some of these comments were brought up, I am guessing some of you guys are fairly new at this, as these are not very complicated issues.

As for a good CFI "caring soley about his/her student" it is a delicate balance, of what you need and what you can help them with along the way.

I am surprised at your comments.

No, there is NO delicate balance as you suggest. No, a good CFI does not plan the student's lesson based on the need of the CFI's time building and experience requirements.....NOT AT ALL.

Be a professional and do your job. The student pays you to do a job. He does not to pay you to build time.

What is this world coming to?!

Radials Rule 05-04-2010 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by cl601pilot (Post 775979)
So what is wrong with getting something for yourself in exchange for giving instruction.

Nothing is wrong with getting something for yourself in exchange when that exchange is your hourly rate that you're being paid. The building of your experience is NOT part of the deal. It just happens to be legal for you to log the time that you're giving flight instruction.

Originally Posted by cl601pilot (Post 775979)
As for me being what is wrong with aviation today. That kind of sounds like a personal insult. Was that what it was meant to be?

I can't speak for him. However, this philosophy of planning the lesson based on anything other than the student's benefit does indeed contribute to what is wrong with aviation today.......what is wrong with the world today.

detpilot 05-06-2010 12:48 AM

I am surprised at your comments.

No, there is NO delicate balance as you suggest. No, a good CFI does not plan the student's lesson based on the need of the CFI's time building and experience requirements.....NOT AT ALL.

Be a professional and do your job. The student pays you to do a job. He does not to pay you to build time.

What is this world coming to?!

Jesus... this is why we're called the "me" generation. I couldn't imagine going 50 miles on each training flight, and I fly a 150 knot "primary trainer..." Plus, the examiner isn't going to give the student 50 miles worth of time to set up between approaches, so you're just setting the guy up for failure as you're raping his wallet. :eek:

AviatorG 02-03-2013 12:27 PM

I have a quick question...... So all of the IFR training I did where I flew to other airports to shoot approaches.... Would that count towards P135 XC requirements even though I did not land? Just performing Missed and then returning back to original point of Origin? Wouldn't this be just like the Bomber Issue? I am guessing not... It Does require a Landing Correct for Part 135...

Since I am a fairly new , and not quite sure the direction I am going......I am trying to structure my log book to satisfy both the 135 and ATP Requirements so that it is done no matter which route I end up...

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