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EMAW 08-12-2018 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by Cirrus2turbine (Post 2653774)
Is Wheels Up only hiring FO's with ATP qualifications?

Wheels Up doesn’t have pilots. The last mins I heard here at Gama Aviation were right at ATP mins. I don’t see them going below that due to insurance, and our Argus/Wyvern rating. I think that’s primarily what drives our hiring mins anyway.

phlying4fun 08-12-2018 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Cirrus2turbine (Post 2653774)
Is Wheels Up only hiring FO's with ATP qualifications?

I see you are new to APC, so to clarify..

Wheels Up sells the membership but does not have a 135 Operating Certificate, thus no pilots.

Gama Aviation has the 135 Operating Certificate, hires the pilots and controls the flying of the aircraft. Pilots work for Gama.

The two companies work well together.

dera 08-12-2018 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by phlying4fun (Post 2654119)
I see you are new to APC, so to clarify..

Wheels Up sells the membership but does not have a 135 Operating Certificate, thus no pilots.

Gama Aviation has the 135 Operating Certificate, hires the pilots and controls the flying of the aircraft. Pilots work for Gama.

The two companies work well together.

...and to answer his question - yes, you need ATP mins to get hired.

Cirrus2turbine 08-13-2018 04:33 AM

Originally Posted by dera (Post 2654135)
...and to answer his question - yes, you need ATP mins to get hired.

+1 plus another 1 :)
Thanks all for the clarifications!

Rcordeiro122592 08-25-2018 08:40 AM

how is vacation time accrued?

Busdriver91 08-25-2018 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by Rcordeiro122592 (Post 2661890)
how is vacation time accrued?

8 days a year which must be used on your regular “days on” rotation. In other words you will get a block of 20 days off each year (6 days off before and after your regular rotation). Normal bidding is in the fall but I got hired after the last bid and was able to get a slot by just emailing a request to scheduling.

siuaviation 08-27-2018 09:28 AM

Extra flying days
Hi all, I spoke with the Chief Pilot for Gama/Wheels Up at AirVenture this year and he mentioned that overtime is abundant and you can pick up as many days as you want on your days off. Is this true and are a lot of guys doing OT?

EMAW 08-27-2018 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by siuaviation (Post 2662906)
Hi all, I spoke with the Chief Pilot for Gama/Wheels Up at AirVenture this year and he mentioned that overtime is abundant and you can pick up as many days as you want on your days off. Is this true and are a lot of guys doing OT?

There are time it’s true, but if they don’t need you they won’t put you on duty and pay you. There are some guys who do overtime, I value my free time to much.

Busdriver91 08-27-2018 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by siuaviation (Post 2662906)
Hi all, I spoke with the Chief Pilot for Gama/Wheels Up at AirVenture this year and he mentioned that overtime is abundant and you can pick up as many days as you want on your days off. Is this true and are a lot of guys doing OT?

I’ve requested overtime a few times, especially when they were offering a premium, and have yet to be given any. I wouldn’t come here expecting to get extra money for working on days off.

Allegheny 08-28-2018 08:33 AM

A question for GAMA King Air Drivers. How much room is there in the wing lockers for crew gear? I can pack for 5 days but eight days will require some management. Can you get a standard roll-aboard on there? Is there room for a backpack also?

I will be in indoc on the 17th.

phlying4fun 08-28-2018 08:54 AM

I have my Costco roll a board, a few have Purdy Neat bags and they fit. I put my little carry on in the plane.

EMAW 08-28-2018 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by Allegheny (Post 2663471)
A question for GAMA King Air Drivers. How much room is there in the wing lockers for crew gear? I can pack for 5 days but eight days will require some management. Can you get a standard roll-aboard on there? Is there room for a backpack also?

I will be in indoc on the 17th.

Standard 22in Luggage works Stealth (AKA Purdy neat) fits well. 8 days of stuff and no backpack for me. It works, but I don’t carry a laptop. Pretty sure the 26 in stealth works too, but it takes up too much room in the overheads on the airlines.

Allegheny 08-28-2018 10:25 AM

Thank you. Can you get a packpack into that space too, with the roll-aboard. Just wondering? Does GAMA have KCM?

Das Auto 08-28-2018 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Allegheny (Post 2663548)
Thank you. Can you get a packpack into that space too, with the roll-aboard. Just wondering? Does GAMA have KCM?

Yes KCM is available but you pay for it. You don't want to put your back pack in the wing locker. This compartments are not pressurized and you'll likely end up with leaky / burst fluids. Clothes are fine but keep your valuables and wash kit in a separate bag inside the cabin. Most store theirs discreetly in the back with the extra stock etc.

I have a luggage works stealth which fits in the wing locker as long as I don't overstuff it. Packing cubes help compact your clothing and separates underwear etc.

hdgbug 08-28-2018 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by Allegheny (Post 2663548)
Thank you. Can you get a packpack into that space too, with the roll-aboard. Just wondering? Does GAMA have KCM?

I would not expect to be able to put anything in the wing except for your roller. My advice is don't bring anything more than two bags total, a roller and a backpack/flight bag type bag. For one, overall storage is limited and should be kept free for the passengers. Plus you'll be harassed by gate agents all the time while traveling, even in uniform. It takes some creative packing but fitting 8 days into a 22" roller can easily be done. It may take a few tours but you'll pare down what you really need and don't need.

Yes, KCM is an option if you wish to pay for it.

EMAW 08-28-2018 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Das Auto (Post 2663602)
Yes KCM is available but you pay for it. You don't want to put your back pack in the wing locker. This compartments are not pressurized and you'll likely end up with leaky / burst fluids. Clothes are fine but keep your valuables and wash kit in a separate bag inside the cabin. Most store theirs discreetly in the back with the extra stock etc.

I have a luggage works stealth which fits in the wing locker as long as I don't overstuff it. Packing cubes help compact your clothing and separates underwear etc.

Another perspective. I put everything in the winglocker and as long as I pay attention to what I’m using and how I pack it I don’t have a problem with liquids oozing/exploding. Although, I wouldn’t put any electronics there due to extreme cold and lack of pressurization.

Allegheny 08-28-2018 02:03 PM

Thanks for the answers guys. It's much appreciated.

Deluth16 08-28-2018 03:25 PM

How large are classes?
Where are most pilots going to sim?
Any breaks in training lately?

lov2flyceagle 08-30-2018 11:38 PM

I'm starting to put my latest resume together now that I have 3000TT. Do I send it to Gama at Shelton, CT or is there an online site? Thanks

xNavyTR 08-31-2018 03:26 AM

Starbucks 08-31-2018 03:34 AM

Originally Posted by lov2flyceagle (Post 2665593)
I'm starting to put my latest resume together now that I have 3000TT. Do I send it to Gama at Shelton, CT or is there an online site? Thanks

You have to try at least a little. a 20 second online search comes up with the website. Less time than it took to type this.

lov2flyceagle 08-31-2018 09:40 PM

Yes, I should have looked and searched a little more but after two doubles turning wrenches, I was a little tired.

But you did say this back in October 2016, as I had read and you can also on the third page. I Quote

"If you're close send your stuff in. There is no clarity here regarding much of anything."

So that is why I asked the question.

I have now found a few more google searches on Management, since you suggested I search more.

Bellair 09-06-2018 08:26 AM

I know the requirements are ATP mins, so does that mean you could get hired on at 1475?

hdgbug 09-06-2018 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by Bellair (Post 2669351)
I know the requirements are ATP mins, so does that mean you could get hired on at 1475?

Technically yes, you could be hired at 1475. However, it's been a long time since I went through the initial, but I'm pretty sure it was only 6 lessons at 2 hours a piece. Maybe someone who has experience with this could say, but I'm not sure if you could count time sitting SIC in the simulator towards your 1500. Even if you can use the SIC simulator time, you could only count on 24 hours towards your 1500. I wouldn't expect to get anything more than the allotted time out of a training center.

That being said, I'm not sure if Gama will look at someone who doesn't have the 1500 already. Certainly wouldn't hurt to apply at 14xx. Personally I would probably wait until 1490 because I know I would get at least 10 hours in training (1484 if needing the ATP-CTP, 10 hours initial + 6 hours ATP-CTP).

TyWebb 09-06-2018 12:08 PM

How about R-ATP? I am a former MIL rotor guy that will be at 1400-ish TT once I complete my multiengine next month. I plan to apply regardless, just seeing if anyone had been hired with the same background.

Where do WU pilot go afterwards? If I like the QOL I would commit to some longevity with the company, but just wanted to see where most move on to. With not being as informed to the fixed wing side of the industry, I would think this job would set someone up for business/Corporate/part91 type flying.

Bellair 09-06-2018 01:16 PM

Awesome! Thanks for the insight. I just crossed 1300. Hopefully be in the December class

hdgbug 09-06-2018 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by TyWebb (Post 2669532)
How about R-ATP?

Where do WU pilot go afterwards?

Part 135 has no provisions for R-ATP. As far as 135 is concerned, R-ATP is the same as a Commercial.

I've seen pilots go pretty much everywhere. Airlines (both major and regional), other 135s, 91s, wherever. All depends what you want to do and what your resume looks like. If you qualify to work here, you will likely qualify for any other 91k/135 operator and could jump there whenever. The good corporate 91 gigs seem to go to the ones with contacts or an applicable type. I've seen only a couple go to the regionals, but it seemed like they preferred 121 operations to 135. Lots of guys waiting for the majors to call and some have gone with various backgrounds previous to Gama.

TyWebb 09-06-2018 04:46 PM


Thanks for the info. I just assumed R-ATP was all encompassing, so that may change my direction as I would rather get with a company by the end of the year/first of the year. I really was leaning away from a regional but it may be the smarter move and then come to WU later on down the career.

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