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What 07-28-2013 03:56 AM

Originally Posted by meyers9163 (Post 1452875)
Making an LOA to allow extra IOE or withholding of lines for training etc would require such. That wouldn't mean concessions etc. Asking for help to recruit pilots from our group to staff planes could also be asked for. Changing the job progression clause to suit the new AA would require meeting. I can think of as many reasons not negative as I can positive. So again to come here saying, "I hear PSA was asked for concessions" is again nothing but a move to stir the pot.

I never said I heard PSA was asked for concessions, i think -:p

You need to look outside of your airline and see what management is doing. Doug Parker said that he won't guarantee aircraft to the regional that wasn't willing to follow Pinnacle's cost structure. Second, US Airways management, PSA management and the Union don't meet all together in expedited "negotiations" for an LOA. Management is not going to decide wether or not to place the aircraft at PSA based on an LOA. This is about money, it always has been about money and it always will be about money. GO back and read your union letter, if you don't have it I will gladly provide it for you. Your union is telling you between the lines that they weren't given a specific deal but that they are not willing to accept a take it or leave it deal or a B scale. in other words they have been told that they are looking to reduce pilot cost at your airline. Read the second to last paragraph where the union tells you again that their goal is make PSA a place for people to come work.

Like I said, I like your positive attitude but we have seen this so many time, it plays over and over again but the biggest fact is that management already said they are on a hunt for concessions that resemble Pinnacle. They said this to all the regionals, PSA happens to be next on the calendar.

seafeye 07-28-2013 06:10 AM

Delta worked hard at getting the Pinnacle rates. They even went as far as closing down Comair to do so. What is Airways going to do? Do they think they can just talk us into concessions? Remember in order for Delta to get Pinnacle rates they had to put Pinnacle into bankruptcy. We are not in that position. Airways spent almost 5 years negotiating a new PSA contract. That was all the concession i am willing to make.

Nevets 07-28-2013 07:12 AM

I hope the NC at PSA and their pilots do what's best for them.
And I hope the PSA NC realizes that what's best for the industry is best for them!

buddies8 07-28-2013 06:12 PM

I will say it again, they come to the owned regionals because they don't have to negotiate with management, they own management. Why does not Parker go to one of the non owned regionals feeders and try this, because he does not control that management. Parker and the rest don't have balls, they try to manipulate the owned regionals one against the other. American used to try that all the time with the separate eagles owned. The one thing always that you could guarantee is that the alpa carriers always fought each other to see who will be first to the bottom.

Nevets 07-28-2013 06:48 PM

I will say it again, they come to the owned regionals because they don't have to negotiate with management, they own management. Why does not Parker go to one of the non owned regionals feeders and try this, because he does not control that management. Parker and the rest don't have balls, they try to manipulate the owned regionals one against the other. American used to try that all the time with the separate eagles owned. The one thing always that you could guarantee is that the alpa carriers always fought each other to see who will be first to the bottom.
Same thing happening with the airlines owned by Skywest inc. It's a double whipsaw for us.

seattlepilot 07-29-2013 02:44 AM

Yet another case where we need to thank pinnacle guys...

Saabs 07-29-2013 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by seattlepilot (Post 1453389)
Yet another case where we need to thank pinnacle guys...

How's Seattle? I heard they have the best coffee?:rolleyes:

Oh and u can vote no.

Gofish 07-29-2013 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by fullflank (Post 1452870)
Actually I have to agree with WHAT. By process of deduction, there is actually nothing realistic that these meetings could be for other than concession talks. Sure, theres standard deviation built in, but thats like a .004 percent chance that management wants to meet to offer bonuses for a job well done. Its safe to assume at this point that our NC committee was invited to renegotiate our terms, again not for the better.

But but, when the Airline Managers Union meets in Dayton its "SUPER SECRET!!!" don't ya know

buddies8 07-29-2013 05:35 AM

That's alpa for you.

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