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Waitingformins 03-02-2016 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by moon (Post 2080800)
Just because you had a blended rate set and your rate went up....because of the 12 and 4 doesn't mean it wasn't a concession. You accepted the 12 and 4 for bigger planes and then the ratio changed. 12 and 4 is a concession no two ways about it

He's just playing dumb, before 12/4 they had year 18, year 12 is not higher nor will be than year 18 was. He'll come back with the flow yada yada. They also took an ins. hit and perdeim. More importantly, he knows and you do too that it was fundamental base line attack to put the squeeze on Envoy.

PilotJ3 03-02-2016 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by Waitingformins (Post 2080803)
He's just playing dumb, before 12/4 they had year 18, year 12 is not higher nor will be than year 18 was. He'll come back with the flow yada yada. They also took an ins. hit and perdeim

And health insurance.

M2992 03-02-2016 06:39 PM

This management can't even pay the $1000 referral bonus they advertised... You think they were gonna pay tens of thousands of dollars like they said...
They knew the NC was gonna deny the offer, they just pretended they had something in place to add some exciment to part of the pilot group...
If they were poker players, they are failing miserably at bluffing...
Ive seen this show once or twice before, only now management is gonna loose

Grrrr 03-02-2016 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by moon (Post 2080768)
In a way it's actually continuing to drive the industry further into a hole, which is what they are good at. Instead of a chance to have major gains for FOs. Their selfish ways won out and LET'S KEEP THE BAR LOW is really their mantra it seems.

How is it keeping the bar low? They offered us something that still wouldn't have brought us up to industry standard pay for FOs so our MEC said no. It was not a permanent contract improvement, it was a short term bonus so the MEC said no. The company wanted a cheap gimmick to advertise to new hires without giving any real improvements to the pilots on property. That's not raising the bar, that's bending over to help the company staff and fix a mess they created. If they want to succeed they need to fix some of the real problems around here.

Waitingformins 03-02-2016 06:44 PM

That's the real reason this bouns failed. The smart ones realized they got shafted last go around. They didn't even negotiate that TA, just take it or leave it. AAG took advantage of them, and their weak pilot group. The stronger ones know that, and now they are trying desperately to retaliate. No sane person would leave that kind of money on the table, they realize they have egg on their face and are trying hang on to their dignity. The stupid new FO's must really be dreaming big too support this.

YNWA1892 03-02-2016 06:59 PM

I hope I am wrong but I think the PSA pilots shouldn't celebrate just yet for "standing up" to the company. I won't argue that we need QOL increases to bring in new pilots but I'm not sure this was the place to stand our ground. The way I see it we just said no to free money for some of our poorer pilots. Every one can see that this isn't enough to bring in new pilots so they will have to offer more in the near future any ways so why not just take the money now and more later too? The main issue I see though is that PSAs main problem is getting new hires. We don't need captains and as much as every FO says they will leave I doubt that many really will. So what motivation does the company have to pay people they arnt losing? If this isn't enough to bring new hires in what is to stop the company from just throwing money at new hires and telling current pilots tough ******? They did it today and have a history of doing it. Until we start losing a mass amount of current pilots I just don't see the company offering us money when they don't have to. Like I said I hope I'm wrong but we'll see I guess.

SkyguyT88 03-02-2016 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by chrisreedrules (Post 2080337)
They knew what the pay was when they (myself included) came to PSA. I deal in real estate, and I've both bought and sold successful businesses. I know a thing or two about contracts and negotiations. The fact that the company released that email before the union had a chance to come to the pilot group with something concrete (like a finalized deal) is indicative of subversive politics in and of itself. They are trying to be divisive and get away with attracting new hires as cheap as they possibly can. They know that a lot of FOs will vote for the bonuses with or without the CAs being included. And they know that by releasing that email, timed with the announcement by Envoy, will leave a lot of pilots at PSA salivating for that money (as evidenced by some of the replies here). Don't play into their hand. We have a union because they represent a UNIFIED pilot group. Not just the FOs or just the CAs. I support a bonus. But I support a bonus for all.

Maybe. Let me think "out loud" a little here: I usually hear grumping about pilots on property not getting anything, and all the bonuses going to pilots not here (new hires) that have nothing at stake. This would have given something to pilots here.

Attracting and retaining new pilots is ultimately, big-picture, good for everyone.
PSA is getting more airplanes; thus, we need more staff every month to fly them. More airplanes = more lines = more pilots already here off reserve = more captains = bigger flow number to mainline = shorter flow time for everyone. But you gotta get the new hires for that all to work.

You've already seen how quickly the transfers from Envoy can get stopped. It's tougher contractually to stop or slow purchase orders of new aircraft, but it's easy to not exercise the option to purchase more if PSA shows we can't staff them. So not enough new hires brings all of that good to a grinding halt. Thus, attracting and retaining FO's really is good for all.

Also, many new hire captains essentially received their bonus getting their quick upgrade. I've flown with several who know they would still be sitting in the right seat at their previous carrier. They came to PSA, and got the quickest upgrade in the industry. They get captain's pay way before they would have otherwise: a big bonus.

Food for thought.

Eaglepilot84 03-02-2016 07:40 PM

From an eagle guy to the pilots of PSA...thank you for standing up for the industry!!

....Hahahahahaha, sorry I couldn't say that with a straight face ;)

Dubz 03-02-2016 08:59 PM

This is 100% about attracting new hires. The numbers may prove me wrong in the coming months, but I don't see how this opens the floodgates of FOs to PSA. Does anyone in the audience expect this bonus offer to put 50 butts/month in training seats at PSA? I'm sure we will see a short bump in FO numbers but I seriously doubt it will be sustained or significant. Pilots see and understand that in order for PSA (and the other WOs) to be attractive to pilots the pay scale needs to match (or at least be close to matching) the pay scales at comparable airlines. Coming to PSA to make $10-15 an hour less than what you can make elsewhere isn't offset with a $10K bonus... at least not in my mind. I agree that all of the pilots on property should receive the bonus, I also agree that everyone currently flying PSA iron has suffered through the first years' of an FO pay scale, I agree that the correct approach is not to provide the simple band-aide solution of a bonus to FOs, can we all agree that $2500 in my bank account as well as every other FO on property tomorrow could have gone a long way to improve my and their families' lifestyle? I think the MEC did the correct thing today, only time will tell. I am surprised that anyone was expecting something different, after all he has been adamant that any offers would be for the entire pilot group or nothing.

While the FO population suffers a financial set back today, isn't the ultimate goal to leave this a better place for those who follow? Can we all agree that a permanent fix to the pay scales is the necessary long term fix? Again, time will tell. I see it going one of two ways; either we are in pay scale negotiations before the end of the summer or things take a serious bad turn and airplanes start moving because of staffing. One of the significant challenges is that there seems to be a desire for AAG to keep the three WOs on par (or close) so when this bonus doesn't rectify the recruiting issues, where does that leave us? Are the pay scales at two WOs going to be adjusted because one can’t staff?

A happy pilot group is the strongest recruiting tool for the airline. Who wants to walk into an environment of turmoil such as that which exist today in our group? I don't see us as a happy pilot group today and that is unfortunate. I find it extraordinarily difficult to believe that anyone in this pilot group would maliciously and selfishly turn down money for any part of the group and would have a different opinion on that money if it were offered to a different portion of the group, as has been insinuated. Maybe that's just my naivety, for now can we try to stand behind our leadership? Was the timing of certain emails and the offers to each of the WOs coincidence? Could it be that it was intended to divide us because the outcome of the MEC discussions was a known quantity by management?

Let me attempt my best recruiting pitch: Come to PSA where you can make $35K/year 1... oh, and year 2. Current reserve sits are approximately 4 months to a year and growing, and while I understand that is nothing compared to what our predecessors had, is there better elsewhere? Is there an airline that I can go to today that has me flying more, faster, for more money with better bases? We have one readily commutable base (to most individuals and it has the longest reserve sit), 3 outstation bases (two leg commutes for most) and who knows what on the horizon. My guess is AAG won't allow us to open another base until we can prove that we can staff the aircraft that are supposed to be on the way.

If they aren’t already, I hope our union leadership sits down with the leadership with the other 2 WOs so that we can all move in the same direction. I would never fault another pilot group for doing what they feel is right for themselves. I’m happy for the Envoy FO that pulls down an extra $10K this year… good for him and his family.

Buy me beer, don’t buy me beer… whatever, I’ll still show with a smile on my face and bust my butt because that’s what I think a professional pilot does. If you won’t buy me a beer I hope you will sit down with me and drink one… who knows, wifey might let me walk out of the door with enough cash to buy you one.

Seldom is the immediate, easy answer the correct one. But that’s probably just my naivety coming out again. I trust that all of us are educated enough to understand both sides of the argument just because you don’t agree with mine (or the FO that needed that $20K to feed his kid) doesn’t mean that we can’t at least try to identify, understand, and respect their/my/his/her position.

Time will tell, for now it is time for me to go fix some ramen noodles.

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