Comair's Big Announcement

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There you have it!
So it sounds like its likely to be OH perhaps, but they are just replacing some of the 50 seaters?
so, the article didn't say who Delta is going to give these new jets to did they? I must have missed something...
You are correct, DL has not announced who will receive these. Not hard to put two and two together. Plus was told directly from main GO personal. Tin you are correct, these are replacing 50 seaters but any way you look at it, it is a positive sign, at least the most we have had here in years. Including this will provide movement in the pilot seniority ranks. A little anyways which could mean diffence from reserve to line holder. If only the trips could improve.
Trips will never improve so long as Delta keeps more than just a few Connection carriers.
Well, I have to disagree. I am not saying I will ever see the days of 26 hour four days and 17 to 18 days off a month. However I have seen other DCI with more producive trips. There is always room for improvement.
...and there you have it. Off to CVG (Or JFK) they go!
They are replacing 50 seaters with the 90s on a one-for-one basis.

As for being sold, Delta said a few weeks ago that Comair would not be sold, if at all, until next year. If Comair is to be sold, some spit and polish is going to be required, along with a ton of aircraft commitments and block hours.
they told us they are all going to CVG initially, replacing the 50's and that the pilots will fly BOTH the 70 and 90
Quote: so, the article didn't say who Delta is going to give these new jets to did they? I must have missed something...
COMAIR got them......we had the "celebration" today at 1 in the hanger
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