Pinnacle CRJ-900 Rates

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Quote: we make more on our w2s than 9 out of 10 of the regionals out there with our bonuses and rewards not to mention we don't get taxed by alpa for 2%. Flame On
Incorrect on all counts. I have the w2's to prove it (Two of my best friends work at skywest and we've compared). You really make your peers look bad when you post silly things like this. BTW all three of us got a good laugh out of your post, previously censored by the moderators, I suppose laughing is not a good thing.
Laugh to your hearts content. Just keep it off the fourms. Your post was inappropriate.
Heck forget the -900, Pinnacle's FO pay is bad for the -200!!! Our 2nd year 50 seat FO pay is equal (if not a little more) than 9E's FOURTH year pay.

How many seats are on their 900's? Is it 76 like XJ?
I love how they imposed rates with the FO rates the same. When a few months ago they sent out a memo saying the FO's need a raise and they wanted to raise 2nd year pay to $30hr. What a joke. I they really cared they would have imposed $30 2nd yr. What a bunch of rats. Krama Clive, Krama.
The SKW -900 new rates from year one through ten are:

I make more on the 50 seat RJ at ASA........Nice!
I dont understand why the company wants to raise the pay NOW for the -900 guys. Even though its only a 5% increase, and for captains only, they are not obligated to increase the pay above the -200 rate until the arbitrator makes his decision.

There is another motive here
Be nice if you regional sheep would focus on your real problem - ALPA. If you put some effort into forcing ALPA, who claims to have political pull, to change the Railway Act life would change immediately. Sort of ironic the retirement age gets raised to 65, but the 4 year contract renegotiations continue. Wonder who benefits from all that conflict? (For those of you in Memphis - it would be ALPA.)

For the record I think the Skywest folks have proved they make more money and have a better QOL then the 9E's will ever have all without the ALPA tax.
Quote: Be nice if you regional sheep would focus on your real problem - ALPA. If you put some effort into forcing ALPA, who claims to have political pull, to change the Railway Act life would change immediately. Sort of ironic the retirement age gets raised to 65, but the 4 year contract renegotiations continue. Wonder who benefits from all that conflict? (For those of you in Memphis - it would be ALPA.)
You are stupidly naive if you think ALPA, or any other entity, would ever be able to change the Railway Labor Act. ALPA does have political pull, but do you really think any politician, regardless of their political affiliation, will lobby for a change to long-standing law that would make it easier for airline employees to strike?

You "misunderestimate" ALPA's power and clout...not surprising because most pilots don't know *** ALPA really does or is capable of. Hell, most pilots don't even realize THEY ARE ALPA.

For the record I think the Skywest folks have proved they make more money and have a better QOL then the 9E's will ever have all without the ALPA tax.
Its WAY to premature to suggest even such a thing. "Better than 9E will ever have", eh? I suppose we'll see...
Quote: Heck forget the -900, Pinnacle's FO pay is bad for the -200!!! Our 2nd year 50 seat FO pay is equal (if not a little more) than 9E's FOURTH year pay.

How many seats are on their 900's? Is it 76 like XJ?
I hate to stick my foot into this, but any pay comparison after year 1 at Pinnacle is almost irrelevant (right now) since most people have upgraded at 1.5-2 YOS.

I'm out.
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