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Pilotpip 03-18-2008 07:57 PM

Shuttle is getting EFB. When we do is anybody's guess. I've heard rumblings about this summer.

Why would anybody want to go into this industry at that age? Jesus, go live a little. Must suck not being able to have a drink with the crew on a long overnight.

ExperimentalAB 03-18-2008 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by Pilotpip (Post 343623)
Shuttle is getting EFB. When we do is anybody's guess. I've heard rumblings about this summer.

[B]Why would anybody want to go into this industry at that age? Jesus, go live a little. Must suck not being able to have a drink with the crew on a long overnight.

Because they don't know yet...but they will certainly find out! There is so much more to life than flying an RJ...err button-pushing and babysitting an Autopilot :rolleyes:

edited also to say: No dog in this fight - but I haven't heard a thing about EFB's from my buddies there. Now we're back on Topic ;)

usmc-sgt 03-18-2008 08:11 PM

Lets not stray from the topic at hand here folks. We have gone from EFBs at Republic to age limitations on the 170 and then onto being too young in general.

Holy Toledo 03-18-2008 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by ExperimentalAB (Post 343631)
Because they don't know yet...but they will certainly find out! There is so much more to life than flying an RJ...err button-pushing and babysitting an Autopilot :rolleyes:

edited also to say: No dog in this fight - but I haven't heard a thing about EFB's from my buddies there. Now we're back on Topic ;)

The design and placement has been finalized, and the production model is being made. Once the STC is obtained, they will install it in one airplane for a short test period.

Once local FAA approves procedure and policy regarding it, it will go fleet wide at Shuttle. Once Shuttle starts going fleet wide then Republic will install it's first unit.

There will be a period where the two systems will be run parallel with the Jepps, and then the jepps will go away and the EFB's will be primary.

Goal is to be paperless (all manuals) at both carriers by next summer.

XtremeF150 03-18-2008 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Holy Toledo (Post 343645)
The design and placement has been finalized, and the production model is being made. Once the STC is obtained, they will install it in one airplane for a short test period.

Once local FAA approves procedure and policy regarding it, it will go fleet wide at Shuttle. Once Shuttle starts going fleet wide then Republic will install it's first unit.

There will be a period where the two systems will be run parallel with the Jepps, and then the jepps will go away and the EFB's will be primary.

Goal is to be paperless (all manuals) at both carriers by next summer.

Just curious if you mean they are designing the EFB for you guys...Compass already has them in several of their 175's.

jacksjj 03-19-2008 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by Holy Toledo (Post 343645)
The design and placement has been finalized, and the production model is being made. Once the STC is obtained, they will install it in one airplane for a short test period.

Once local FAA approves procedure and policy regarding it, it will go fleet wide at Shuttle. Once Shuttle starts going fleet wide then Republic will install it's first unit.

There will be a period where the two systems will be run parallel with the Jepps, and then the jepps will go away and the EFB's will be primary.

Goal is to be paperless (all manuals) at both carriers by next summer.

Yeah, what he said...

btwissel 03-19-2008 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by XtremeF150 (Post 343649)
Just curious if you mean they are designing the EFB for you guys...Compass already has them in several of their 175's.

according to the memo sent out to us, it's DAC intl. that's doing the EFBs. it's an off the shelf system, and since shuttle is the smaller of the 2 170 certs, we're getting to play guinea pig with them. just like W&B over the ACARS.

aewanabe 03-19-2008 09:28 AM

Interesting that RAH is looking so far forward with the EFBs. It's not been that long since I left Chautauqua (8 mos now) for JB's E190 right seat, and have some observations. We're quasi-EFB, in that our FOM, AFM, and all other company manuals are on company-issued laptops. We carry paper Jepps, however. (The company experimented with LIDO for the purpose of going paper-less and that was a disaster, evidently). I'm actually a big fan of paper Jepps, probably because it's what I'm used to. However, at JB I carry ONE 2-inch binder plus a trip book; when I left CHQ I had 3 2-inchers, plus an enroute chart-holder, plus a trip book. If you guys are still carrying that much crap then EFB for the charts probably makes more sense.

Just curious how you are doing W/B via ACARS; I recently rode up-front on a RW E170 and it was still all whiz-wheel and paper. At JB I do the W/B on the laptop and then the CA sends the CG, weights, etc. to dispatch over the ACARS. Is it something similar to that?

freeflyer14 03-19-2008 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by aewanabe (Post 343870)
Interesting that RAH is looking so far forward with the EFBs. It's not been that long since I left Chautauqua (8 mos now) for JB's E190 right seat, and have some observations. We're quasi-EFB, in that our FOM, AFM, and all other company manuals are on company-issued laptops. We carry paper Jepps, however. (The company experimented with LIDO for the purpose of going paper-less and that was a disaster, evidently). I'm actually a big fan of paper Jepps, probably because it's what I'm used to. However, at JB I carry ONE 2-inch binder plus a trip book; when I left CHQ I had 3 2-inchers, plus an enroute chart-holder, plus a trip book. If you guys are still carrying that much crap then EFB for the charts probably makes more sense.

Just curious how you are doing W/B via ACARS; I recently rode up-front on a RW E170 and it was still all whiz-wheel and paper. At JB I do the W/B on the laptop and then the CA sends the CG, weights, etc. to dispatch over the ACARS. Is it something similar to that?

Yes, we still have to carry that many Jepp binders and crap, it takes up a ton of room and weighs a ton. I have 2 full size jepp binders and a 1in binder completely full. We also have to carry the GOM (a little larger than a 2inch jepp binder) and the aircraft POH (the same size as a full 2inch jepp binder). Why the have never been able to just put a POH in the airplane is beyond me... This EFB will eventually replace all of those manuals, resulting in a truely paperless system. I believe at first however it will be for jepp charts only. It will be very nice and save a ton of weight, we will eventually not even need a flight kit, I am thinking of just getting some kind of small laptop bag to carry the stuff you'd normally have with you in your flight kit (headset, magazines, flashlight, gum, etc etc)

The W&B is done through the datalink page of the MCDU (acars). It has a section for takeoff performance where you input the departure runways and weather conditions, and a loading page where you enter the number of bags and the passenger count in each section. Once you put this stuff in, it sends back your W&B and takeoff speeds within about 30 seconds (I believe this does not actually go to our dispatch but rather to an automated computer program). For landing it also figures out your speeds and landing distances, both factored and unfactored.

Holy Toledo 03-19-2008 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by XtremeF150 (Post 343649)
Just curious if you mean they are designing the EFB for you guys...Compass already has them in several of their 175's.

We aren't using the same unit as Compass.

This one is being designed by a company called DAC as the previous poster said.

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