Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc JO

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"Mesa came in and had buttsex with you against your will."

No. If Mesa had come in and had buttsex with me I would have stabbed Mesa with my prison shank.
Quote: 1) Your wrong, not a 400 hour wonder. Been a captain for almost a year now.

2) You have posted many comments regarding your desire to see us lose business/our jobs so that you can "get back what's yours." That flying was never yours to begin with.

3) Does the word "buttsex" bother you that much? Much more appropriate that the four letter word I wanted to use.
1- You sound like a 400 hour wonder, grow up.

2- It's because of people like you, people do not like Mesa and it's Pilots.

3- I did not say you took any flying from us or it was our flying to beging with, check your facts.

4- If you like "buttsex", thats your business, I do not care about your orientation.
Quote: 1- You sound like a 400 hour wonder, grow up.

2- It's because of people like you, people do not like Mesa and it's Pilots.

3- I did not say you took any flying from us or it was our flying to beging with, check your facts.

4- If you like "buttsex", thats your business, I do not care about your orientation.

Post # 5956. Certainly reads as though you blame Mesa for Comair's misfourtune, just as I said you did.


Post # 9: Blaming Mesa again. Have you been taking blame shifting lessons from JO? Can't you just admit Delta has been screwing you? Now your management is jumping in, and ALPA is doing nothing about it.

Not our fault. Sorry to hear about the furloughs. Hopefully those who want to come back, can (soon), and the rest find work elsewhere.
he/she doesn't have to be a 400hr kid to talk like that. Could just be that he/she is young. Have you all seen how many early 20yr old capts/FO there are these days? Many are great capts and good sticks but some act THEIR AGE away from the cockpit.
We all got into this industry to do what we love.
We dont need to point fingers or wish ill on others or put down company policies/procedures because of the uniform they wear. If your not happy with contracts/pay/QOL, tough. This is the nature of the business right now. Whether your at GLA,MESA,FedEx or Southwest you all knew the conditions of the company you applied/work for. All this bickering about how mine is better than yours is garbage. "Cowboy up" and fly. If you dont like it leave. Many of our airline bro/sisters who are on the street will gladly fill your spot.
Mod note:

Let's keep the discussion professional and respectful please. TOS says:

"We're all here primarily to discuss the piloting profession; we all share in the good and the bad that this industry has to offer. Please use the "good neighbor" policy when posting to this site. If you wouldn't say it to your neighbor face to face, than don't say it here"

Keep the personal attacks off the forums. Thanks.
He started it.
Mesa stock down to $0.18, Citibank will layoff 50,000 people. Its going to be a bumpy ride. Most of us in the airline industry will not have jobs in the next 3 months.
That's a pretty brash statement! While I have no doubt as the economy plays out its downturn there will be reductions in demand for travel and subsequent pain in our industry, I think its a bit far-reaching to say "most of us in the airline industry" will lose our jobs, especially in the next 3 months.

Do expect more bad news and furloughs through '09, though.
Quote: Mesa stock down to $0.18, Citibank will layoff 50,000 people. Its going to be a bumpy ride. Most of us in the airline industry will not have jobs in the next 3 months.
Well it looks like Paul Foley is doing his job.
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