SKW guys/gals - a question

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Quote: Probably not, I think a union would do more harm than good at SkyWest. When I compare my interactions with crew support, my chief pilot and payroll to that of any of my buddies at union carriers I come away thinking that I'm very lucky to both have that relationship AND not have to give somebody 2% of my paycheck. Just my .02
Have we lost more than 2% of our total compensation I'm the last couple years?
Quote: Have we lost more than 2% of our total compensation I'm the last couple years?
Compared to whom? We got a raise (albeit a small one for those less than 5 years of longevity) in 2007. The way it breaks down, we have competitive pay and much better than average work rules. I just don't see a need for a union here yet
Quote: I just don't see a need for a union here yet

By the time you realize you need a union, it's too late...
for you folks who say no, that's fine, but you will continue to see benefits and QOL disappear.

Duvie...please share your how you think you have a relationship with our management. How can you say we have a relationship when they just stripped us of pretty much all our health care options? We have lost so many things this year all while our cash on hand continues to grow. To me, that's a slap in my face.
Remember we are a "FAMILY" here at skywest, mgmt would never do anything that would hurt any of us pilots, CSAs, ramp agents, mx, etc....

So what is going to happen in 2010....
- 401k match going away?
- reduction or end of performance/ financial awards?
- Maybe even get charged even more to non rev...

It is interesting that Skywest inc is going after the health care at ASA too even thou it is in their contract...
What I don't get is why skywest switched to an HSA. My guess is for saving money and lowering costs? As far as I know, skywest isn't losing money by any stretch, and is in fact making money. With almost $1 billion in cash, why all of a sudden try to get cheap now?
Quote: What I don't get is why skywest switched to an HSA. My guess is for saving money and lowering costs? As far as I know, skywest isn't losing money by any stretch, and is in fact making money. With almost $1 billion in cash, why all of a sudden try to get cheap now?
It's the stay competative in the market. It is hard to compete and make a profit when you have RAH giving money to everyone and airlines like xjt flying at a loss to keep airplanes flying.
simple...they know they can. They are not losing money by any means. I've heard a lot of numbers tossed around but it looks like SKW will save 20 million dollar a years by only offering the CDHP. 20million a will take 4 years to pay for that UAL loan.
Quote: It's the stay competative in the market. It is hard to compete and make a profit when you have RAH giving money to everyone and airlines like xjt flying at a loss to keep airplanes flying.
Pretty sure RAH has a PPO and a cheap one at that. How about bringing up the on going lawsuit with a particular Capt that was wrongfully terminated. They seem to be spending lots of money for NOTHING. There are many ways to cut costs while still taking care of the employees that make this company run. I wish I could meet you could look me in the eyes and tell me you think this company is living up to their moto.
To those that would rather do in-house rather than join ALPA, IBT, etc.

Airlines are already in-house unions with individual MECs and basically run indie pendent from the main organization. ALPA and IBT basically provide help when asked. Lawyers for contract negotiation, for instance. However, the main body doesn't influence your individual union very much, including contract negotiations. They're only there to help.

In the end the union is only as good as the employees it represents. Some regionals have very good unions while others don't. Usually you see the bigger operations with more "lifers" have a better union because people there are willing to put in the work to make it that way. However some operations that the majority are just there to get the time and move on to a major get walked all over by the company. This is more to do with the apathy of the local union than anything the national end has ever done.

I think that since SKW is made up of a high percentage of "lifers," is a large group, and has (from what I've seen) some of the best folks in this business, a union will do very well for its members. Regardless of it's affiliation.

My personal opinion is though ALPA national is not in itself very affective, it does offer good benefits to the local unions that has the ability to make a better tomorrow for themselves.

However SKW has done very well for itself without a union and probably would continue to do so. In the end, if the health insurance thing is such a big deal then they will stop getting top-notch pilots to fill the classes. If that's something they truly want, then they would keep the benefits compeitive. Of course, if they don't want or care for the "top 10%" then there's really no reason for them to pay for it.
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