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Ziggyfuzz 12-01-2009 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by CaptKrunch (Post 713896)
I must not be understanding your statment. How does running a turbine engine at idle create less heat than having it off all together?

Actually, what you're all talking here is metalurgy. It is more beneficial to have the engine run more than not. This keeps the number of expansion/contractions of high presure/low tolerance components to a minimum. Which is even more important than just temperatures. Mainly, it is consistent temperatures that increase engine life, and, just like an old car (even new ones but we all need instant gratification) these engines will have seriously reduced wear on them by allowing them to "warm up" for a bit before givin it the juice for T/O. Tha one engine that sat cold until just a minute or two before t/o will have the more signs of wear than the one that has time to "warm up" before hitting the pos n hold.

uafurlough 12-01-2009 01:38 PM

I got the thanks but no thanks also. I have 4300 hours in a CL-65 (2750 pic), 8900 tt, and was a DLCA. I only applied because I live in one of their domicile's.
I applied in Nov. 22nd and got the email today.

Aquapilot 12-01-2009 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by uafurlough (Post 719634)
I got the thanks but no thanks also. I have 4300 hours in a CL-65 (2750 pic), 8900 tt, and was a DLCA. I only applied because I live in one of their domicile's.

When did you guys apply?

theaviator 12-01-2009 03:53 PM

I just got "Thank you for your interest in Air Wisconsin Airlines. To be considered for the First Officer position, please submit a current resume." Anyone else get the same?

dashtrash300 12-01-2009 05:02 PM

I applied 11/18 and have heard nothing. My application status still says "not reviewed." No email yet...I applied with the mins

dashtrash300 12-01-2009 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by uafurlough (Post 719634)
I got the thanks but no thanks also. I have 4300 hours in a CL-65 (2750 pic), 8900 tt, and was a DLCA. I only applied because I live in one of their domicile's.
I applied in Nov. 22nd and got the email today.

I am not saying that you are but do you not think you are over qualified? I got turned down for a 135 operation because I had too much multi engine time and was "over qualified" according to the chief pilot.

Meerkat 12-01-2009 05:39 PM

We all know what going on!!!! If you don't have Inter. Rec.

Meerkat 12-01-2009 05:44 PM

View Application Status

11/19/200909-0841CRJ FIRST OFFICER Not Being Considered At This Time
5/18/200808-0121CRJ FIRST OFFICER Selected Another Candidate

Flyguy01 12-01-2009 05:45 PM

Alright bud give it up on the internal rec. rambling. It’s another way of controlling cost, and not hiring knuckle heads.

Bubba 12-01-2009 05:45 PM

Applied 11/19, application "not reviewed" as of today (12/01/09)

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