Will PNCL go a decade without a contract???

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Quote: Are you hearing they are going to split pay scales? With Mesaba's seniority list being upside down this could have some negative repercussions. One of those being 900 junior FOs being immediately displaced with the possibility of a pay cut for those FOs. If everyone is reported to make small gains in this deal as well as keeping their current equipment seat, a split FO rate could upset this balance. It would not surprise me if they did not split FO rates.
They need to split the FO pay scale. A combined scale isn't good for anyone. Even if the prop rates are a "little" higher than others the jet rates are FAR below others. Getting good rates for each plane is a good way to go. Also the seniority list wont be upside down for long. I would imagine within a year of getting the seniority lists integrated everyone will be where their seniority can hold. (and no i am not talking about bump and flush or any of that other garbage.)
Quote: You always have the right to strike... I believe you guys and gals have earned it after 7 years.
Not under the RLA. You must continue to work status quo until the expiration of the 30 day cooling off period, which apparently these poor guys aren't in.
Quote: Jayray - they are indeed proposing to split the pay scales. Unfortunately we'll just have to deal with the repercussions (senior saab guys making less than junior 900 guys). This has to be done now and small sacrifices like this will allow huge gains overall. I really hope they don't compromise on this, but the company could be a stumbling block here. However, if it means accepting 75% DH pay, lower perdiem and trivial little things all to get the payscales split, I'll be all for that.

I suspect the company tries to get the union to agree to dual qual. Secondly, Jayray that's the seniority system and how it works. For the last year and change the guys still on the Saab have been making less and dealing with drastically worse schedules because of the Saabs going away; the guys/gals on the jets have artificially enjoyed better pay and schedules due to the different fleet types. Overall the split of the FO scales is better for us as a whole and your seniority will dictate what you can bid as it always has.
Quote: I suspect the company tries to get the union to agree to dual qual. Secondly, Jayray that's the seniority system and how it works. For the last year and change the guys still on the Saab have been making less and dealing with drastically worse schedules because of the Saabs going away; the guys/gals on the jets have artificially enjoyed better pay and schedules due to the different fleet types. Overall the split of the FO scales is better for us as a whole and your seniority will dictate what you can bid as it always has.
I can promise you dual qual is coming. They made us agree to it before they gave us ta1. Whats worse is the pilot group was supposed to vote on the contract and then magically after the contract passes there was going to be an LOA on dual qual. There has to be a reason they wanted us to vote on that contract without us seeing the dual qual language they wanted. Fortunately the ta didn't pass. Unfortunately we never got a chance to see how they wanted to run dual qual. It would have been nice to get an idea of what we will be seeing when this next ta comes around.
Quote: Are you hearing they are going to split pay scales? With Mesaba's seniority list being upside down this could have some negative repercussions. One of those being 900 junior FOs being immediately displaced with the possibility of a pay cut for those FOs. If everyone is reported to make small gains in this deal as well as keeping their current equipment seat, a split FO rate could upset this balance. It would not surprise me if they did not split FO rates.
There won't be displacements because of this because it won't come to a free for all bid, if senior FOs bid the 900 slots there would have to be a vacancy and they would probably incur a seat lock.

Split rate is necessary, XJ management has riden the backs of the FOs for years because of that combined rate.
Quote: There won't be displacements because of this because it won't come to a free for all bid, if senior FOs bid the 900 slots there would have to be a vacancy and they would probably incur a seat lock.

Split rate is necessary, XJ management has riden the backs of the FOs for years because of that combined rate.

I think he is referring to all the Saab FO's that will be displaced with the Saabs going away and subsequently bidding new positions.
Quote: I think he is referring to all the Saab FO's that will be displaced with the Saabs going away and subsequently bidding new positions.
I thought about that too, but that's going to happen regardless, not because of split rates on FOs.

And depending on when that happens and the quality of our displacement rights, most of the senior FOs will probably take Saab Captain slots and Q400 Captain slots not 900 FO.
Quote: I thought about that too, but that's going to happen regardless, not because of split rates on FOs.

And depending on when that happens and the quality of our displacement rights, most of the senior FOs will probably take Saab Captain slots and Q400 Captain slots not 900 FO.

That may be true in the other bases but I know most of the MSP FO's won't upgrade unless it's in MSP.
Quote: That may be true in the other bases but I know most of the MSP FO's won't upgrade unless it's in MSP.
We'll see, passing up an upgrade is a risky business.

But everybody has their own situation.
Quote: We'll see, passing up an upgrade is a risky business.

But everybody has their own situation.
Never, never pass up an upgrade. For example some wouldn't take a J31 upgrade and waited on the Saab. Those that took a J31 upgrade went to the left seat of the Saab when the J31 was retired. The more senior Saab FO's got bypass pay, but missed out on the PIC time. Which might be good from a certain point of view, but PIC time is important as well.
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