Prefered Minimums???

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Soryy for the question if it's a dumb one, but for starving CFI's I have noticed that a lot, if not all of the regionals have been going to prefered minimums in parantheses like this 1000tt 500me (Prefered minimums).

Is that super secret not let the public know that we are hiring folks WELL BELOW posted mins so get your stuff in? One company that I am keen one who had space shuttle mins did this recently and are now interviewing, hiring at below 500tt. Just wondering.
Quote: Soryy for the question if it's a dumb one, but for starving CFI's I have noticed that a lot, if not all of the regionals have been going to prefered minimums in parantheses like this 1000tt 500me (Prefered minimums).

Is that super secret not let the public know that we are hiring folks WELL BELOW posted mins so get your stuff in? One company that I am keen one who had space shuttle mins did this recently and are now interviewing, hiring at below 500tt. Just wondering.

Which is that company who is Hiring at or below 500, if U don't mind sharing with us.......
I'm honestly scared if someone's hiring below 500.

Hell I know I didn't need to be in a jet cockpit at 700 when I got hired....I can only imagine the size hole I would have made at <500.
Quote: I'm honestly scared if someone's hiring below 500.

Hell I know I didn't need to be in a jet cockpit at 700 when I got hired....I can only imagine the size hole I would have made at <500.
A hole big enough to fit about 52 other folks with you.
Quote: I'm honestly scared if someone's hiring below 500.

Hell I know I didn't need to be in a jet cockpit at 700 when I got hired....I can only imagine the size hole I would have made at <500.
C'mon Saluki.... Now pls don't start this low time pilot in a jet cockpit & captain doesn't like low time FO & all that, debate all over........

We are using this new thread to find who else is out there hiring at 500 besides eagle..

So, pls keep this thread to what it is intended......
Quote: prefered minimums in parantheses like this 1000tt 500me (Prefered minimums).
As long as they don't mind if I put this on my application:

Pay required: $80,000 per year (preferred minimums)
Quote: Which is that company who is Hiring at or below 500, if U don't mind sharing with us.......
PSA, Piedmont, Eagle, Mesaba, Pinnacle- if you went to one of thier prefferred colleges you don't even have to interview, they just give you a class date, That's all for now. So does anyone know the answer or have I already answered the question?
Quote: PSA, Piedmont, Eagle, Mesaba, Pinnacle- if you went to one of thier prefferred colleges you don't even have to interview, they just give you a class date, That's all for now. So does anyone know the answer or have I already answered the question?
In other words, these days the preferred minimums are only for the purpose of writing on the web sites, to show the insurance company that the management is trying to get people with those hours, but have to hire from what ever applications they get....
Quote: In other words, these days the preferred minimums are only for the purpose of writing on the web sites, to show the insurance company that the management is trying to get people with those hours, but have to hire from what ever applications they get....
Thanks man.
We can argue about 500 pilots all we want. But I hope nobody is an advocate of hiring grads straight out of school with not even an interview... as long as they didn't get too many C's in class.
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