Trans States

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Quote: Everyone is throwing numbers around about pilots per plane and I read TSA has roughly 60 planes and 500 pilots. The Airline Pilot Central "info" page lists roughly 80 "planned" airplanes and firm orders of 50. It also says "goal" is 1200 pilots. Are those numbers accurate?

Can anyone give an update on how many planes and pilots are at each domicle?
That and go jet still stinks.
Quote: Mesa can staff them because they have brand new 70 seaters, fast upgrades and bases in Texas. All we have are broken planes, double check your pay for that cancellation pay!
Not to brag or anything. But these last two days, I flew two airplanes with no nef or mel's. You can say things are getting pretty serious.
Does Trans States have a plan to get these American birds datalink? It is almost impossible to do a 25 min turn, get a bag sheet, and call for manual w/b in 25mins!
Quote: Not to brag or anything. But these last two days, I flew two airplanes with no nef or mel's. You can say things are getting pretty serious.
That is great to hear.
Quote: Does Trans States have a plan to get these American birds datalink? It is almost impossible to do a 25 min turn, get a bag sheet, and call for manual w/b in 25mins!
I've accepted that it is impossible. Especially in Canada when you try to dial out and some lady in French is barking at you on the other side.
What are the travel benefits with TSA for family members?
Quote: Where did I say this is all we need?

Open up your iPad. Go to comply, check the recent op specs revision. Count the number of aircraft on the op specs. You'll see it's right around 60.

We have, depending on the day a few reserves in each base. Key phrase depending on the day...most days last month we did have a few reserves on each side. This month it's been hit or miss, once again, depending on the day.

So do the math...we have maybe 420 ACTIVE line pilots. That's 7 crews/airplane. You have 15 planes to go with the ability to still park some of our current ones, I believe.

15 x 7 = 105 pilots at the current levels we are, which is enough to run an airline. Figure another 150 pilots for attrition. That number doesn't include those still in training. We may be tight on staffing, but the airline is going to keep turning whether you like it or not.

Did you not look at the performance numbers last month? We cancelled flights mainly for weather and/or maintenance. Not crews.

Do your homework first. Until you give some real numbers, you're just running your mouth.
I hate to tell you but your math is wrong. Using your numbers we have 7 pilots per airplane. 420 active pilots/2 = 210 crews. 210 crews / 60 planes = 3.5 crews per airplane which is very inadequate.
Quote: What are the travel benefits with TSA for family members?
Buy them a ticket seriously. Otherwise they'll be in the terminal all day. They have to pay a base fee per leg. Plus $50.00 each person each year for enrollment.
Quote: Buy them a ticket seriously. Otherwise they'll be in the terminal all day. They have to pay a base fee per leg. Plus $50.00 each person each year for enrollment.
My parents and enrolled friends have gone all over the world on my united passes.
Quote: My parents and enrolled friends have gone all over the world on my united passes.
International travel is a lot easier. Plus most family members want to travel during the busy season domestically.
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