Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: with the innovative minds at DAL thinking outside the box oil refinery. Now I know why DAL hires FAs with cat farms.
You just can't get them to think outside the litter box.
Its football Saturday and that last page was a personal foul.
Oversized jpg's are a 15 yard penalty.

Quote: A Jesse post without underboob? What a waste.

See my reply to FtB...

Oh, how's that popularly elected Federal Deficit doing? Partisanship and pandering a problem? The US Government is your model of business efficiency? Can you show me a business in which the shareowners elect the Board, CEO, and management team?

We're not talking about the power to make war, print money or change what is defined as "human rights." We're talking about doing the business (read economics) of the Delta pilots. Our governance structure supports that better than any of the alternatives (APA direct election/Teamster's Business agent, etc.) that I've seen.
I find your point a little unclear - you seem to defend and ridicule the current system of electing union officiols at the same time. MEC officers have always been elected by the Reps, but Reps by the pilots at large. Are you suggesting you do not favor this system, or it is not the best form of democratic governance? What would you do if you were king?
Quote: No kidding. I'm not opposed or in favor of an idea like that, it would depend on the reasons.

I am not sure how a representational election versus a general election is better or worse for the membership. I'm all for improving how the union functions, but I'm not in favor of change just for the sake of change.

I do know that my rep is much better informed on the greater issues that are facing the piloting profession, who out there has been doing yeoman's work to improve the union, and also who has the best leadership and management skills to run an organization this size in the most effective manner.

I have had many discussion with people for and against that change. Both make compelling arguments and broadened my horizons on the issue. Having that debate on a larger scale is not a bad thing.
Quote: Seriously AU lost to MISS STATE.. Embarrassed alumnus
Just think, they coulda had Cam if they just upped the ante.

George did a nice job in listing some "wants." I'd like to add as a senior lineholder and commuter that reroutes are normally a bad thing; more legs and release times that block you from commuting home.

If I'm going to work for "The Man" and have to stay an extra night; it should be paid as such and a hotel purchased for me.

Also, more DC contributions. I haven't met anyone yet that said they have too much in their retirement account.

What do you anticipate the COMPANY asking for during negotiations? That's the key. If it causes less positions or movement, I don't think anyone is for that.

Quote: for starters:
  • 6 hrs min pay/day for any company assigned activity.
  • Good progress making vacation go from 3 to 3:15, but vacation should be 6 hrs/day or its not really "vacation"
  • Training 6 hrs/day to have equal pay to protect line-holders and reserves alike.
  • Sitting in a hotel, in the back of a plane or short-call is for the company, thus should fall under the 6 hrs/day minimum
  • Sign-in after 22:30 reduces to 3:00 min for that day as does a release before 10:30 on the last day.
  • Reroute, recovery and all other non-scheduled flying beyond the footprint of the original rotation is payed at double time.
  • All non-assigned or traded flying lives in one pot and goes in and out with transparency and in seniority order.
  • Bring back the bow-wave.
  • Delta pilots perform at a minimum the same share of JV-flying as the JV-revenue/profit share for Delta. Reviewed annually, 3 month cure. Financial penalties for non-compliance.
  • MBH to DBH needs to be brought up to 1.92 or greater to really capture the 25% reduction of DCI.
Quote: ACL,

George did a nice job in listing some "wants." I'd like to add as a senior lineholder and commuter that reroutes are normally a bad thing; more legs and release times that block you from commuting home.

If I'm going to work for "The Man" and have to stay an extra night; it should be paid as such and a hotel purchased for me.

Also, more DC contributions. I haven't met anyone yet that said they have too much in their retirement account.

What do you anticipate the COMPANY asking for during negotiations? That's the key. If it causes less positions or movement, I don't think anyone is for that.
Keep the list going

No idea but we have a standing merger and negotiating committee for a reason. We also are going to keep P2P stood up as well. Means we all should keep our heads in the game.
Well you know we are going to be back in contract negotiations by March, so we've got to get that list ready!

Hey, when's the next contract survey?

I want to change some of my answers!
What a finish to the Arkansas game!!!
Crazy day of college football!!!!
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