Jetblue and ALPA election

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Quote: You really need a new set of talking points, because Herndon sent you a bad set. SWAPA, APA, IPA and the IBT all lobbied for more restrictive rules. ALPA was in bed with the industry and had a bunch of Congressmen, Senators and their staffers who busted their cans to get us something better REALLY steamed.

ALPA came to the party kicking and screaming only after they were forced to by the other groups demanding something better.
They've gotten too cozy with legislators and are more interested in not rocking that very private boat as opposed to looking out for their dues-payers first.

ALPA has lost it's way.........
Fundamentally speaking if anything else, PLEASE Vote NO to the AFL-CIO machine's aviation tentacle. This evil octopus is destroying capitalism as we know it, one corporation/state/country at a time. Wake up and keep the tentacles out of this company while it's still profitable, growing, and well-beyond tolerable. In-House is the only option that will BEST serve the interests and desires/needs of B6 pilots! PERIOD! I don't care if the In-House drive failed before, SO DID THE LAST F'IN ALPA DRIVE! Make an In-House drive count this time and do it right - Get in bed with the boys and girls at SWAPA to get a lay of the land as far as framework, structure, and financials to get the ball rolling. This isn't rocket science; the B6 model and culture isn't too far off from SWA. I'm so tired of seeing the apathy of educated professionals. ALPA has become a big show, and I think the many who've actually worked for an ALPA carrier and have been hosed on ALPA's watch realized this long ago.

Your Company pays you, not ALPA. Poorly-managed, weak Companies with poor business models do whatever they need to do to survive when the wheels start falling off. All ALPA can do is file a grievance and burn through your money to make you feel they're actually trying to settle the issue... meanwhile, you still got hosed and they usually settle with a cease and desist or a modest make-whole payout of pennies on the dollar... that is, if they don't negotiate (settle) away pending grievances during contract time. Yep, it's happened. When the Company is no longer thriving, guess where they cut the fat from first!? B6 is still and will continue to be a thriving, growing, and profitable Company. Don't let ALPA get in there take 1.95-2% of what you work hard for, in return for empty promises. Instead, invest that money and make even more while doing your part to stimulate our economy.

This is just my opinion and I felt the need to share it with you before another one falls into the ALPA web. Call me a moron, hater, call me whatever you like. I'm not anti-union for a needed application, but I do not personally support ALPA anymore based on my first-hand experience and those of many colleagues of mine. Follow the money, your dues money... then find a toilet to ralf in... Is it really worth it? Get to a toilet Now!

In-House is! Write-In JBPU?

One more can to condsume, then bed...
Quote: Your Company pays you, not ALPA.
Although ALPA did not hire you and doesn't pay your salary, they sought and obtained the right to fire you if you don't pay them. It is understandable to charge shop-fee's to non-members, but obscene, communist thuggery to seek the ability to fire people you neither hired nor pay.

IMO, THAT is the real ALPA (domination and financial strangulation to protect self-interest).
Quote: SWAPA, APA, IPA and the IBT all lobbied for more restrictive rules.
You mean AFTER those unions were leading the charge to change age 60 to age 65 while ALPA was till opposed to it at that time?
Quote: You mean AFTER those unions were leading the charge to change age 60 to age 65 while ALPA was till opposed to it at that time?
Really? APA, SWAPA, IPA and IBT were all leading the charge to change the retirement age to 65? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't remember that. Are you sure?

Quote: Really? APA, SWAPA, IPA and IBT were all leading the charge to change the retirement age to 65? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't remember that. Are you sure?
Come on, Carl, don't be disingenuous. SWA pilots were the ones who originally set up the organization who initially lobbied for the change. You know that. Perhaps SWAPA wasn't technically responsible, but they didn't come out against it.
Quote: You mean AFTER those unions were leading the charge to change age 60 to age 65 while ALPA was till opposed to it at that time?
You're kidding, right? I clearly remember APA, at least, fighting the good fight ALL the way to the end. This while ALPA conducted a survey, and disregarded that the majority of respondents wanted ALPA to maintain its stance against age 65. However, they did do everything possible to justify their change in position, to try and legitimate how the desires of the few dictate the policy of the many...
Quote: Come on, Carl, don't be disingenuous. SWA pilots were the ones who originally set up the organization who initially lobbied for the change. You know that. Perhaps SWAPA wasn't technically responsible, but they didn't come out against it.
Try to stay on topic Fishfreighter. Here is what I posted again for your review:

Quote: Really? APA, SWAPA, IPA and IBT were all leading the charge to change the retirement age to 65? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't remember that. Are you sure?
Your statement about me being disingenuous is non-responsive to my question. Please post where "SWA pilots were the ones who originally set up the organization who lobbied for the change."

Quote: You're kidding, right? I clearly remember APA, at least, fighting the good fight ALL the way to the end. This while ALPA conducted a survey, and disregarded that the majority of respondents wanted ALPA to maintain its stance against age 65. However, they did do everything possible to justify their change in position, to try and legitimate how the desires of the few dictate the policy of the many...
That's my recollection as well. APA was totally against age 65 from my memory.

SWAPA has been leading the charge on raising the age to 65 since the 80s and they boast of leading the charge to raised the age.
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