$5000 sign on bonus at Eagle

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$5000 will go a long way to pay back your loan for your RJ Transition Course.
I would think a supposed ex military guy wouldn't have a complex. How about we just give you the bonus to join us and screw the rest of the new hires. Or how about we screw the guys on property and give a bonus to new hires. How about in six months they bump it up to 10 grand And screw us all. Are you upset you can't get in anywhere else. we're you promised the 5 grand when you interviewed here?
Quote: So what special place are you going to?
Corporate job flying Gulfstreams..
Seriously congrats for you. Was it flight safety? Are they Alpa. Because I know the military isn't. Good luck in the civilian world. When most people being effected by something have a different opinion then you perhaps you should look into why and not come out guns blazing. Are you used to honor and respect from superiors? Welcome to corporate America.
you all suck
now that hurts.
Easy there fellas. Let's throttle back on the insults. Remember, think first, then post. Not the other way around.
It's because of the accelerating pilot shortage.

Just saw a Japanese company needs over 100 737 captains. No 737 type rating required. No time on a 737 required. Never saw those types of offers 5 years ago.

I am not even involved with the American Eagle shenanigans that's happening right now, but I can almost 99% agree that this promise of a bonus won't hold up in the long run! PLEASE don't anyone accept a job with Eagle based on this promise. Most likely, after arbitration, you will get shafted on this deal. I have seen it happen three times in my career, and no new hires have won. You will not only have to do muuuuuuch paper work; but if you do get paid out, you will then have to alter your earned income for next year! Chances are, you will be found to have not earned this money (if the union wins,) and then you will create much more paperwork and almost certainly have to hire a CPA to help resolve the drama caused by the company.
Someone should take the money, throw a badass party, and then quit.
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