Ric still projects 2.5/6

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Quote: Jesus.

I go away even for a couple of days and the obsession continues..........and folks, no matter WHAT you think of ME, there IS a serious sickness in play before your eyes here with this poor guy.

Even when I don't comment, in his world, it's obviously eaglefly, eaglefly, eaglefly................and more eaglefly. Everything bad about Envoy is because of eaglefly. In fact, everything apparently IS eaglefly. It seems I've permiated deep into his psyche and subconscious. I'll bet tonight at this very moment he is asleep.....actually, many nights he probably tosses and turns ruminating over eaglefly, but let's assume for arguments sake, he's asleep this time;

His significant other (or teddy bear whichever is applicable) is hearing soft moans, saying : eaglefly.............eaglefly............eeeeeeagl eflyyyyyy.

Significant other : Honey, honey..........are you OK ? Wake up.

The psychologically afflicted (groggily waking) : Huh.........Wha.........2.5 and 6, 2.5 and 6...........polly want a cra......er, uh.....what....where am I ?

Significant other : You're having a bad dream.

The psychologically afflicted : Oh..........yea, jeez. OK,.......I'll be Ok, I guess. That damn boogyman, again.

Significant other : Boogyman ?

The psychologically afflicted : Uh..........well, don't worry about it, I'll be OK.

The forum should note the PA has now added his latest false claim he attributes to me to stave off the nightly horrors in that I validate the 6 year flow claim. Never happened and review of my posts will prove that. What I DID say, was that it was too far out time wise to be of valid consideration, at least IMO.

I guess anything to keep the demons away on those dark, cold nights.

Seriously, dude. You're out where the busses don't run. Get help while there's still a chance.
Does anyone else think I might have sent eaglefly over the edge? Maybe we should call the police to do a wellness check on him. Does anyone know where his compound is?
Somewhere in Texas, but you'll never find him. The place is coated in tinfoil.
Quote: Does anyone else think I might have sent eaglefly over the edge? Maybe we should call the police to do a wellness check on him. Does anyone know where his compound is?
Ask his buddy ag386 to check in on him. You know ag386...the fake Envoy pilot that never was who attempted to spread lies and got eaglefly really giddy. Only to watch eaglefly go into a tailspin when he was exposed as a fraud who doesn't work at Envoy.

For a fun refresher:


Things start to fall apart at post #47 when I first call him out on his lies. And then eaglefly leaps off the cliff at the last two pages.
Quote: Jesus.

I go away even for a couple of days and the obsession continues..........and folks, no matter WHAT you think of ME, there IS a serious sickness in play before your eyes here with this poor guy.

Even when I don't comment, in his world, it's obviously eaglefly, eaglefly, eaglefly................and more eaglefly. Everything bad about Envoy is because of eaglefly. In fact, everything apparently IS eaglefly. It seems I've permiated deep into his psyche and subconscious. I'll bet tonight at this very moment he is asleep.....actually, many nights he probably tosses and turns ruminating over eaglefly, but let's assume for arguments sake, he's asleep this time;

His significant other (or teddy bear whichever is applicable) is hearing soft moans, saying : eaglefly.............eaglefly............eeeeeeagl eflyyyyyy.

Significant other : Honey, honey..........are you OK ? Wake up.

The psychologically afflicted (groggily waking) : Huh.........Wha.........2.5 and 6, 2.5 and 6...........polly want a cra......er, uh.....what....where am I ?

Significant other : You're having a bad dream.

The psychologically afflicted : Oh..........yea, jeez. OK,.......I'll be Ok, I guess. That damn boogyman, again.

Significant other : Boogyman ?

The psychologically afflicted : Uh..........well, don't worry about it, I'll be OK.

The forum should note the PA has now added his latest false claim he attributes to me to stave off the nightly horrors in that I validate the 6 year flow claim. Never happened and review of my posts will prove that. What I DID say, was that it was too far out time wise to be of valid consideration, at least IMO.

I guess anything to keep the demons away on those dark, cold nights.

Seriously, dude. You're out where the busses don't run. Get help while there's still a chance.
LMFAO. That was actually pretty funny, McFly! You certainly have creative talent. I'll bet there once was a time that you were cool to hang out with. Might even be fun to go have a beer and get to know your humorous side even better. Unfortunately, I don't drink with trolls and you don't seem to have much of a life outside of your beloved chat rooms. Nevertheless, if our paths ever cross, I will certainly buy you the first beer and give you a big bro hug!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. May next year bring you joy, filled with thousands of pathetic posts aimed at crushing the spirits of happy and aspiring envoy pilots everywhere!
Quote: LMFAO. That was actually pretty funny, McFly! You certainly have creative talent. I'll bet there once was a time that you were cool to hang out with. Might even be fun to go have a beer and get to know your humorous side even better. Unfortunately, I don't drink with trolls and you don't seem to have much of a life outside of your beloved chat rooms. Nevertheless, if our paths ever cross, I will certainly buy you the first beer and give you a big bro hug!
Thanks !

I laughed as much writing it as you did reading it and let's face it, the world needs a little more humor these days. As for your assumptions about me, I realize bias leads some to assume things that aren't true. In fact, the point of the post (which seems to have slipped by you) was the fact I hadn't posted in a couple of days (me having no life and all), yet those who escape equal criticism from those sympathetic with their goals kept right on going in their harangue against me even in my absence. I guess, they must have more of a life then me outside this forum, yes ?

Quote: Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. May next year bring you joy, filled with thousands of pathetic posts aimed at crushing the spirits of happy and aspiring envoy pilots everywhere!
I'm crushing the spirits of happy and aspiring envoy pilots everywhere ?

That's an interesting claim. For those pilots not at Envoy and aspiring to go there, I'm not impeding them and from the looks of it, there aren't that many anyway. I've consistently said any pilot who is interested in Envoy to just do their due diligence so as to go there with their eyes OPEN, as opposed to many already there with them closed.............along with their ears. For those already at Envoy, their spirits are in far more peril from many of their fellow pilots on the forums and in person singing a more depressing tune I ever sang, but again I realize bias is a powerful motivator. As for my tune ?

It's been consistent. IMO, the 2.5 year upgrade claim doesn't hold water when to meet it, 2/3 to 3/4 of the present F/O's have to upgrade in a short 18 month window. I suppose one could go ostrich, but that's not my fault as I'm not the one repeatedly bolstering dubious claims, but even the SOS are backing away from that claim as even though it's occasionally repeated, they know too, it's extremely unlikely. As for the 6 year flow that one of the SOS (who you'll notice virtually always travel in a pack like jackals and arrive about the same time) actually claimed I validated, that is absurd, but predictable. You see, they've run out of ammo and so all that's left is personal attack, deflection and disinformation. Again, 6 year flow ?

Think about that. My question is, how can you place any weight on such a claim when it involves a regional airline whose parent won't even make any commitment to it beyond the next few months, let alone quantifying 2022 ? From what I've heard, that will be the future, i.e., a rolling short-term flying allocation commitment, so IMO, NO claim of any future specifics regarding this issue is possible. That's not my fault, but I guess denial is more comfortable place to rest your cap. What's pathetic is the level of Stockholm Syndrome mixed with Battered Wife syndrome that has warped many there (but not all) into supporting the B.S artists like the SOS here, but vilifying anyone who questions that B.S.

Hey, Merry Christmas to you..................really. May Santa and the New Year both bring you a better ability to decipher reality and B.S. so as to better control your future.
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