318 Tools at Flexjet Vote Union Out

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^^^^^^^^Don't feed the troll.^^^^^^^^^
Quote: That right there says something: unions don't listen. Neither does the market place. Have a nice day!
Hiring may not be affected by for/against decert because union members have little input into hiring. But at most airlines training is done by Union members. Just read a post by someone who ran into a Flex pilot at a major airport. He was told by that pilot the usual stuff about how they're short 60 pilots, the ones that are getting hired are bottom of the barrel quality wise, etc.

But what was new was that a pro-decert pilot who got on with SWA flunked out of training. Seems the union members doing the training didn't cut him any slack. I'm guessing a "little birdie" got the word to them about who he was. If what this Flex pilot said is true it doesn't bode well for pro-decert Flex pilots who want to move on to the majors. And again if true, that Flex Pilot now has a huge black mark on their record.

At NetJets a Union Pilot sits on the hiring committee. They don't have any input into who gets an interview, but any committee member can "blackball" a potential new hire.
Quote: Hiring may not be affected by for/against decert because union members have little input into hiring. But at most airlines training is done by Union members. Just read a post by someone who ran into a Flex pilot at a major airport. He was told by that pilot the usual stuff about how they're short 60 pilots, the ones that are getting hired are bottom of the barrel quality wise, etc.

But what was new was that a pro-decert pilot who got on with SWA flunked out of training. Seems the union members doing the training didn't cut him any slack. I'm guessing a "little birdie" got the word to them about who he was. If what this Flex pilot said is true it doesn't bode well for pro-decert Flex pilots who want to move on to the majors. And again if true, that Flex Pilot now has a huge black mark on their record.
Sounds possible but pretty far-fetched. Almost nobody at any major even knows about the de-cert (ALPA did send a email, but other than that nobody knew). Frankly most care even less about fractional intramural affairs than they do about regional intramurals (unless they came from there).

I personally would not be in favor of hiring someone of that ilk, but once hired it would be a stretch to illegally sabotage their training and send them to the breadline.
Quote: This is so comical I had to sign up to comment. Can’t stop laughing at all you Union morons! Go to work and do your job, no union needed. The part about the other airlines blacklisting Flex guys, Hahahaha. There won’t even be enough pilots to fly for all the crappy US airlines here shortly, yet they’re going to blacklist?! Yet another way of showing how dumb pilots are. Oh, not to mention, you have no idea who voted what way. It’s very easy to lie to someone and tell them you voted for the union. I mean come on, with most of the horrible personalities that pilots have, almost everyone must lie in their interview about who they are. Hahaha, can’t stop laughing at the stupidity of you all! I’ll go back to my glamorous life now, please keep up your whining, it’s making me laugh everyday and laughter makes you live longer.
This is an example of the negative attitude some pilots have at Flexjet. For the most part everyone gets along regardless of their opinion. There are pro union and anti union pilots that I enjoy flying with. And then there are people like this guy, who have a great deal of hated and animosity towards their coworkers who happen to be pro union. Being pro union doesn’t make someone evil or a bad pilot, but this guy would make you think that. And the company is equally at fault by encouraging this behavior and harboring a division amongst the pilot group. It adds a layer of stress and anxiety to the job that is unfortunate. It’s something that the company needs to work on.

Generally speaking you’ll fly with mellow and down to earth pilots, but there are a few that thrive off of a “you vs me” attitude and excel at butt kissing and ratting out coworkers. This guy is one of those.
Quote: And the company is equally at fault by encouraging this behavior and harboring a division amongst the pilot group. It adds a layer of stress and anxiety to the job that is unfortunate. It’s something that the company needs to work on.

Generally speaking you’ll fly with mellow and down to earth pilots, but there are a few that thrive off of a “you vs me” attitude and excel at butt kissing and ratting out coworkers.
I would guess that the company is almost completely at fault. Management gets the union or pilot group they deserve and Flexjet is no exception.
Quote: But what was new was that a pro-decert pilot who got on with SWA flunked out of training. Seems the union members doing the training didn't cut him any slack. I'm guessing a "little birdie" got the word to them about who he was.
That is complete BS...there is a large Network of Flex pilots at SWA and there is NO truth to that statement. The Flex pilots have a good reputation at SWA and they want to keep it that way... Spreading crap like that around is not productive. Like the ex Flex pilot who says he will blackball anyone from Flex who is known to be a decerter. We already know who that jackhole is...
Quote: Hiring may not be affected by for/against decert because union members have little input into hiring. But at most airlines training is done by Union members. Just read a post by someone who ran into a Flex pilot at a major airport. He was told by that pilot the usual stuff about how they're short 60 pilots, the ones that are getting hired are bottom of the barrel quality wise, etc.

But what was new was that a pro-decert pilot who got on with SWA flunked out of training. Seems the union members doing the training didn't cut him any slack. I'm guessing a "little birdie" got the word to them about who he was. If what this Flex pilot said is true it doesn't bode well for pro-decert Flex pilots who want to move on to the majors. And again if true, that Flex Pilot now has a huge black mark on their record.

At NetJets a Union Pilot sits on the hiring committee. They don't have any input into who gets an interview, but any committee member can "blackball" a potential new hire.
The idea of blackballing or intentionally failing a new hire due to a personal vendetta should be shunned by all and result in the instructors immediate termination.
A crew member either meets standards or doesn’t. There is no grey area or slack to be given. To set him up for failure or take out your issue out on him is unacceptable beyond reason.

What’s next.....new hires fail because they are black/white, democrat/republican, pro-choice/pro-life, gay/not gay? Where does it end? Apparently we can ruin a mans career cause he didn’t support Temasters.
Quote: That is complete BS...there is a large Network of Flex pilots at SWA and there is NO truth to that statement. The Flex pilots have a good reputation at SWA and they want to keep it that way... Spreading crap like that around is not productive. Like the ex Flex pilot who says he will blackball anyone from Flex who is known to be a decerter. We already know who that jackhole is...
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm also skeptical of what this Flex Pilot said. That's why I put qualifiers in the post. And I agree that any SWA instructor who put more stringent standards on someone over union issues would be putting their job at risk. I'm curious if a Flex Pilot washed out of SWA training for legit reasons and got this story started.

SWA is also fond of NJA pilots, I've lost count of how many have gone there. There was a news article some time ago speculating that Warren Buffet was looking to buy an airline, perhaps SWA. We were convinced if he did it'd be to stop the exodus of NJA pilots over there
SWA is also fond of NJA pilots, I've lost count of how many have gone there. There was a news article some time ago speculating that Warren Buffet was looking to buy an airline, perhaps SWA. We were convinced if he did it'd be to stop the exodus of NJA pilots over there
Very true. They need guys that are accustomed to sitting in the right seat for a decade.
Quote: This is an example of the negative attitude some pilots have at Flexjet. For the most part everyone gets along regardless of their opinion. There are pro union and anti union pilots that I enjoy flying with. And then there are people like this guy, who have a great deal of hated and animosity towards their coworkers who happen to be pro union. Being pro union doesn’t make someone evil or a bad pilot, but this guy would make you think that. And the company is equally at fault by encouraging this behavior and harboring a division amongst the pilot group. It adds a layer of stress and anxiety to the job that is unfortunate. It’s something that the company needs to work on.

Generally speaking you’ll fly with mellow and down to earth pilots, but there are a few that thrive off of a “you vs me” attitude and excel at butt kissing and ratting out coworkers. This guy is one of those.

I don’t even work at LXJ, but thanks for proving my point about stupidity. Clearly a union dope.
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