Regret it yet?

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"Regret it yet?"

No! Thanks for asking though.
Quote: Just to be clear, Reps fly the line. It isn't like the Admin or committee positions with regards to FPL. I seriously doubt any of them are doing the job for that reason. Ask any former rep, especially of a large council how much "fun" it is...

I am not saying that they shouldn't be recalled, I just don't think it should be because they aren't "flying the line."
When they get recalled it's going to be because when they were flying the line they weren't paying attention.
Are you bitter yet? The pilot group has spoken. The pilot group has resolve, which is why still 4 months early we are not panicking. The airline is still earning record profits. Q3 guesses?
Zip,zero no regrets.Hey Mantooth should I be buying Gold?
Quote: Zip,zero no regrets.Hey Mantooth should I be buying Gold?
Curly, oops I meant Mantooth, cant hear you. His head is stuck deep into sand because the sky is falling.

Curly, grow a freakin pair bro! Stop trying to sell out your profession.


Regrets?? No. To the contrary - quite happy that our line pilots were sensible enough to deflect such a lame poisoned spear lobbed at us by our own officers.

Did you really think in this age of cell phone video and social connectivity that you would get away with such "friendly-fire" incidents, and claim victory, all the while expecting us to praise you and promote you?

You really are "that" guy, who just can't see what's really in the mirror, aren't you? Wow.
The Saudis may have to depeg from the dollar. That would be very bullish for Delta. Although, the general market may soften, DAL customers are generally well insulated against recession, as we clearly saw in the last recession. The resulting lowering of costs should well offset any hits to revenue.
Quote: That global economy free fall may have just been a 3 day correction. The markets are bouncing back this morning.

I hope, instead of panicking, that you were thinking of buying yesterday afternoon, instead of pulling your hair out and berating everyone who doesn't agree with you.
Maybe not on buying yet
Quote: Hey Mantooth should I be buying Gold?
Bwhahah. More soup too! Don't forget it's time to reinforce the tinfoil hat.

These doom and gloomers never quit.
Quote: Bwhahah. More soup too! Don't forget it's time to reinforce the tinfoil hat.

These doom and gloomers never quit.
The hypothetical "Black swan events" were the bedrock of Moak's fear campaign to get the pilot group to accept far less at the negotiating table.
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