New Website for Application

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Quote: On the new website, does it allow you to practice before taking the test or is it better to buy Cut-e software from a third party website like to practice? Thanks!
I did 1 month of and thought it was well worth it. There is also a free cut-e site The old pilot credentials site allowed you to practice each test for with a similar short example to be sure you understand the instructions. Not sure if anything changed on the new site.
If you got the TBNT email, does anyone know if they changed the eligibility to reapply timeframe to 6 months from what was previously 1 year? Also do they lock you out of the new application site if you try to keep the app up to date before becoming eligible to try again?
Hey guys, I made a new resume and had no trouble uploading it but I can’t seem to delete the old one. I’m just getting an error code when attempting to delete it and save and submit. Any help would be appreciated.
Quote: Hey guys, I made a new resume and had no trouble uploading it but I can’t seem to delete the old one. I’m just getting an error code when attempting to delete it and save and submit. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm having the same issue uploading documents for my interview. I went in recently and found that all of my documents have been uploaded twice. When I go to delete 1 it deletes both copies. I tried to save and just try again uploading everything once but I am getting an error code. I think there is something wrong with the attachment section of the application. I have heard of other people having issues, luckily this is my first issue with the new system. I plan on explaining it to the recruiter during my zoom interview.
Quote: Hey guys, I made a new resume and had no trouble uploading it but I can’t seem to delete the old one. I’m just getting an error code when attempting to delete it and save and submit. Any help would be appreciated.
Same challenge here. I mentioned it at the video interview on Monday and no one seemed to mind. The interviewer also wasn't able to delete anything.

Updating your resume, in moderation, is usually is a good thing that shows interest. I added a date to subsequent files to remove confusion.
Hi everyone,

Regarding previous/current addresses, there is no option to select current address as primary residence. Just a start and end date. What date did everyone put for current address? Date you submitted application or make a date up in the future?
Quote: Hi everyone,

Regarding previous/current addresses, there is no option to select current address as primary residence. Just a start and end date. What date did everyone put for current address? Date you submitted application or make a date up in the future?
If it is your current address...don't put an end date, then submit.
How long's the wait for the online assessment after completing the app? I submitted a month ago on a PC with Chrome and browsing history/cache cleared. I heard the assessment email is automatic so I don't know what I'm missing at this point.
Quote: How long's the wait for the online assessment after completing the app? I submitted a month ago on a PC with Chrome and browsing history/cache cleared. I heard the assessment email is automatic so I don't know what I'm missing at this point.

best I can work out is there is not an answer to your question. For example, I updated my app and then received the email they were going forward with my application 8 days later.
Anyone else get an email today subject "Additional Information Needed on Your Application". Curious if that's just an automated email everyone received.
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