Why do the airlines provide such bad service?

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Quote: The problem is not flight attendants, or agents or baggage handlers, its the powers that can't or won't lead, motivate, pay for, or envision providing a quality product. This management style is not unique to this industry nor the only one failing to keep up because of it. As long as employees are considered an expense rather than an asset, your going to have this downward spiral of service and product relative to more enlightened management styles that reward long term investment in people and give the customer a reason to buy for other than price. Don't expect any near term improvements, the CEO class is doing just fine, thank you. All you got to do is see how they reward themselves, as far as they are concerned, everything is peachy!
Pretty much this, and I don't think it's the FIRST time you've said it in the thread.

Airlines have management, NOT leadership.

The post 9/11 and BK eras simply made the industry more bottom line/cost management orientated than ever.

And as far as the domestic market goes, it just simply doesn't matter. It's been proven by multiple airlines, it DOESN'T matter how poor the product is, people STILL buy tickets.
Quote: De nada....I always have and always will have a very special place in my heart for the men and women who serve this country!

You go, Lucky! Great post and good on you for business and its employees. I wish you much continued success. Sounds like a class operation.
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your comments.
Quote: Another swiiiiiiing and a miss. You REALLY need to run down to the SA store and buy yourself some.

AND,the 1960s called....they want their FA stereotype back. (Dear Lord, what in God's name makes you think MEN are the ONLY passengers on overseas flight) who may (if they have arrested development) or may not give a rat's assssss on what a FA looks like. You do realize women are now pretty involved in the international business world and do get to ride on shiny planes across the world, right?

BTW, you'd be more credible if you actually quoted me or addressed me directly, instead of your "some on here." I guess being a PILOT makes that beneath you.
You seem like a great gal (or perhaps a guy? but I doubt it)...but, would you not agree that we have a huge (no pun intended) problem with an entire class of entitled, let-themselves-go, don't-care, "Flight Attendants are here to save your a$$, not kiss it!"-bumper-sticker sporting flight attendants in this country? And due to the lawyers, our companies can't dream of firing them, absent a mass murder conviction.
I'm sure there are some bad apples, just like in every work group. Honestly, as I've said numerous times I can count on one hand the less than satisfactory experiences I've had on US carriers. I've also had some crappy ones on foreign airlines. (I hate to say it, but wonder if foreign FAs give better service to male passengers than female ones)..
If crew members are burnt out and don't enjoy the job anymore, they absolutely should leave. You either LOVE being a FA or HATE it....no in-between.

I also grow tired of hearing of the foreign airlines who can legally discriminate against those who aren't "attractive, young or thin." Again, is that what US citizens want?? Do we REALLY want to go back to the days where that was legal? Here's a little secret I'll let you in on. Airlines DO discriminate against older candidates, especially those with experience. Of course they hire a few here and there, but most are rejected even though they show up to an interview dressed and groomed EXACTLY as they should be and provide the correct answers to the interviewers questions, mingle with the other candidates, etc. Do you know why they're rejected? It's NOT because of their physical attributes or their age, per se. It's because they want people they can "mold" their own way (which is code for newbies who are naive to the business and won't question things.) It's a shame they think that way as FAs who've been around a while know exactly how reserve works, how to commute, etc. and most older folks have a great work ethic. Many newbies either quit within a year (most in less time) or get fired since they miss their boyfriend, their mommy, their dog, didn't think being told they'd be flying on a holiday applied to them, report late to a flight for whatever reason, etc. . Also, why do some believe young means attractive, thin and friendly? It has absolutely nothing to do with it, as you know.

Airline management has cut things close to the bone and made life pretty miserable for all (except the management ranks). Is that a reason to provide bad service? Absolutely not....but everyone's idea of "good service" is different. I only want a decent disposition, someone who keeps the passengers safe and treated equally, and someone who I feel is capable of commanding an evacuation. I don't need to look at a pretty or handsome face, a killer body, a person no older than 35, etc. --- but that's just me. I always board a flight with a smile, a hello to the crew, take my seat and follow all the instructions, say please and thank you, and wouldn't you know I get treated pretty damn good every time. (I NEVER throw out that I'm a FA as I think they sometimes feel you're looking or some special treatment.) However, if they find out I get treated even better...sometimes with free snack boxes or a sandwich or cocktail tossed my way.

BTW, I am a great gal....lol
Quote: I've done a lot of first class miles and I'm smart enough (I think) to recognize the differences in service.
Agreed. "[Y]ou probably know good service", just like I said. I'm not sure why I needed to get a tour through your wallet and your logbook to make this point clear. You'd beat me in a 'card off', but it'd be close.

Quote: BTW, you'd be more credible if you actually quoted me or addressed me directly, instead of your "some on here." I guess being a PILOT makes that beneath you.
I think you said it best, yourself:

Quote: Another swiiiiiiing and a miss.
My posts refer to anyone who has little experience giving or receiving premium customer service in the airline industry. If the shoe fits, wear it.

For the record, I wasn't referring to you specifically. It's clear that you, on the other hand, are attacking me personally. Stay classy. And do it via PM, please.
My..my nerves are getting touched all over the place!

When comments are being made about how someone should look, what they do for a living, how old they should be, etc, etc, what type of responses would you expect?

I certainly would not expect all responses to be in the realm of; “why thank you for all those negative and enlightening comments.”

I would be ready for some strong comments in response and expect them.
If you folks think it's bad now ,close your eyes and imagine what flying will be like 10 years from now .
I think this might help lighten the mood.

Why do the airlines provide such bad service?
GoAir Airline recruits women to save fuel


Sexy Flight Attendants Sell More Seats

poor leadership
poor leadership
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