New TSA Thread

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Quote: No kidding its a silly idea. There is speculation bassed on some semblance of logic and creative interpretation and then there is stuff like this.

Why are people so eager to buy into it and were the crap did it come from?
Think this was thought up because of the negotiations with the company to attract new hires. Word on the street is that AWAC is not going to fair well in the long run and pilots try to put two and two together. They made one too many jumps to a conclusion that doesn't make any sense.
Quote: I agree that United is a little late to the game with the wholly owned situation. And eventually will be in UA's best interest to evolve the CPP into something better. Although I don't think that it will happen anytime soon since there is no slowdown of new hires both at UA and C5 (depending on why you think the CPP is meant to accomplish).
C5 is not having trouble because of the quick upgrades. Once it gets to the point where you don't have the quick upgrade, hiring will slow just like it did at TSA. Like I said, we were supposed to take 120 total airplanes from UA and AA including some of the XRs you are getting, but were unable due to our inability to staff. Good luck getting to 60, you'll need it.
Quote: Well yay, I guess my career is made now, lottery won. Ill be a 777 captain in no time.

Time to throw out my logbook.

I say we hold out for DOH integration...senior guys go from the ERJ to a 777
Quote: UA already put money into and has a large ownership in C5 (just under 50%). A couple of C5 board members are from UA (2 of 5) and you will never see anything official from either company. That's the reason for the under 50% ownership by UA. A lot of key players at C5 are from UA or CO.

We were also told by the boss that UA will not outright buy a regional. It appears that was done once before under the CO name and it did not turn out very well. They seem to want something that they can wash their hands of if they need to.
C5 may be private, but UAL is not, and any significant investment in another entity would have to be disclosed to the stockholders. And C5 wouldn't be the first regional to have mainline management on its board of directors. Its happened many times before.
Anyone have a good contact number or email you can PM for getting our personal records from TSA? Records person or HR person.. I worked there over 10 years ago. Thanks!
Quote: C5 may be private, but UAL is not, and any significant investment in another entity would have to be disclosed to the stockholders. And C5 wouldn't be the first regional to have mainline management on its board of directors. Its happened many times before.
That's why 40ish% is not significant and why they chose that amount.
Quote: That's why 40ish% is not significant and why they chose that amount.
CA had a $225 million valuation in 2006. I don't think a public company can just throw $100M away without telling their shareholders.
Quote: That's why 40ish% is not significant and why they chose that amount.
The SEC would disagree with you...Northwest did the same years ago with Mesaba and it was only a 20% stake and it was reported to stockholders. Since Sarbanes Oxley and Enron you can't fart in a publicly traded company without filing a report with the stockholders.
Quote: I say we hold out for DOH integration...senior guys go from the ERJ to a 777

Oh yeah totally. Good call, I mean pilot shortage right. Thats just around the corner. Legacy tsa captains will be picking airplanes like a guy picks a sandwich. Just gotra hold on to the ole medical.

Just a heads up. Apparently a large number of people called out sick today and now crew scheduling is writing people up for it.
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