Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: I would do this:

I would say to the company...

Our union leadership has clearly stated and clearly defined the objectives of this round of contract negotiations. Two of those stated (and published) goals are No reduction in profit sharing and an Increase in W-2's.

I would show that the survey results clearly show this what the pilots want. They won't settle for less.

I would let the company know that under the MEC leadership the union has had "contract roadshows" and warned members to have reserve cash on hand in case a strike vote is required. Family members have been briefed and union members are prepared to do what is required for a "historic" contract.

I would remind the company of the sacrifices the pilots have made in order to contribute to the company's success.

I would remind the company the the union has embraced "constructive engagement", however, that is a two-way street and perhaps it might be time to change the union's methods of negotiation.

I would then, quietly, under my breath, say "Look, almost half the pilots wanted to vote ALPA off the property a while ago. If you don't throw us some bones then ALAP WILL be voted off property. And you probably won't like the new union as much as you like us."

Of course NONE of above is happening...

But I can dream right?

Say hello to C2015:

Split duty periods
Pay banding
Longer training freezes
Increased sick leave scrutiny
Reduction in profit sharing
More large RJs
Increased Reserve utilization
Increase in Line Holder utilization

wait for it....

4/3/3/3 percent pay increases.
Great post except for the more large RJs. APA and the American pilots closed the door on that right to Doug Parker's face. Our insiders are weak, but they will not go there.
Quote: Since you know him so well go ahead and list 10 major improvements Mike sees in C2015. And make his position public on reducing profit sharing.

IMO you will do nothing of the sort. You will talk in circles and stand for nothing. Mike works behind our backs. He and his inside admin friends think they know better and line pilots just need to be patted on the head.

"Taking risk off the table" will be one of many cram down cost neutral
talking points for the C2015 sell job.

"Taking risk off the table" equals cost neutral.
I won't even begin to attempt to speak for Mike. He has made his positions very clear in person, and in writing, both as C44 chairman and in the various committee positions he has held.

Jerry, you and I have flown together. I enjoyed a 5 day trip with you out of DTW on the 320 probably 5 years ago. I KNOW that you are a great guy to sit next to for an entire trip and I admire your enthusiasm for seeing things improve/return to where this career once was.

All that said, I really think you're getting spun up over the wrong things. I have yet to see anything remotely resembling a planned "cramdown".

The requests for pilot participation are genuine. Everyone involved has high expectations for C2015. Anything else is speculation and paranoia at this stage of the game.
Quote: No. It is trading in something that may be worth less than it is today for something that is worth more. It's not a raise, to be sure. It's just changing the variable part of our pay.
I think its vital that we do C2015 first, including pay rates, signed sealed and delivered, and only then do we even consider "adjustments" to profit sharing as a separate issue.

The real value to the company in all this IMO is to obfuscate the numbers by combining everything into one impossible to bifurcate huge ball of over cooked spaghetti.

No scope concessions of any kind, some degree of scope recapture at ALL levels is mandatory, and pay raises should stand on their own, and we'll need across the board work rule/QOL increases (hopefully free of embedded concessions or "productivity"). Once we're done with that, we can then look at PS and decide if any "trade" offered is really worth it.

If the company balks at that, and they will, I think it would be because they value the complexity of an overly complicated deal for the sake of itself because their professional negotiating team of lawyers sees specific value in the tactic.

C2015 should stand on its own with PS a side issue. Blowing 2.5B and counting on a one time flash in the pan "return to shareholders" could very likely come back to bite us hard down the road. But as long as they are doing that, and by admission carrying 2.5B in added debt because of is (that much they could have paid off almost immediately resulting in permanant cost reductions) there is zero rationale for reducing profit sharing.
Quote: I would do this:

I would say to the company...

Our union leadership has clearly stated and clearly defined the objectives of this round of contract negotiations. Two of those stated (and published) goals are No reduction in profit sharing and an Increase in W-2's.

I would show that the survey results clearly show this what the pilots want. They won't settle for less.

I would let the company know that under the MEC leadership the union has had "contract roadshows" and warned members to have reserve cash on hand in case a strike vote is required. Family members have been briefed and union members are prepared to do what is required for a "historic" contract.

I would remind the company of the sacrifices the pilots have made in order to contribute to the company's success.

I would remind the company the the union has embraced "constructive engagement", however, that is a two-way street and perhaps it might be time to change the union's methods of negotiation.

I would then, quietly, under my breath, say "Look, almost half the pilots wanted to vote ALPA off the property a while ago. If you don't throw us some bones then ALAP WILL be voted off property. And you probably won't like the new union as much as you like us."

Of course NONE of above is happening...

But I can dream right?

Say hello to C2015:

Split duty periods
Pay banding
Longer training freezes
Increased sick leave scrutiny
Reduction in profit sharing
More large RJs
Increased Reserve utilization
Increase in Line Holder utilization

wait for it....

4/3/3/3 percent pay increases.
That's a guaranteed NO vote from me and likely a card being sent. I don't think they are going to TA something that weak. I think the pay raise "numbers" will be a good bit higher, however much of it could be "paid for" in other areas.
Quote: I won't even begin to attempt to speak for Mike. He has made his positions very clear in person, and in writing, both as C44 chairman and in the various committee positions he has held.

Jerry, you and I have flown together. I enjoyed a 5 day trip with you out of DTW on the 320 probably 5 years ago. I KNOW that you are a great guy to sit next to for an entire trip and I admire your enthusiasm for seeing things improve/return to where this career once was.

All that said, I really think you're getting spun up over the wrong things. I have yet to see anything remotely resembling a planned "cramdown".

The requests for pilot participation are genuine. Everyone involved has high expectations for C2015. Anything else is speculation and paranoia at this stage of the game.
It would be great if that was the way things really work at DALPA. I always hope for the best, but you can't ignore what goes on around us.

Some of the reps have changed, but the admin insiders King fired are all still there.

I recently spoke with a pilot who talked at length with Captain Hanson at an ATL Pub event. Mike was adamant that we MUST further reduce profit sharing.

First off, Pub events are for leaders to LISTEN, not lecture.

Second, what Mike wants doesn't matter. It is what is in the survey that matters.

Why should we expect a different result with the same players?
Quote: I won't even begin to attempt to speak for Mike. He has made his positions very clear in person, and in writing, both as C44 chairman and in the various committee positions he has held.
I sent the following email to Mike 19 days ago. So far... nothing but crickets.
__________________________________________________ _

Captain Donatelli:

I read your most recent Chairman's Letter with interest. Specifically, the following quote intrigued me:

"We intend to negotiate with this company as one united group, bent on achieving the greatest contract in airline history."

I'm sure you realize that our current pay rates are a 34% cut in buying power compared to the buying power we had in 2004 with our C2K rates. To fully restore a 34% cut, it requires a 51% increase. That's the straight math on it. Now, I realize our current contract has some features that make an "apples to apples" comparison to C2K difficult. But bottom line, in order to achieve "the greatest contract in airline history" we are going to need something in the neighborhood of a 50% increase to our W2's.

I guess my question to you is this. Did you really intend to say that? Do you really mean it?

We've spent the past 10 years acting as if we do not expect anything even remotely like what it would take for restoration. Is that changing going forward?
Quote: Since you know him so well go ahead and list 10 major improvements Mike sees in C2015. And make his position public on reducing profit sharing.

IMO you will do nothing of the sort. You will talk in circles and stand for nothing. Mike works behind our backs. He and his inside admin friends think they know better and line pilots just need to be patted on the head.

"Taking risk off the table" will be one of many cram down cost neutral
talking points for the C2015 sell job.

"Taking risk off the table" equals cost neutral.
Leine was right. you are delusional. The thing he left out was that you are a delusional one trick pony.

"Cost neutral"... lulz. Saying it so often would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Quote: Leine was right. you are delusional. The thing he left out was that you are a delusional one trick pony.

"Cost neutral"... lulz. Saying it so often would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Good thing we are getting a 3% hourly increase this year and next during record profits. That, my friend, is top notch negotiating. Or am I making that up?
Quote: Good thing we are getting a 3% hourly increase this year and next during record profits. That, my friend, is top notch negotiating. Or am I making that up?
Yeah Jerry. you're right. I am HOPING we can get 4/8/3/3. As weak and spineless as our guys are, we'll be lucky to get that.

Try decaf.

I'll bet you shoot a 58 when you are in the clubhouse too.
Quote: I won't even begin to attempt to speak for Mike. He has made his positions very clear in person, and in writing, both as C44 chairman and in the various committee positions he has held.

Jerry, you and I have flown together. I enjoyed a 5 day trip with you out of DTW on the 320 probably 5 years ago. I KNOW that you are a great guy to sit next to for an entire trip and I admire your enthusiasm for seeing things improve/return to where this career once was.

All that said, I really think you're getting spun up over the wrong things. I have yet to see anything remotely resembling a planned "cramdown".

The requests for pilot participation are genuine. Everyone involved has high expectations for C2015. Anything else is speculation and paranoia at this stage of the game.
"Mike" wasn't c44 chair. When he became the DALPA master chair, I was one of his cheerleaders. That said, I haven't seen him say anything in person or in writing that makes me think the legal department isn't running the show.

If you could share any quotes, either written or spoken, that give specific examples of improvements he seeks I would love to read them...specifics
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