Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

18875  19375  19775  19825  19865  19871  19872  19873  19874  19875  19876  19877  19878  19879  19885  19925  19975 
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Quote: Yep he would’ve been fine if he’d either just left when given the chance at the aircraft or clammed up in the interview. Lots of lessons here.
Police/interrogators are allowed to lie in their investigations....who really knows if that would have actually been the end of it....
Quote: Maybe a stupid question because an addict is an addict and you shouldnt believe one, but is it possible this kid has some weird disease or problem that would allow him to hang on to the alcohol so long?

He seemed pretty confused as to how he could still be drunk even with options to get out
There have been cases where supposedly some people have a disorder/gut bacteria which causes certain sugars to turn into alcohol causing certain foods to actually lead to a BAC. No idea to the actual prevalence of this.....but it is an explanation that his lawyer could explore.
The main problem is that denial of a problem/situation is a major symptom the alcoholic condition.
Quote: There have been cases where supposedly some people have a disorder/gut bacteria which causes certain sugars to turn into alcohol causing certain foods to actually lead to a BAC. No idea to the actual prevalence of this.....but it is an explanation that his lawyer could explore.
The main problem is that denial of a problem/situation is a major symptom the alcoholic condition.
Auto-brewery syndrome. Quite rare but also likely underdiagnosed.
Quote: Did anybody catch the part where the interviewer says that when he first approached him in the cockpit he offered to let him go as in just remove himself from the trip and go home? It was only after he refused to remove himself they opted to the for the breathalyzer.
That “offer” was absolutely a cop fishing expedition. No way they were going to just let him go home before a breathalyzer. They just wanted to see if he’d take the bait.
NEVER talk to 5-oh without a lawyer present. Seriously.
Quote: NEVER talk to 5-oh without a lawyer present. Seriously.
This, I was in disbelief watching that video.
When bidding vacation, where can we see our relative seniority for the vacation bidding cycle?
Quote: When bidding vacation, where can we see our relative seniority for the vacation bidding cycle?
I believe the system takes a snapshot of your relative seniority in category this month (ie: Jan.)
Pay question: I've got a 9 day that spills about 50 hours into February. I also have training for a new a/c that starts in the middle of the February continuing into March.

I plan to get a regular line in February. Is it safe for me to assume I will be paid the 50 hours plus the daily training rate for the 15 or so days that I'll be training in February?

Thanks in advance
Quote: Pay question: I've got a 9 day that spills about 50 hours into February. I also have training for a new a/c that starts in the middle of the February continuing into March.

I plan to get a regular line in February. Is it safe for me to assume I will be paid the 50 hours plus the daily training rate for the 15 or so days that I'll be training in February?

Thanks in advance
Yes. You don't likely even need to bid, as your credit will already put you into the lcw.
18875  19375  19775  19825  19865  19871  19872  19873  19874  19875  19876  19877  19878  19879  19885  19925  19975 
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