Originally Posted by sailingfun
Can someone at Atlas explain how you are ending up in arbitration? Under the RLA both sides must agree to enter arbitration.
From the ABA primer on the RLA:
3. Mediation.
At any time in the direct bargaining process under section 6,
EITHER party can invoke the mediation services of the National Mediation Board under section 5 of the Act. Mediation is usually invoked as the parties approach the final or most difficult issues. Invocation of mediation is often used as a delay tactic by a party less interested in early agreement. From that point on, the parties continue to bargain, albeit in the presence of an NMB mediator. The mediation is indefinite, sometimes more than a year. The National Mediation Board decides, in its sole discretion, when the parties will be released from mediation. Litigation to compel the Board to release the parties from mediation has been uniformly unsuccessful