AA offers 9 Billion !!!

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Quote: The timing of all the improved TAs around us, after having Rejected TA1, will have played a major factor in our TA being voted down.

Thanks to the timing with UA, AA, DL and SW contracts, for the first time in a long while, we are pulling our collective head out of our purple a$$ and looking around the industry.

48 hours to know if we have the courage to match our brethren pilot groups who mostly fly daytime, for much less profitable carriers, who said NO to TA1, and have clearly demonstrated, today, that turning down TA1 is often a necessary step in the RLA process to achieve our stated openers.

Congrats to the AA pilot group! For standing strong.
I think it’s more their representation that got this changed almost immediately after the United TA. Imagine having representation that isn’t willing to give up. Meanwhile, on the FDX side, when the company negotiators walk in the room, our NC and MEC roll over like a little lap dog and **** all over themselves in fear. Flipping disgraceful. Good for the AA guys though. They fought hard and got what they deserve.
Quote: turning down TA1 is often a necessary step in the RLA process to achieve our stated openers. [/b]

Congrats to the AA pilot group! For standing strong.
Haha you think our union is really gonna tell us right away?? My guess is Tuesday at the earliest...
Quote: for the record, I do care about our pilot group, I don’t give a rats ass what a Delta guy thinks about the contract…my comment was in response to the statement that you were AFRAID you’d be a laughing stock among other pilots…sounds insecure. It is ridiculous to say the per pilot expenditure is reduced by their cost savings, because that does not come out of your pockets….what do you care if the company finds an efficiency…if they went to a fleet of electric vehicles, would you be entitled to some of the savings?

Again the name calling and vitriol…you guys are trying to turn it into a class war. Because you won’t engage in reasonable debate, without ugly accusations is the precise reason a lot of folks won’t cast their lot with you.
How about an efficiency where less pilots are needed per aircraft? Would that be ok with you? Oh wait, R16 does that... You probably don't give a rat's ass about that because it won't affect you all that much. You probably think the cargo cutout is good too, huh. Guys, we really should be doing 24 hour duty days just like Atlas and Kalitta because we need to help the company be more efficient.
Quote: Do you care what others think? Look at the per pilot…expenditure….
Jakal, were you here for the vote when we gave up 7CH to 6CH trip pay? How did our group allow that to happen?

And honestly man, I really wish I was voting Y on this TA and that it was a resounding win for our entire pilot group, senior and junior alike. I would have liked nothing better than this to be a huge win, right on the first try vs. the company's legal/negotiating team. But as we have known from the beginning, that was a long shot at best. You might realize that if this TA fails, as seems to be hinted to happen, your NC failed you by giving away so much of our future brother's and sister's careers here, that they put the solid win of our nice pension bump for guys like you, and all of us, in complete jeopardy.

And for that reason, TA2 must include all pilots from amendable date, even you Jakal .

We are stronger than we think, we have more leverage than we realize, and the company needs us going into this Peak. UPS poised for big strike.

Yo' Yuko, what time is it?
Quote: Jakal, were you here for the vote when we gave up 7CH to 6CH trip pay? How did our group allow that to happen?

And honestly man, I really wish I was voting Y on this TA and that it was a resounding win for our entire pilot group, senior and junior alike. I would have liked nothing better than this to be a huge win, right on the first try vs. the company's legal/negotiating team. But as we have known from the beginning, that was a long shot at best. You might realize that if this TA fails, as seems to be hinted to happen, your NC failed you by giving away so much of our future brother's and sister's careers here, that they put the solid win of our nice pension bump for guys like you, and all of us, in complete jeopardy.

And for that reason, TA2 must include all pilots from amendable date, even you Jakal .

We are stronger than we think, we have more leverage than we realize, and the company needs us going into this Peak. UPS poised for big strike.

Yo' Yuko, what time is it?

First, thank you for a more civil tone. A lot of the other posters here call people whose support they will need in the future if the TA fails “Cowards”, “Weak-ass *****es”, and “Boot licking ‘Yes’ voters” to name a few. That sort of attitude does not engender cooperation and reeks of fratricide.

Secondly, because I differ in my outlook, everyone is assuming I’m retiring soon. I’ll most likely see the amendable date to any follow on contract unless it takes tremendously long to get it, and it is of ridiculously long duration. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.

The 7 CH to 6 CH change was in the first Contract….when it changed from a non-contractual Flight Crew Handbook to the First Contract negotiated by FPA….I was hired under that contract. If you read the FDX contract history on the website, that happened during the infamous “Parking Lot Deal”… but I wasn’t here, others can correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve tried to stay on point with facts and perspectives I believe to be true, and I’m not offended if you don’t share the same viewpoint. I probably strayed from that when I made the statement “I can smell the fear”…I was trying to make a point…which apparently was wasted breath.

Come Jul 25th whatever the outcome….remember that the people you denigrate anonymously online are people you will not only share a future with, but we must also trust each other in the cockpit. (I am speaking about generically here and not necessarily you specifically). Attacking someone’s integrity, and intelligence does not build a coalition it weakens it.

Hopefully the people who are closer to retirement, will have the poise, experience, and confidence to look beyond the insults levied at them to realize they should not divide the crew force any further, even if they question the maturity, and judgement of those that are claiming that guys close to retirement don’t care about anyone else because “They got theirs”.

I may be wrong, but I am not aware of any contract that retroactively fixed things for anyone who retired during negotiation post amendable date. The only thing I’ve seen close to that is the provision in the TA that allows upcoming retirees the ability to rescind their notification. The only ones who get retroactivity applied to their retirement are the ones who may retire after this TA was agreed to….but I could be wrong on that and I won’t claim that as fact.
Quote: First, thank you for a more civil tone.

I may be wrong, but I am not aware of any contract that retroactively fixed things for anyone who retired during negotiation post amendable date. The only thing I’ve seen close to that is the provision in the TA that allows upcoming retirees the ability to rescind their notification. The only ones who get retroactivity applied to their retirement are the ones who may retire after this TA was agreed to….but I could be wrong on that and I won’t claim that as fact.
I think the AA contract has retro pay to all those who were under the previous contract and retired before their new TA is signed. That would be a great deal at least in the retro pay area.
Quote: How about an efficiency where less pilots are needed per aircraft? Would that be ok with you? Oh wait, R16 does that... You probably don't give a rat's ass about that because it won't affect you all that much. You probably think the cargo cutout is good too, huh. Guys, we really should be doing 24 hour duty days just like Atlas and Kalitta because we need to help the company be more efficient.
Max 18 (if scheduled up to 20, pays premium) hours at Atlas and it needs a crew of 4.
Just wanted to clarify that if someone is basing their vote on duty days.
Gordon Garlock (RIP) spoke at length and understanding about what the 7 to 6 CH would do to our schedules. The FPA officers (some who became infamous management folks) and reps effectively painted a picture that it was an equal thing and essentially a very good pay raise. Gordon was correct in predicting that we would work another day (4 week) or 2 days (5 week). Just because it was before your time or anyone else's, doesn't mean you shouldn't learn about it, how it happened, and the fallout. So, the idea that "our" union would do a hard sell on something that was a definite give back has a precedent from way back when. Somebody made a quote about not learning from history.................
Quote: Gordon Garlock (RIP) spoke at length and understanding about what the 7 to 6 CH would do to our schedules. The FPA officers (some who became infamous management folks) and reps effectively painted a picture that it was an equal thing and essentially a very good pay raise. Gordon was correct in predicting that we would work another day (4 week) or 2 days (5 week). Just because it was before your time or anyone else's, doesn't mean you shouldn't learn about it, how it happened, and the fallout. So, the idea that "our" union would do a hard sell on something that was a definite give back has a precedent from way back when. Somebody made a quote about not learning from history.................
Yeah, but learning from history is for losers. My Dad told me that and he works for Nintendo, so you know it's good. History is for multiple choice tests. We've got progress to burn and money to make...or wait, maybe I got that backwards? Doesn't matter we've been disregarding history for a while now and everything is totally fine...right?
Quote: I think the AA contract has retro pay to all those who were under the previous contract and retired before their new TA is signed. That would be a great deal at least in the retro pay area.
Correct. Anyone with earnings since Jan2020.
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