EGL TA Ratified

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I am a firm (and proud) No voter. How could anybody read through the entire TA and vote YES? My guess is many did not.

It is what it is, at this point. Time to deal with it.
pathetic. union leaders, base rep's most if not all weak and useless.
the biggets useless losers are those who voted for this ta out of fear which is what the mec and management wanted. now the fun begins to see how the furlough protection and pay band works. I see a reduction in staffing in 6-7 months and a lot of pilots flying a larger airplane for less than MESA or GO Jets does.

Another shameful day for eagle (name soon to change) pilots.
someone said tomorrow is monday. Today is monday, tomorrow Tuesday. I will give it a free pass and assume you are saying tomorrow is monday since today is a semi holiday.

I voted no!
Good to know that 75% of Eagle.are spineless pansies. Thanks for lowering the bar, you just made our contract negotiations that much harder here at XJT.
Quote: Good to know that 75% of Eagle.are spineless pansies. Thanks for lowering the bar, you just made our contract negotiations that much harder here at XJT.
I hate this cut as much as anyone, but dude we are in bankruptcy.
Quote: someone said tomorrow is monday. Today is monday, tomorrow Tuesday. I will give it a free pass and assume you are saying tomorrow is monday since today is a semi holiday.

I voted no!
Sorry, that was!!! Yes, today is Monday, tomorrow is tuesday. I think that tomorrow we'll get one of those JW and Danny G emails. Maybe by friday, we will hear something.

I started 14 days off friday, so I don't want the days to past that fast.

Quote: Good to know that 75% of Eagle.are spineless pansies. Thanks for lowering the bar, you just made our contract negotiations that much harder here at XJT.
For XJET, RAH, PNCL, and everybody else.

I voted NO... but whatever, everyone else thinks we will get better planes or have some "furlough protection" which is worthless.
Quote: I am a firm (and proud) No voter. How could anybody read through the entire TA and vote YES? My guess is many did not.

It is what it is, at this point. Time to deal with it.
I'm also a NO vote. But to answer your question, GREED, generation me, I mean the baby boomers, and they sure as hell have rubbed some of their greed dust on the generation below them.
Quote: Good to know that 75% of Eagle.are spineless pansies. Thanks for lowering the bar, you just made our contract negotiations that much harder here at XJT.
ASA pilots will make it impossible for you, don't worry about us
Quote: I hate this cut as much as anyone, but dude we are in bankruptcy.
Don't mind him. He's the same person who wants 9E to fold so he can get an extra 2 bucks an hour...
Shameful that %75 percent of our guys were scared by union blowhards.
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