Republic - Ends Mediation

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Quote: Yes, how unreasonable that they ask for an industry average contract!

First they're attacked for being "bottom-feeders." Then they're unreasonable for asking to be paid industry average.

You're attacked for being "bottom-feeders" because you knew what Republic was all about, and yet you still went to work there. Had you had the conviction you spew all over these forums, you would not have even applied at Republic. The fastest way to get them to change is for guys like you to stop going to work for them. Supply and demand does NOT mean you supply the cheap labor, THEN you demand a better wage!! It means if the place sucks, don't go there. Eventually they will have to improve wages and such to get people to apply. Do you really think they are offering FOs a pay increase because they are being nice? Nope, it's because they understand that it is necessary to continue to get the number of applicants they need. The ironic part is that now it's your own union preventing your FOs from getting the raise they deserve. Sigh...
Quote: RAH is only going through 4 articles....4. Its just about done...
They settled on scope, they couldn't get through - trip and duty rigs, cancellation pay, reassignment or payrates . Doesn’t seem even close to being, “just about done…”

The 4 articles are what? Scope, Pay, Scheduling and ______?

Whether the Company is being unreasonable or not, it seems it's time for a complete new set of tactics and individuals on the Union side.

In such and epic fail, it seems completely reasonable to replace the people involved from top to bottom.

The EBoard has been ineffective (miss "The Slate"), Wilder has been ineffective, Robert Mann has been ineffective and the Negotiating Committee has been ineffective.

I'll never understand why the NC Chair is the same guy who brought us Contract 2003...

Assessment number 2 has ultimately proven to be a burden to the membership and has produced nothing. I suppose a refund is out of the question?
Quote: Yes, how unreasonable that they ask for an industry average contract!

First they're attacked for being "bottom-feeders." Then they're unreasonable for asking to be paid industry average.

You're attacked for being "bottom-feeders" because you knew what Republic was all about, and yet you still went to work there. Had you had the conviction you spew all over these forums, you would not have even applied at Republic. The fastest way to get them to change is for guys like you to stop going to work for them. Supply and demand does NOT mean you supply the cheap labor, THEN you demand a better wage!! It means if the place sucks, don't go there. Eventually they will have to improve wages and such to get people to apply. Do you really think they are offering FOs a pay increase because they are being nice? Nope, it's because they understand that it is necessary to continue to get the number of applicants they need. The ironic part is that now it's your own union preventing your FOs from getting the raise they deserve. Sigh...
What conviction have you seen me spew anywhere? Please share the quote...

Perhaps you should consider that when many of us came here, myself included, we HAD an industry average contract. I can remember when making the decision to come here, everyone attacked Colgan, GoJets, Mesa, and Great Lakes as the places to avoid and have the sage advice to consider one of the "good ones;" Chautauqua, ExpressJet, Skywest, Air Whiskey or ASA.

Over the past 8 years, that sentiment has changed and, 5 years into an expired contract now our average contract is way outdated and below average and we're fighting to make it better.

Please spare me the condescension. We're doing what needs to be done and its insulting to hear someone spout that demanding industry average is unreasonable. If they gave us what we've proposed, our contract would be on par with what's out there and make us slightly better paid than the average, not the highest.

Please educate yourself to the facts before you post nonsense. Our union has in no way prevented our FO's from getting a raise. The company has yet to offer an LOA that we can vote in order to implement a raise.
So at what point can the pilots strike? It seems obvious that management is abusing the process here.
Quote: They settled on scope, they couldn't get through - trip and duty rigs, cancellation pay, reassignment or payrates . Doesn’t seem even close to being, “just about done…”
The contract as a whole is most of the way done. That was in response to the posters statement of "when the majority is done and only sticking points remain." Reread what I posted and look in context.

I also think the needs a wash. It stinks like Buckroe beach at low tide. I also wont argue for a refund of our dues, assesment, and every other dime we gave this union. Anyone who voted yes to it without an end date mystifies me.
Quote: So at what point can the pilots strike? It seems obvious that management is abusing the process here.
You are joking right?
Quote: You are joking right?
No. Just wondering, the wording is kind of vague as to whether this just lets the company get away with raping the pilots for another year, or if it released them. Did it come off as funny?
As I (and others) mentioned, we need a new EBoard, Attorney, Analyst and Negotiating Committee, what we have hasn’t worked and, based on past practice, won’t ever work.

FAPA negotiated 2 contracts. What Frontier pilots have told me is that the first CBA left out stuff because of the rapid growth. In the second one, they fixed the FO parts as the FO’s were going to be FO’s for a while (sound familiar?).

They have trip and duty rigs, CX pay, reassignment language, decent pay, even after concessions, and completed the negotiations in a fraction of the time we’ve spent at it. Even their concessions didn’t touch a work rule and came out OK.

I say, bring in the experienced FAPA negotiators, let them hire their Attorney(s) and Experts/Analysts and see what they can do for us. They can’t do any worse than what we have.

And we all get to vote on the results anyway.
Quote: So at what point can the pilots strike? It seems obvious that management is abusing the process here.
And as long as they have the RLA on their side, management will continue to abuse the process.
Quote: if this isnt an impasse, what is?

what in the h#ll is going on at the NMB! If the IBT357 is pursuing an average standard, yet includes future cost, could that perceived as being unreasonable????

...if I was looking to come here, I'd find any reason to pick another company
ALL I can say is WOW!

Stinky, that is the million dollar question. Is the IBT really looking at an average standard or are they asking for Jetblue type of rates? Obviously, the two parties are way off!

For 3662forlife, you are smoking some good crack if you think FAPA will get involved in ANY of this. Nor do I think the RAH pilots want us involved. You are right that FAPA has been effective in negotiations but this is not our fight. I would be asking my representatives in the union "what is really going on"?

I am on the sidelines cheering for for RAH pilots to get a fair and equitable contract. Good luck to you all.
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