What Pilots are really good at

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Quote: Even better than that when below 10000 in level flight and then assigned a climb, hit FLC or SPEED, then shove the thrust levers up to climb power in one quick motion.
I prefer doing it the other way around: when it's time to descend, hit the speed mode and then yank the levers to idle. Don't forget to put both hands up in the air!
Quote: So lets start the list:
1) Moaning and bi&ching
2) Crying about pay
3) Not doing a damn thing
4) I push the autopilot button better than you
5) My auto land works better than yours

There is my list, whats on yours?

I think that we need to differentiate b!tch lists... they are quite different between the various pilot groups. Above is an airline b!tch list.

Below is a corporate pilot b!itch list:

1) Damn! The caterers forgot to put extra wasabi in my sushi crew meal!

2) Damn these crappy rental golf clubs! Why did the boss have to bring that damn extra suitcase (thereby filling up the baggage compartment forcing me to leave mine in the car...)

3) Damn! The powder base on the slopes in Sun Valley is 2 feet lower this year.

4) What do you mean that I have to commercial air to recurrent training?!? Can't we reschedule maintenance for some other week and take the plane?

5) What?! You want to leave at 7am? Are you sure you don't want to stay in <Insert whatever tropical/resort/exciting destination> until after lunch? You (I) could always get another round of golf in...

6) Damn! I only logged 200 hrs and 50 days of flying this year... How am I ever going to build up my logbook to be competitive with those airline guys?

7) Damn! My brake lines are cut again! When will my airline buddies stop trying to kill me for my job?
Quote: I prefer doing it the other way around: when it's time to descend, hit the speed mode and then yank the levers to idle. Don't forget to put both hands up in the air!

Be sure to pickup the PA and scream "wheeee!". It's even more fun in the Citation... I've seen 11,000 FPM descents before (on an empty flight of course).
Quote: 7) Damn! My brake lines are cut again! When will my airline buddies stop trying to kill me for my job?
Right after we get it!
I'm really good at finding free breakfast...does that count?
Quote: I'm really good at finding free breakfast...does that count?
The pilot's creed:

"If it's free, it's for me!"

(Breakfast, newspapers, peanuts, manuals, government pens, whatever happens to be lying around anywhere...)
Quote: The pilot's creed:

"If it's free, it's for me!"

(Breakfast, newspapers, peanuts, manuals, government pens, whatever happens to be lying around anywhere...)
I know a certain CA that walked to the hotel across the street for their free breakfast since the one we were staying at made you pay for their buffet. A lil' touch of class to go with that jet job. It's actually kind of sad when you think about it though...amusing, but sad.
Quote: Bite you, as in drive you into the ground?
Yeah, if you're not careful. When you hit Speed Mode- in either the ERJ or CRJ, the aircraft will pitch to maintain whatever speed IAS you have selected. So, let's say you're climbing to FL320 with CLB thrust set. You're maintaining oh, let's say 290 KIAS in Speed Mode. When you crank in a higher speed, let's say 320 KIAS the plane will pitch to maintain 320. Even if that means pitching into a dive. I guarantee, it's happened to all of us.

FLC or Flight Level Change, is just a preset climb scheule- in the ERJ. The CRJ doesnt have this neat little feature. It will maintain 240 KIAS to 10,000', then transition linearly to either 260 KIAS or 290 KIAS (depending on aircraft- 135/145 or XR) between 10,000' and 11,000' (or was it 12k?.. hmm, someone correct me.)

VS mode works best..... it won't get you in trouble unless you get too slow. And it won't go making erratic pitch changes when it's bumpy.

If you're ever in a sim, preselct 30,000' and 190KIAS, then hit Speed Mode and firewall it. It's just like a roller coaster ride!
The EICAS 2000 update to the CRJ worked out some of the kinks of speed mode (with CLB and DES modes which prohibit descents during climbs and vice versa), but I still prefer VS or Pitch modes over either Speed or FLCH modes.
Quote: "If it's free, it's for me!"
The pilot's favorite 4 letter F word:

Free or Food.

Put them together (FREE FOOD!) and you've got pilot heaven.
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